Imagining the future of pandemics and epidemics: a 2022 perspective

This report explores future pandemics and epidemics from a 2022 perspective, focusing on preparedness and response strategies.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: World Health Organization
Page count: 65 pages


The research method involved developing scenarios using the morphological approach, engaging experts and stakeholders, and conducting public roundtable discussions to validate and refine the scenarios. The process aimed to identify risks, opportunities, and actions for future pandemic preparedness.

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Key Insights

The report examines potential future pandemics and epidemics, considering factors like pathogen characteristics, public health measures, and contextual influences. It discusses the importance of global cooperation, trust, and sustainable development in strengthening preparedness and outlines key messages and practical ways forward across five themes: science, policy, and environment; people, communication, and education; economy, infrastructure, and systems; technology and innovation; and leadership and collaboration.

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Last modified: 2024/05/01 15:32 by elizabethherfel