The future of Big Data

This report explores the transformative impact of Big Data on society, highlighting its potential to reshape various aspects of human life, from privacy and legal frameworks to work and healthcare, while also discussing the associated risks and ethical considerations.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Institut Diderot
Authors: Dominique Leglu, Kenneth Cukier
Page count: 38 pages


The research method primarily involves analyzing case studies and discussing the broader implications of Big Data on society, with a focus on the shift from causality to correlation and the potential for data to redefine expertise and work.

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Key Insights

The report delves into the Big Data revolution, examining how the exponential growth of data is changing the way we use and think about information. It discusses the implications for knowledge, expertise, privacy, and legal categories, and how Big Data is more than just a quantitative shift—it's a qualitative leap that challenges our traditional understanding of science and humanity. The report also presents case studies illustrating the innovative use of Big Data in predicting flight prices, medical contraindications, and weather patterns, emphasizing the shift from causality to correlation and the potential for Big Data to redefine expertise and work.

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Last modified: 2024/05/06 16:38 by elizabethherfel