Sanctioning China in a Taiwan crisis: Scenarios and risks

This report examines the potential economic countermeasures the G7 could impose on China in response to a crisis in the Taiwan Strait, exploring their impacts and coordination challenges.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Atlantic Council
Authors: Agatha Kratz, Charlie Vest
Geographic Focus: China
Page count: 40 pages


The research method involved analyzing economic data, conducting roundtable discussions with experts and policymakers, and reviewing existing sanctions programs and legal frameworks.

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Key Insights

The study assesses economic sanctions targeting China's financial sector, officials, and industrial sectors linked to the military, considering the global economic ties and potential disruptions. It also discusses the practical challenges in sanctions development and offers recommendations for policymakers.

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Last modified: 2024/05/06 15:04 by elizabethherfel