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TAG: energy
10 Emerging Technologies in the Untact Era 2021
10 thoughts for the future of low-emission mobility
2005 BT Technology Timeline
2022 Strategic Foresight Report
2030 Conversations
Africa 2063: How Cities Will Shape the Future of a Continent
African Futures 2030: Free trade, peace, prosperity
African Futures 2050: The Next Forty Years
Americans Largely Favor U.S. Taking Steps To Become Carbon Neutral by 2050
An initial assessment of territorial forward planning/foresight projects in the European Union
ASEAN and Russia: a future oriented multidimensional strategic partnership : report of the ASEAN-Russia Eminent Persons Group
Canada 2030: Scan of Emerging Issues - Infrastructure
Canada in a Changing Global Energy Landscape
Carbon Risk and Resilience How Energy Transition is Changing the Prospects for Developing Countries with Fossil Fuels
Category Index
Challenges at the Horizon 2025
Challenges to the Future of Gas: unburnable or unaffordable?
Changes in Nature's Balance Sheet
Climate Change and Water: An overview from the World Water Development Report 3: Water in a Changing World
Cost-efficient emission reduction pathway to 2030 for Finland - Opportunities in electrification and beyond
Costs and Benefits to EU Members States of 2030 Climate and Energy Targets
Cross Border Air Pollution in Asia
Delivering Tomorrow: Logistics 2050
Delphi Study: The Future of Hydrogen
Developing Industrial Minerals, Nuclear Minerals and Commodities of Interest via Off-world Exploration and Mining
Development Dialogue: Climate Justice and Gender
Development without energy? Assessing future scenarios of energy consumption in developing countries
Economic Development and the Demand for Energy: A Historical Perspective on the Next 20 Years
EESC opinion on the 2022 Strategic Foresight Report
Electricity Supply Options, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Priorities - Case Studies for South Africa
Energiewende: From Germany’s Past to Europe’s Future?
Energy Descent Pathways - evaluating potential responses to Peak Oil
Energy Futures - The role of research and technological development
Energy Governance Outlook: Global Scenarios and Implications
Energy Shocks and Emerging Alternative Energy Technologies
Energy Technology
Envisioning 2030: US Strategy for the Coming Technology Revolution
ESI Project 2.0 - Future of Singapore Society
Establishing a Hydrogen Economy: The future of energy 2035
Ethiopia - Regional Cities
Foresight Africa-Continent's Greatest Challenges & Opportunities 2011
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the Continent in 2013
Foresight for Smart Globalization: Accelerating & Enhancing Pro-Poor Development Opportunities
Foresight synthesis report: Dawn of the African century
Foresight: South Africans Thinking about Tomorrow Today
Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2019
Future Energy Systems in europe
Future North
Future of Energy - Energy Systems in the us: A View from 2035
Future of Energy Storage: What will a future us energy storage look like?
Future Scenarios for a Sustainable City
Future Trends in the Gulf
Gas in the European Energy Transition: Challenges and Opportunities
Germany 2030: Germany's Prosperity Rests on Innovation
Global energy crunch: how different parts of the world would react to a peak oil scenario
Global Europe 2050
Global Hydrogen Review 2022
Global Transitions and Asia 2060: Climate, Political-Economy, and Identity
Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World
Hawaii 2060: Visioning Hawaii's Adaptation to Climate Change
IDEV- Evaluation of Mainstreaming Green Growth and Climate Change into the AfDB's Interventions
Index of Tags
Index of Tags
Inspiring Future Cities & Urban Services: Shaping the Future of Urban Development & Services Initiative
Intelligent Infrastructure Futures The Scenarios – Towards 2055
Intelligent infrastructure futures: scenarios - towards 2055
Labour market and skills demand horizon scanning and future scenarios
Leading oil and gas into a net-zero world
Looking Ahead: Energy, Climate Change and Pro-poor Responses
Medium Term Economic Effects of Peak Oil Today
MIRAGE-e: A General Equilibrium Long-term Path of the World Economy
Nanotechnology and Materials Science
Next in energy and utilities: The industry's role in the future of cleaner energy:Tomorrow's bold ambitions meet today's obligations
North American Environmental Outlook to 2030
Oil & Gas 2030: Let There Be Change
Oil: The Next Revolution - The Unprecedented Upsurge of Oil Production Capacity and What It Means for the World
Pagtanaw 2050: The Philippine Foresight, Executive Summary
Painting South Africa's energy landscape for 2025
Peak Oil and Our Future: How Energy Depletion Will Change Our Lives
Peak Oil and the Fate of Humanity
Peak Oil Futures: Same Crisis, Different Responses
Peak Oil – Security policy implications of scarce resources
Planning the unplannable: Scenarios on the future of space
Post-Vienna: Prospects for Iran's Oil Production and Exports
PREDICT: Projections and Relevant Effects of Demographic Implications, Changes, and Trends
Prospects for the African Power Sector: Scenarios and Strategies for Africa Project
Regional challenges in the perspective of 2020. Regional disparities and future challenges - Energy
Regional survey: Africa out to 2045
Renewables Global features Report 2013
Review of how science and technology could contribute to better energy management in the future: futures studies
Russia 2050: Utopias and Forecasts
Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030
Scenario Storylines for Qualitative Background Scenarios on the Future of Air Transport and its Emissions
Scenarios for 2025
Shaping the Future of Construction Inspiring innovators redefine the industry
SOUTH AFRICA Scenarios 2025: The future we chose?
South African Futures 2030: How Bafana Bafana Made Madiba Magic
Southern Africa Beyond The Millenium: Environmental Trends And Scenarios To 2015
Technology and innovation futures: UK growth opportunities for the 2020s (2010)
Technology Radar: Global Views on Strategic Technologies
The Base Case of International Futures (IFs): Comparison with Other Forecasts
The Century Ahead: Searching for Sustainability
The decarbonization of gas in the Southern Cone of South America
The Extractive Resource Industry in Tanzania
The Future Climate for Development: Scenarios for Low Income Countries
The Future is Not Good Enough: Business As Usual After 2015
The future of African oil and gas: positioning for the energy transition
The Future of Asia: Forces of Change and Potential Surprises
The Future of Asia: Forces of Change and Potential Surprises - Supplementary Report
The Future of Cohesion Policy
The Future of Cooling in China: Delivering on action plans for sustainable air conditioning
The Future of Electricity: New Technologies Transforming the Grid Edge
The Future of Energy: 2035 - What will a future energy market look like?
The Future of Energy: green hydrogen transport
The future of energy: regulatory models for the energy system shift
The Future of Hydrogen - Seizing today's opportunities
The Future of Mining in Latin America: Critical Minerals and the Global Energy Transition
The Future of NanoEnergy: Meeting the 21st Century Challenge
The Future of Nuclear Power in China
The Future of Power
The Future of Shale
The Future Of South African Coal: Market, Investment, And Policy Challenges
The Futures of Low-Carbon Society: Climate Change and Strategy for Economies in APEC Beyond 2050
The global future of nuclear energy
The Global Technology Revolution China, Executive Summary
The Net-Zero Transition: What it would cost, what it could bring
The Oil Market to 2030 - Implications for Investment and Policy
The Predictive Content of Commodity Futures
The Road from 2018 to 2035: business Models
The World Economy in 2050: a Tentative Picture
The World in 2025 - Contributions from an expert group
The World in 2040: The future of healthcare, mobility, travel and the home
The World in 2050: Implications of Global Growth for Carbon Emissionsand climate change policy
Thinking about Tomorrow Today: An Introduction to Using Foresight in SA
Timing and future consequences of the peak of oil production
Tipping Point: Near-Term Systemic Implications of a Peak in Global Oil Production - An Outline Review
Tipping Point: Near-Term Systemic Implications of a Peak in Global Oil Production - An Outline Review
Towards a Post-Carbon Society
Utilization of Scenarios in European Electricity Policy: The Ten-Year Network Development Plan
Wold Energy Issues Monitor 2018
World and European Energy and Environment Transition Outlook
World Energy Investment Outlook
World Energy Scenarios 2017 | Regional Perspective for Sub-Saharan Africa
World Energy Scenarios: Composing Energy Futures to 2050
World Energy Scenarios:Composing energy futures to 2050
World Energy Technology Outlook – WETO H2
World energy, technology and climate policy outlook - WETO 2030
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