World trade report 2014 : trade and development : recent trends and the role of the WTO

The 2014 World Trade Report analyzes recent trade trends, focusing on the role of the WTO in supporting developing countries' integration into the global economy, highlighting challenges and opportunities in trade and development.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: World Trade Organisation
Authors: Xiaozhun Yi; Robert Teh; Christian Henn; Roberta Piermartini; Marc Auboin; Marc Bacchetta; Cosimo Beverelli; John Hancock; Marion Jansen; Alexander Keck; Andreas Maurer; Coleman Nee; Alberto Osnago; Nadia Rocha; Robert Teh; Nicolas Lamp; Jesse Nicol; Joy Kategekwa; Rainer Lanz; Michael Roberts
Publication date: 2014
Time horizon: 2050
Geographic scope: Global


The research method involved analyzing trade data, economic indicators, and trends over time, focusing on the roles of the WTO and developing countries in the global economy. It included qualitative assessments of trade policies and their impacts on development.

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Key Insights

The 2014 World Trade Report examines four significant trends that have shaped trade and development since the beginning of the millennium. These trends include the accelerated economic growth of developing countries, the expansion of global value chains (GVCs), the rise in commodity prices, and the increasing synchronization of macroeconomic shocks. The report emphasizes how these trends have transformed the relationship between trade and development, particularly for developing economies. It highlights the importance of the WTO in providing a framework that allows these countries to adapt to changes, take advantage of new opportunities, and mitigate risks. The report also discusses the challenges that remain, such as ensuring inclusive growth and addressing inequalities. Overall, it underscores the need for a responsive multilateral trading system to support ongoing development efforts.

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Last modified: 2024/09/13 17:08 by davidpjonker