Escaping the City? How COVID-19 might affect the UK's economic geography

This report explores how the rise of remote working due to COVID-19 might change the UK's economic geography and labor market.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Nesta
Publication date: March 23, 2021
Authors: Harry Farmer, Oliver Zanetti
Geographic focus: United Kingdom
Page count: 34


The research method used in the report is scenario mapping, which involves identifying critical uncertainties and using them to plot out four possible futures to understand and prepare for an uncertain future.

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Key Insights

The report uses scenario mapping to examine four potential futures of remote work in the UK, considering the impact on economic geography, worker distribution, and policy implications. It discusses the pre-pandemic economic landscape, the shift to remote work, and its potential long-term effects on various worker categories and regions, highlighting the need for policy interventions to address emerging challenges and opportunities.

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Last modified: 2024/03/13 15:36 by elizabethherfel