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Foresight Academy GmbH
Mailing Address
Foresight Academy GmbH
Hochbrückenstraße 6
D-80331 München
Managing Partner/Sole Shareholder: Birgit Schaldecker
Mobile: 0049 1578 2071280
Foresight Academy GmbH is located in Rosenheim.
Foresight Academy GmbH is registered in the commercial register of the Amtsgericht (local court) Traunstein under the number HR B 27442.
The VAT registration number of Foresight Academy GmbH is DE321872555.
Foresight Academy GmbH does not commit to nor is it obliged to participate in the alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes in front of a consumer dispute resolution entity.
European Commission official website for Online Dispute Resolution:
Concept, Design & Content
gravity GmbH
Steinerstraße 15 / Haus C
D–81369 München
Phone +49 89 599 4 599 0
ECMS und mobile App Entwicklung
auf Basis des incca Frameworks
incca GmbH zuhören>verstehen>lösen
Brückenstraße 1
D-83022 Rosenheim
Phone: + 49 8031 222 08 31