An initial assessment of territorial forward planning/foresight projects in the European Union

This report aims to formulate recommendations about the usefulness and added value of territorial foresight for decision-making in Local and Regional Authorities (LRAs) and the Committee of the Regions (CoR) within the European Union framework.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Geographic Focus: European Union
Publication Date: November 2011
Publisher: European Committee of the Regions
Authors: Futuribles Sarl (corinne Arlé Roëls), Institut Jules Destrée Asbl (philippe Destatte And Michaël Van Cutsem), Prospektiker Sa (ibon Zugasti And Oihana Hernáez)
Page count: 450 pages


The research method involved mapping existing foresight exercises, selecting and analyzing 70 cases, identifying main trends, and evaluating the impact on regional strategies and policies. It also proposed a platform for LRAs to exchange foresight-related experiences.

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Key Insights

The study assesses territorial foresight projects in the EU, exploring their impact on regional strategies and policies. It analyzes interactions between European strategies and local foresight, identifying gaps and proposing a platform for networking and mutual learning among LRAs.

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Last modified: 2024/04/29 16:12 by elizabethherfel