Evaluation of the economic and social impact of possible trade negotiations between Jamaica and Central America, Mexico and the countries of the Northern Caribbean

This study evaluates the economic and social impacts of potential trade agreements between Jamaica and Mexico, Central America, and Northern Caribbean countries, using three complementary approaches. The impacts are minimal but show the greatest macroeconomic effects with Mexico and Central America. The social effects indicate small negative changes in household expenditure, except for Mexico. Opportunities exist for Jamaica in agriculture, agro-industry, chemicals, petrochemicals, and machinery.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Alfonso Finot, José Durán Lima, Marcelo Dolabella, Martín Cicowiez, Santacruz Banaloche, Sebastián Castresana, Zebulun Kreiter, Daniel Cracau
Page count: 110


The research method used in the report involves three complementary approaches: computable general equilibrium models to estimate macroeconomic impacts, microsimulations to analyze social effects, and indices of revealed comparative advantage to identify export opportunities.

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Key Insights

The research assesses the economic and social impact of possible trade negotiations between Jamaica and Central America, Mexico, and Northern Caribbean countries. Using computable general equilibrium models, microsimulations, and revealed comparative advantage indices, the study finds minimal macroeconomic impacts but significant potential for export opportunities in various sectors. Trade agreements with Mexico and Central America show the most substantial effects, with small negative changes in household expenditure and mixed employment outcomes.

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Last modified: 2024/07/26 20:01 by elizabethherfel