Middle East 2020: Shaped By or Shaper of Global

The report explores potential futures for the Middle East by 2020, focusing on the impact of regional trends, conflicts, and global influences.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Atlantic Council
Authors: Mathew J. Burrows
Time horizon: 2020
Geographic focus: Middle East
Page count: 20 pages


The research method involves strategic foresight, analyzing current trends, drivers of change, and potential scenarios to forecast the Middle East's future over the next five to ten years.

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Key Insights

The report examines alternative futures for the Middle East over the next five to ten years, considering deep-seated, structural factors in flux, such as youth unemployment, sectarian conflicts, and the possibility of regional cooperation or further disintegration of states like Syria and Iraq. It discusses the role of Iran's nuclear negotiations, the impact of new authoritarianism, and the necessity of long-term structural reforms for economic and social development.

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Last modified: 2024/05/01 19:26 by elizabethherfel