How can the changing status of women help improve the human condition?

The report examines how the changing status of women can improve the human condition, focusing on economic and social development.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Huseynova Reyhan, Ph.d
Geographic focus: Azerbaijan, Global


The research method includes an analysis of the economic and social developments in relation to women's status, with a focus on Azerbaijan as a case study. It also examines legal frameworks, capacity-building initiatives, and the impact of globalization on women.

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Key Insights

This report explores the relationship between the changing status of women and the improvement of the human condition, particularly in the context of economic and social development. It argues that women's increased participation in social, economic, and cultural life is essential for economic development and poverty reduction. The report highlights the importance of women's entrepreneurship in enhancing their social and economic significance and reducing gender discrimination. It also discusses the need for capacity-building for women's empowerment, which is interconnected across various sectors. The report emphasizes the role of women in decision-making and leadership, particularly in Azerbaijan, where women's status has seen significant changes post-economic transition. It also addresses legal frameworks supporting gender equality and the challenges of globalization, including its impact on women. The report suggests that improving women's access to education, technology, and decision-making can lead to a more equitable society and help achieve the Millennium Development Goals.

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Last modified: 2024/06/04 16:04 by elizabethherfel