Mental capital and wellbeing: making the most of ourselves in the 21st century - final project

Biomarkers for early detection and treatment of mental ill-health, particularly depression and dementia, could significantly improve outcomes. However, their development faces challenges such as costs of validation, regulation for drug development, access to patient cohorts, and integration into clinical practice. Prioritization of biomarkers is needed to efficiently allocate research resources, considering factors like clinical problem size, characterization level, and practicality for large populations. Ethical considerations must also be addressed in biomarker research and use.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: UK Government Office for Science
Publication date: October 22, 2008
Time horizon: 2020
Geographic focus: United Kingdom
Page count: 317


Combating stigma and discrimination against people with mental illness is essential for enhancing social inclusion. Stigma exacerbates mental health problems and leads to discrimination in various life sectors. An integrated approach across national, local, and individual levels is needed, involving accurate public information, professional development, media guidelines, supported work schemes, and access to financial advice. Actions across government departments can promote understanding and reduce discrimination.

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Key Insights

Addressing the risk factor of debt for mental ill-health is crucial. Research shows a strong association between debt and mental disorders, suggesting that breaking the cycle between debt and mental illness could reduce disorders significantly. Actions by health teams, financial capability building, policy consideration of debt's health impact, and more mental-health proficient financial services could help manage this risk factor. Utility and mortgage companies should handle arrears sensitively, considering the mental health of debtors.

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Last modified: 2024/04/09 20:46 by elizabethherfel