World Energy Scenarios: Composing Energy Futures to 2050

The WEC's World Energy Scenarios to 2050 explore two distinct pathways for the future of energy: Jazz, focusing on energy equity with market-driven growth, and Symphony, emphasizing environmental sustainability through government policies. Both scenarios consider the role of technology, the competition for resources, and the challenges of energy poverty and security of supply.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: World Energy Council
Authors: Ayed Al-qahtani, Senior Project Manager, Scenarios, Dan A. Rieser, Deputy Director, Scenarios, Hans-wilhelm Schiffer, Executive Vice-chair, Karl Rose, Senior Director, Policies & Scenarios, Philip Thomas, Project Manager, Scenarios., Rob Whitney, Executive Chair Of The Scenarios Study, Christoph Frei, Secretary General, Wec


The research method involved extensive analysis of energy trends, stakeholder workshops, and expert input to create two scenario stories: Jazz and Symphony. These stories were then quantified using a model to project future energy demand, supply, and technology deployment, considering various drivers and critical uncertainties.

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Key Insights

Jazz prioritizes economic growth and energy access, with competition for resources driving innovation and market solutions. Symphony, on the other hand, stresses environmental sustainability and energy security, with governments steering investments towards low-carbon technologies and renewables. Both scenarios face challenges such as skills shortages, urbanization, and the need for infrastructure development.

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Last modified: 2024/05/06 20:59 by elizabethherfel