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library:mauritius_national_research_foresight_exercise_synthesis_report [2023/06/03 21:08] – created - external edit [2024/03/18 16:35] (current) elizabethherfel
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 ======Mauritius National Research Foresight Exercise: Synthesis Report====== ======Mauritius National Research Foresight Exercise: Synthesis Report======
 +This report synthesizes the Mauritius National Research Foresight Exercise (NRFE), which maps out a medium to long-term research and innovation (R&I) strategy for Mauritius. Managed by the Mauritius Research Council and delivered by the Manchester Institute for Innovation Research, it encompasses futures outlook with projections and scenarios for 2020-2030, review and capacity building, and strategies for collaborative and policy or enterprise-related research.\\ 
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 ^  Quick Facts  ^^ ^  Quick Facts  ^^
-| Report location:  |[[https://www.repository.mu/mrc/out/out.FrontDocumentDetails.php?documentid=683| source]]  +|Report location:  |[[https://www.repository.mu/mrc/out/out.FrontDocumentDetails.php?documentid=683|source]]   
-| Language:  | English   +|Language:  |English  
-| Publisher:  |[[encyclopedia:manchester_institute_of_innovation_research|Manchester Institute of Innovation Research]] +|Publisher:  |[[encyclopedia:manchester_institute_of_innovation_research|Manchester Institute of Innovation Research]] 
-| Publication date:  |April 16, 2013  | +|Publication date:  |April 16, 2013  | 
-| Authors:  |Joe Ravetz +|Authors:  |Deborah Cox, Ian Miles, Jennifer Cassingena Harper, Joe Ravetz, Luke Georghiou., Ozcan Saritas, Paul Cunningham  | 
-| Time horizon:  | 2020 - 2030    | +|Time horizon:  |2020 - 2030    | 
-| Geographic focus:  |mauritiuss   +|Geographic focus:  |Mauritiuss
-| Page count:  |126  |+|Page count:  |126  |
 =====Methods===== =====Methods=====
- +The NRFE utilized workshops, interviews, and online surveys to engage stakeholders in identifying research priorities and developing a strategic R&I roadmap. The process involved mapping current trends, generating scenarios, and analyzing policy responses. It aimed to align research with Mauritius's unique challenges and opportunities, emphasizing sustainable development and international collaboration.\\  
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 =====Key Insights===== =====Key Insights=====
 +The NRFE aims to enhance Mauritius's capacity for knowledge-based enterprise, governance, and society through coordinated R&I programs. It employs a foresight approach to manage uncertainties, mobilize opportunities, and define common visions with strategic thinking. The exercise involves futures thinking, capacity building, and creative strategy development, focusing on anticipatory intelligence for a knowledge-based nation. The report synthesizes consultations, workshops, and online surveys, proposing a roadmap for R&I in Mauritius.\\  
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-<span #categories_box> Categories:  {{tag>2013_publication_year}} |  {{tag>2020_time_horizon}} |  {{tag>2020s_time_horizon}} |  {{tag>2030_time_horizon}} |  {{tag>2030s_time_horizon}} |  {{tag>English_publication_language}} |  {{tag>mauritiuss_geographic_scope}} |  {{tag>science_policy}} |  {{tag>technology_policy}}   </span>  +<span #categories_box> Categories:  {{tag>2013_publication_year}} |  {{tag>2020_time_horizon}} |  {{tag>2020s_time_horizon}} |  {{tag>2030_time_horizon}} |  {{tag>2030s_time_horizon}} |  {{tag>English_publication_language}} |  {{tag>baseline_analysis}} |  {{tag>cluster_theme_outlook}} |  {{tag>context}} |  {{tag>futures_outlook}} |  {{tag>introduction}} |  {{tag>mauritiuss_geographic_scope}} |  {{tag>next_steps}} |  {{tag>notes.}} |  {{tag>outline_roadmap}} |  {{tag>priorities}} |  {{tag>putting_it_together}} |  {{tag>recommendations}} |  {{tag>scenario_analysis}} |  {{tag>science_policy}} |  {{tag>strategy_development}} |  {{tag>technology_policy}} |    </span>  
Last modified: 2023/06/03 21:08 by