Regional challenges in the perspective of 2020. Regional disparities and future challenges - Globalisation

This report examines the impact of globalization on regional disparities in Europe, focusing on the period up to 2020 and considering the role of neighboring countries in this process.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Ismeri Europa
Authors: Andrea Ciffolilli, Enrico Wolleb, Naret Khurasee, Francis Cripps
Time horizon: 2020
Geographic focus: Europe, Turkey, Middle East, North Africa


The research method involves analyzing historical data on international trade, balance of payments, and GDP to extrapolate trends and create scenarios. It also uses a model of world trade to assess the impact of globalization on European regions and neighboring countries.

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Key Insights

The report analyzes the potential impact of globalization on regional income disparities in Europe up to 2020, considering the influence of neighboring countries. It explores the uneven benefits of globalization, the importance of exports, innovation, and education in regional prosperity, and presents two scenarios for future developments.

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Last modified: 2024/05/06 14:46 by elizabethherfel