When Everything is Programmable Forecast and Technology Cards

This report explores the intersection of biology and technology, detailing advancements in synthetic biology, social networks, self-tracking, and more.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Institute for the Future

Unknown |

Geographic focus: Global


The research method involves a comprehensive review of various technological and scientific advancements across multiple fields, analyzing their potential impact on society and the environment.

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Key Insights

The report delves into the fusion of biosciences and engineering, where researchers are creating living systems with unprecedented capabilities. Innovations include organisms that react to environmental contaminants, biosynthetic solar cells, and bacteria that convert biomass into fuel. It also covers the optimization of online social networks, the quantified self-movement where individuals track their biological processes, and the application of new Taylorism to enhance productivity in knowledge work. Embedded governance, neuroprogramming, and neurocentric learning are discussed as means to download laws, code the brain, and customize education. The report touches on model industries, combinatorial manufacturing, geoengineering, smart cities, and the design of bodies and body parts. It emphasizes the role of everyone as a programmer in a world where reality is programmable. Developments in programmable matter, metamaterials, molecular engineering, MEMS, personal fabrication, simulation, neuromodulation, neuroimaging, cloud computing, bioinformatics, sensory data interfaces, the deep web, location-based computing, parallel programming, pervasive wireless, sensors, ubiquitous displays, wireless power, and genomics are also highlighted.

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Last modified: 2024/06/24 17:45 by elizabethherfel