Reducing poverty in Africa Realistic targets for the post-2015 MDGs and Agenda 2063

The report examines the feasibility of African states achieving a 3% extreme poverty target by 2030 and suggests alternative goals.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Institute for Security Studies
Authors: Barry Hughes, Jakkie Cilliers, Sara Turner
Time horizon: 2030
Geographic focus: Africa
Page count: 28 pages


The research method involved using the International Futures (IFs) forecasting system to analyze poverty trends and project the impact of various interventions on poverty reduction in Africa up to 2063.

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Key Insights

This research paper assesses the likelihood of African states meeting the ambitious goal of reducing extreme poverty to below 3% by 2030, as part of the post-2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the African Union's Agenda 2063. The paper utilizes the International Futures forecasting system to analyze poverty trends and the effectiveness of various interventions. Despite robust economic growth forecasts for Africa, the majority of African countries are unlikely to meet the 3% target by 2030. The authors propose alternative, more realistic targets and emphasize the need for country-specific policies to address poverty. They suggest a continental goal of reducing extreme poverty to below 20% by 2030 and to below 3% by 2063. The paper also highlights the importance of addressing chronic poverty and structural transformation in African economies.

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Last modified: 2024/05/02 18:08 by elizabethherfel