Optimum Market-Positioning Models for South Africa Arts Festivals Scenarios

The study aimed to develop an optimum market-positioning model for the special interest tourism market to support arts festivals in South Africa. It focused on determining successful attributes for arts festival scenarios, comparing different arts festival packages, and developing a model for future researchers and marketers.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

university of south africa

Authors: Dr C Botha, Prof A Brits, Prof Jw Strydom, CinĂ¡ Van Zyl
Geographic focus: Africa


The research method involved selecting respondents from festival attendees based on specific criteria, collecting data through personal interviews, and analyzing the data using conjoint analysis and game theory. The conjoint analysis used a linear regression model with individual ratings for each product, and the average of the r-squares was 0.83, indicating a good fit between data and model. Game theory compared the three arts festival scenarios to identify the most successful tourism attraction.

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Key Insights

The study developed a market-positioning model for arts festivals in South Africa, focusing on three main festivals. Data were collected from festival attendees using personal interviews and analyzed using conjoint analysis and game theory. The results showed that different combinations of attributes gave each festival an optimum market position in its niche market. The study contributes to positioning knowledge in the festivals and events domain and provides a model applicable to other festivals and sectors.

(Generated with the help of GPT-4)

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Last modified: 2024/06/13 18:23 by elizabethherfel