Aftermath of the Arab Spring in North Africa

The report assesses political and economic changes in North Africa since the Arab Spring, focusing on Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Atlantic Council
Authors: Karim Mezran, Mohsin Khan
Geographic focus: North Africa
Page count: 16 pages


The research method involved a comparative analysis of political and economic developments in Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia since the Arab Spring. It included an examination of macroeconomic performance, state involvement in economies, political systems, and the impact of external factors like oil prices and regional stability.

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Key Insights

The report examines the aftermath of the Arab Spring in North Africa, analyzing political and economic developments in Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. It discusses the varying approaches these countries took to address similar challenges and the outcomes of their efforts. The report also explores the role of state involvement in economies, the impact of oil prices, and the challenges of political transitions and economic reforms.

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Last modified: 2024/04/29 16:03 by elizabethherfel