ACCELERATE MANIFESTO for an Accelerationist Politics

Accelerate: Manifesto for an Accelerationist Politics discusses accelerationism, a political concept that advocates for embracing capitalism and technology to bring about radical social change. It argues that traditional leftist strategies have failed and proposes intensifying capitalism to transform it into something better. Accelerationists believe that by pushing capitalism to its limits, its flaws and contradictions will become more pronounced, leading to its collapse and the emergence of a new system. They also emphasize the importance of embracing automation and advancing technology to liberate humans from monotonous work and transition to a state of abundance. However, the manifesto acknowledges the risks of exacerbating inequalities and emphasizes the need for ethical considerations. Overall, accelerationism is a political philosophy that seeks to harness capitalism and technology for radical transformation, while acknowledging the complexities and risks involved.

Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Critical Legal Thinking
Publication date: May 14, 2013
Authors: Alex Williams, Nick Srnicek
Geographic focus: Global, United States
Page count: 30


The research method involved a critical analysis of contemporary political ideologies, global crises, and the potential of technology. It included a historical review of political movements and an evaluation of current societal structures.

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Key Insights

The #ACCELERATE MANIFESTO by Alex Williams and Nick Srnicek argues for an accelerationist politics to confront global crises and the stagnation of neoliberalism. It critiques the left's inability to present a coherent alternative, emphasizing the need to embrace technological advancements and planning for post-capitalism. The manifesto calls for a radical transformation of society, leveraging the productive forces of technology and creating a new vision for the future that surpasses current capitalist limitations. It proposes an ecology of organizations and strategic action to build a new global hegemony and a technosocial platform that can address planetary issues and achieve victory over capital.

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Last modified: 2024/03/12 03:53 by davidpjonker