Regional challenges in the perspective of 2020. Regional disparities and future challenges - New Social Risks

This report analyzes regional disparities within the EU, focusing on new social risks and their impact on social cohesion by 2020. It examines the sensitivity of regions to social challenges and the effectiveness of welfare systems.

(Generated with the help of GPT-4)

Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: European Commission, Ismeri Europa
Authors: Alessandro Daraio, Guglielmo Wolleb
Time horizon: 2020
Geographic focus: European Union


The research method involved analyzing regional disparities in the EU, focusing on new social risks and their impact on social cohesion by 2020. Indicators related to family, labor market, and welfare were used to assess regional sensitivity to social challenges. The report also considered the effectiveness of welfare systems and outlined potential future scenarios.

(Generated with the help of GPT-4)

Key Insights

The report provides a comprehensive analysis of regional disparities in the EU, considering the emergence of new social risks due to economic and demographic changes. It assesses regional sensitivity to these risks using indicators related to family, labor market, and welfare, and discusses the adequacy of welfare states in protecting against poverty and ensuring social cohesion. The report also outlines potential future scenarios and their implications for regional disparities by 2020.

(Generated with the help of GPT-4)

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Last modified: 2024/05/06 14:49 by elizabethherfel