Assessing the role of migration in European labour force growth by 2030

This report evaluates the impact of migration on the growth of the European labor force by 2030, focusing on demographic changes, labor market dynamics, and the role of migration flows.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Authors: Michela Meghnagi, Gilles Spielvogel
Page count: 38 pages


The research employs a cohort-component method for demographic projections, incorporating variables such as mortality, net migration, and labor force participation rates. It also accounts for educational attainment and differentiates between native-born and foreign-born populations.

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Key Insights

The study projects the European labor force to 2030, considering aging populations, educational attainment, and migration. It assesses the potential of migration to mitigate labor market challenges due to demographic shifts, using various scenarios to analyze the impact on labor force size and composition.

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Last modified: 2024/04/29 16:19 by elizabethherfel