Smart Partnerships amid Great Power Competition: AI, China, and the Global Quest for Digital Sovereignty

This report examines the impact of AI and emerging technologies on global power dynamics, focusing on the US-China rivalry and the concept of digital sovereignty.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Atlantic Council
Authors: Julian Mueller-kaler, Mathew Burrows Phd
Geographic focus: Global, United States, China, Europe, India, Africa
Page count: 20 pages


The research method involved organizing roundtable discussions in various global locations, including Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Beijing, Shanghai, India, and Africa, as well as virtual conferences. These discussions aimed to gather diverse perspectives on the challenges and opportunities presented by emerging technologies and their impact on US-China relations and global cooperation.

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Key Insights

The Atlantic Council's report discusses the rapid advancement of AI and its implications for global power competition, particularly between the US and China. It explores how countries are seeking digital sovereignty amid this rivalry and suggests smart partnerships as a means to harness AI for global challenges. The report captures insights from roundtable discussions across the world, considering the perspectives of various regions on cooperation, competition, and the future of technology in international relations. It emphasizes the need for regulatory cooperation and warns of the potential negative consequences of great power competition on technological progress and global governance.

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Last modified: 2024/05/06 15:40 by elizabethherfel