World trade report 2019 : the future of services trade

WORLD TRADE REPORT 2019 examines the future of services trade, highlighting trends, impacts of digital technologies, and the importance of international cooperation for inclusive growth.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: World Trade Organisation
Publication date: 2019
Authors: Alan Beattie, Andreas Maurer, Ankai Xu, Antonia Carzaniga, Barbara D’andrea, Coleman Nee, Eddy Bekkers, Emmanuelle Ganne, John Hancock, Joscelyn Magdeleine, José-antonio Monteiro, Juan Marchetti, Kathryn Lundquist, Lee Tuthill, Marc Auboin, Markus Jelitto, Martin Roy, Natallie Rochester, Pamela Apaza, Qing Ye, Rainer Lanz, Richard Baldwin, Robert Koopman, Robert Teh, Roberta Piermartini, Rupa Chanda, Stela Rubínová, Victor Stolzenburg, Wilma Viviers, Xiaozhun Yi
Time horizon: 2040
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved analyzing existing data on services trade, including new datasets that capture various modes of supply. The report utilized quantitative trade models to estimate the economic impacts of services trade on growth and welfare. It also included case studies from various economies to illustrate the benefits and challenges of services trade.

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Key Insights

The report analyzes the evolution of services trade, emphasizing its rapid growth compared to goods trade. It identifies key trends such as demographic changes and digitalization that will shape the future of services trade. The report presents new data indicating that services trade was valued at US$ 13.3 trillion in 2017, accounting for a significant portion of global trade. It highlights the role of services in enhancing economic growth, competitiveness, and inclusiveness, particularly for women and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). The report also discusses the challenges posed by high trade costs and regulatory barriers, which are higher for services than for goods. It predicts that the share of services in global trade could increase by 50% by 2040, contingent upon the adoption of digital technologies by developing countries. The report calls for enhanced international cooperation to maximize the benefits of services trade and ensure equitable access to opportunities.

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Last modified: 2024/09/13 17:15 by davidpjonker