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This report analyzes the impact of climate change on global food security.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: CATO Institute
Publication date: April 29, 2022
Authors: Walter Olson
Geographic focus: United States, Global
Page count: NA


The research method involved analyzing climate models, agricultural productivity data, and socio-economic factors to assess the impact of climate change on food security.

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Key Insights

The report provides an in-depth analysis of how climate change is projected to affect food security worldwide. It examines the potential impacts on agricultural productivity, food prices, and the vulnerability of different regions to food scarcity. The study uses climate models to predict changes in weather patterns and their effects on crop yields. It also considers socio-economic factors, such as population growth and changes in dietary preferences, which could exacerbate the challenges posed by climate change. The report highlights the need for adaptation strategies to mitigate these risks and ensure a stable food supply for the growing global population. It calls for international cooperation and investment in sustainable agricultural practices, improved food distribution systems, and research into climate-resilient crops.

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Last modified: 2024/03/12 03:08 by davidpjonker