Connecting the Dots: Information Visualization and Text Analysis of the Searchlight Project Newsletters

This report analyzes the Searchlight Project Newsletters, which track long-term trends and novel research results to understand the future of development and poverty. It uses horizon scanning methods and focuses on Africa, Asia, and the Americas, providing intelligence from a forward-looking, on-the-ground perspective.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Professor Adil Najam, Professor Sucharita Gopal
Geographic focus: Africa, Asia, Latin America, Global


The research method involved a three-phase approach: database development, ontology extraction, and analysis and visualization. The team created a database of reports, coded and scored them, identified relevant concepts, and transformed qualitative data into quantitative for analysis. They used statistical and data-mining algorithms to extract patterns and trends, and various visualization tools to represent the data.

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Key Insights

The report synthesizes information from the Searchlight Project Newsletters, utilizing text analysis and information visualization to identify emerging trends and issues in development. It examines regional perspectives, sentiments towards future outcomes, and highlights significant trends such as climate change, urbanization, and social resiliency. The research aims to inform decisions and actions that could impact future generations, emphasizing the importance of local expertise and self-reliance over external aid.

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Last modified: 2024/05/20 17:08 by elizabethherfel