World trade report 2023 : re-globalization for a secure, inclusive and sustainable future

The 2023 World Trade Report discusses how re-globalization can address global challenges and mitigate trade fragmentation risks, emphasizing the importance of integrating diverse economies and issues into world trade for a secure and sustainable future.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: World Trade Organisation
Authors: Marc Bacchetta; Eddy Bekkers; Michael Blanga-Gubbay; Emmanuelle Ganne; Kathryn Lundquist; John Hancock; Alexander Keck; José-Antonio Monteiro; Ralph Ossa; Roberta Piermartini; Yves Renouf; Stela Rubínová; Victor Stolzenburg; Ankai Xu
Publication date: 2023
Time horizon: 2050
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved a comprehensive analysis of global trade trends, policy developments, and economic impacts, utilizing empirical data and case studies to assess the effects of re-globalization and fragmentation on trade, security, poverty, and environmental sustainability.

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Key Insights

The 2023 World Trade Report evaluates the concept of re-globalization, which aims to integrate more people, economies, and pressing issues into global trade. It highlights the risks of trade fragmentation, exacerbated by recent geopolitical tensions, the COVID-19 pandemic, and climate change. The report argues that re-globalization can enhance economic security, reduce poverty and inequality, and promote environmental sustainability. It emphasizes the need for a strengthened multilateral trading system to support these goals. The report also discusses the resilience of global trade flows despite challenges and the importance of digital trade and global value chains in fostering inclusive growth. Ultimately, it advocates for a cooperative approach to trade that addresses global challenges rather than retreating into fragmentation.

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Last modified: 2024/09/13 17:22 by davidpjonker