Ten more technologies which could change our lives

This report examines ten technologies with the potential to significantly impact society, exploring their benefits, challenges, and policy implications.

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Quick Facts
Report location: PDf
Language: English
Publisher: Panel for the Future of Science and Technology
Publication date: July 1, 2017
Authors: Andrés Garcia, Chrisitan Kurrer, James Tarlton, Laura Pandes, Lieve Van Woensel, Mihalis Kritikos
Geographic focus: European Union
Page count: 29


The research method involved analyzing each technology's current state, potential developments, and societal impacts. The study also considered ethical issues and policy-making implications to understand how these technologies could shape the future.

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Key Insights

The report presents ten technologies poised to influence our future: electric cars, intelligent urban transport systems, maglev transportation, wood as a sustainable resource, precision agriculture, quantum technologies, RFID tags, big data in healthcare, organoids, and genome editing. Each technology is analyzed for its potential societal impact, benefits, and ethical considerations, with a focus on the role of policy-making in shaping their development and integration.

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Last modified: 2024/04/15 20:22 by elizabethherfel