Their Future is Our Future: Youth as Actors of Change

This report examines the challenges and opportunities facing young people in the EU, focusing on their participation in society, employment, and education. It highlights the importance of youth as agents of change and the need for policies that support their inclusion and active engagement.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: European Commission
Authors: Anne Nielsen, Catherine Lemaire, Eva Szell, Georgios Papanagnou, Philippe Keraudren, Sylvie Rohanova, Yuri Borgmann-prebil, Monica Menapace
Geographic Focus: European Union
Page count: 92 pages


The research methodology includes literature reviews, policy analyses, surveys, interviews, and case studies across several EU countries. It employs a multidisciplinary approach, engaging stakeholders and young people in the research process to ensure a comprehensive understanding of youth participation and inclusion.

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Key Insights

The report explores the social and economic conditions affecting young people in the EU, particularly in relation to employment, education, and social inclusion. It assesses the impact of the 2008 financial crisis on youth, the role of social entrepreneurship, and the importance of policies that foster youth participation and address social exclusion. The report also discusses the potential of digital tools to enhance youth engagement in environmental issues and the benefits of youth mobility for individual and regional development.

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Last modified: 2024/05/06 20:23 by elizabethherfel