Infectious diseases: preparing for the future - executive summary

This report examines the future threats of infectious diseases and how science can help manage them, focusing on detection, identification, and monitoring systems.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: UK Government Office for Science
Publication date: April 26, 2006
Geographic focus: Global, Sub-Saharan Africa, United Kingdom
Page count: 65


The research method involved expert surveys, case studies, and reviews of existing and emerging diseases, as well as the impact of climate change on diseases. It also included modeling reviews and analysis of societal contexts affecting disease management and DIM system deployment.

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Key Insights

The “Infectious Diseases: preparing for the future” report, produced by the UK Government's Foresight project, assesses the evolving threats of infectious diseases over the next 10-25 years and explores how advancements in science, particularly in detection, identification, and monitoring (DIM) systems, could enhance disease management. The report encompasses human, animal, and plant diseases, considering factors such as climate change, globalization, and socio-economic changes. It also discusses the implications for policy-makers, the need for interdisciplinary research, and the potential benefits and challenges of future DIM systems. The report emphasizes the importance of proactive strategies, international collaboration, and the integration of DIM systems within broader disease management frameworks.

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Last modified: 2024/04/09 19:55 by elizabethherfel