The Future of Government 2030+ - A Citizen Centric Perspective on New Government Models

The Future of Government 2030+ project explores emerging societal challenges, analyzes trends in a rapidly changing digital world, and launches an EU-wide debate on potential future government models.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Publications Office of the European Union, European Commission
Authors: Eckhard Stoermer, Fabiana Scapolo, Jennifer-ellen Rudkin, Lucy Kimbell, Lucia Vesnic-alujevic
Time Horizon: 2030
Page count: 102 pages


The research method used in the report involves participatory design and foresight methods, engaging citizens in workshops to map current relationships and explore future interactions with government. Design schools across Europe were also involved to ideate future government models through student projects.

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Key Insights

The project combines foresight, design thinking, and citizen engagement to envision the future of government. It involves citizens and students to avoid biased views and uses design concepts to stimulate debate. The project assesses power relations between societal actors and political institutions, considering the impact of technology and the importance of citizen inclusion in policymaking.

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Last modified: 2024/05/06 17:03 by elizabethherfel