Making America First in the Digital Economy: The Case for Engaging Europe

This report examines the importance of US engagement with Europe to lead the digital economy, focusing on regulatory cooperation and ensuring open, innovative digital markets.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Atlantic Council
Authors: Frances G. Burwell
Geographic focus: United States, European Union
Page count: 24 pages


The research method involved reviewing existing literature, engaging with digital policy experts and policymakers, and analyzing the impact of digitalization on various economic sectors and the regulatory approaches of the US and EU.

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Key Insights

The report highlights the digital economy's role in global economic growth, with the US as a leader and the EU as a key regulator. It suggests US-EU cooperation on digital policies to ensure open markets, protect against cyber threats, and maintain global leadership.

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Last modified: 2024/05/01 19:19 by elizabethherfel