Elizabeth Herfel

Hi, I'm Elizabeth Herfel. I'm an admin here at Open Foresight Hub. I wrote most of the user guides, so if you have questions about how to navigate and edit Open Foresight Hub, I'm a good person to ask.

I'm a foresight research intern at SAP and a recent graduate of University of Houston's Foresight master's program. My background is in industrial design.


For OFH related stuff, you can reach me on my user notes page. You can also reach the admin team at admin@openforesighthub.org

If you want to connect, here's where you can find me on the web :)



Deborah W.A. Foulkes, 2024/02/09 10:10

Hi, the main page is read-only, but there's an editing mistake (missing word) in the heading, It states 'Welcome the' instead of 'Welcome to theā€¦').

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Last modified: 2023/11/29 23:06 by elizabethherfel