Voices from the Future Creating the Scene in 2018

The report explores the relationship between food choices and future health outcomes, emphasizing the importance of dreaming and planning for a healthy future.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Tessa Finley
Geographic focus: California, Africa


The research method involves interactive educational sessions with group discussions, personal assignments, and a mock trial. Students are encouraged to engage with the material through hands-on activities and to reflect on their personal experiences with food.

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Key Insights

The report by the Institute for the Future and Collective Roots is an educational guide that encourages young people to consider the impact of their food choices on their health and environment. It includes lessons on the history of California agriculture, the local and regional food systems, and the nutritional value of different foods. The guide aims to empower students to make informed decisions about their diets and to understand the broader implications of food production and consumption. It uses interactive methods like group tasks, assignments, and a mock trial to engage students in thinking critically about food-related issues. The ultimate goal is for students to create a digital story about their personal food, health, and environment, and to write a forecast for their future.

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Last modified: 2024/06/24 17:16 by elizabethherfel