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TAG: global geographic scope
10 Emerging Technologies in the Untact Era 2021
10 grand challenges we'll face by 2050
10 thoughts for the future of low-emission mobility
100 Urban Trends: A Glossary of Ideas from the BMW Guggenheim Lab Berlin
2 degrees Futures
2005 BT Technology Timeline
2020 and beyond: Future scenarios for education in the age of new technologies
2020 development futures
2020 Forecast: Creating the Future of Learning
2020 Global Food Outlook: Trends, Alternatives, and Choices
2020's redistricting nightmare, and how to avoid it in 2030
2030 Purpose: Good business and a better future
2030: The Perfect Storm Scenario
2050 Scenarios: four plausible futures
3D Printing: Shaping Africa’s Future
3D Printing: Shaping Africa’s Future
9 Megatrends Shaping the Metaverse
A Distilled View of Life to 2030
A Future that Works: Automation, Employment and Productivity - Full Report
A Future that Works: Automation, Employment and Productivity - Executive Summary
A Global Declaration on Free and Open AI
A review of global scenario exercises for food security analysis
A Review of M-Learning Models
A Scenario-Based Holistic Approach To Environmental Flow Assessments
A Study of Personal Service Robot Future Marketing Trend
A study on deriving countermeasures for domestic R&D long-term investment through trend analysis of emerging technologies in the space field
A Vision for a Sustainable Battery Value Chain in 2030
A vision of smarter cities: How cities can lead the way into a prosperous and sustainable future
A World Divided? Envisioning the Future of Global Inequality
A World Reaching Inflection Point
a16z Podcast: Old Food, New Tech - Clean Meat
Academic Libraries of the Future: Scenarios beyond 2020
ACCELERATE MANIFESTO for an Accelerationist Politics
Achieving Net-Zero Emissions Through Nuclear: The “New Clear” Energy of the Future
Achieving Urban Food and Nutrition Security in the Developing World
Acting now for a positive 2018, preparing for radical change the next decade of business and sustainability
Addressing Urban and Human Settlement Issues in National Adaptation Plans
Advanced science and the future of government
Advancing Global Food Security in the Face of a Changing Climate
Agricultural and Natural Manufacturing Technology
Agrimonde: Scenarios and challenges for feeding the world in 2050
Agrimonde: Scenarios and challenges for feeding the world in 2050 (Presentation)
Air power in the 21st century: enduring trends and uncertain futures
Air power in the 21st century: enduring trends and uncertain futures
All Animals are equal
Alternative Investments 2020: The Future of Capital for Entrepreneurs and SMEs
Alternative projections of mortality and disability by cause 1990–2020: Global Burden of Disease Study
Alternative Scenarios of Urban Water Infrastructure Systems
An inclusive future? Technological change and public policy
An inclusive future? Technology, new dynamics, and policy challenges
Analysing Megatrends to Better Shape the Future of Tourism
Analyzing Urban Poverty: A Summary of Methods and Approaches
Anticipating the Future: A Political Agenda for Global Economic Governance
Anticipatory Democracy and Aspirational Futures
Application of Virtual Reality Methods to Obesity Prevention and Management Research
Applying the ecological footprint to ecotourism scenarios
Artificial Intelligence and Labor
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humans
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humans
Artificial intelligence: opportunities and implications for the future of decision making
Assessing Strategies for Reducing Global Poverty
Assessment of the Impact of the Economic Partnership Agreement between the COMESA countries and the European Union
Back to the Future of Education: Four OECD Scenarios for Schooling
Back to the Future: Revisiting Mixed Crop-Livestock Systems
Banking and capital markets: Operating in the future
Beyond a Global Deal: A UN+ Approach to Climate Governance
Beyond Minority Report: Pre-crime, Pre-punishment and Pre-desert
Beyond the Numbers: Strategies for Global Nuclear Governance
Big Issues in Mobile Learning
Bike Sharing: Cornerstone of future urban mobility
Biofuels and Food Security: Implications of an accelerated biofuels production
Biometric Systems in Future Crime Prevention Scenarios – How to Reduce Identifiability of Personal Data
Biotechnologies to 2025? -
Biotechnology trends analysis
Blood Stream
Breakthrough Agenda Report 2024: Accelerating Sector transitions through stronger international collaboration
Building a 2nd Generation of World Water Scenarios
Building Back Better: An Action Plan for the Media, Entertainment and Culture Industry
Building Futures Intelligence Capacity through Education
Building Inroads into the Future of Space: Experimentation, Learning and Leadership for a Better World
Building the workforce of the future: Learning from Grow with Google
Building Urban Futures: City Carbon Actions Anchored in Building Codes and Standards
Canada 2030: Scan of Emerging Issues - Infrastructure
Canada 2030: Scan of Emerging Issues - Sustainability
Capital Markets in 2030: The future of equity capital markets
Capital requirements of developing countries’ agriculture to 2050
Cars and Second order consequence
Case Study: Bulelwa Ntsendwana- Harnessing Chemistry for Sustainable Development and Women Empowerment
Case Study: Mogale Maleka and Tumelo Pule- using Hydroponics to Enhance Food Security
Category Index
Causal layered analysis enriching the innovation process
Causal Layered Analysis: An Integrative and Transformative Theory and Method
Challenge Network scenarios since 1996
Challenges for the Future of Learning Until 2030: Foresight on Learning, Innovation and Creativity
Challenges to the Future of Gas: unburnable or unaffordable?
Changes in Nature's Balance Sheet
Changing the future of obesity: science, policy, and action
Chaos or Connection? The Global Media and Information Landscape in 2035
Checking Out the Future: Perspectives from the Library Community on Information Technology and 21st-Century Libraries
Childhood Obesity around the Globe - Prevalence, Trends, and Causal Pathways
China and the World: Scenarios to 2025
CIO Strategies for Consumerization: The Future of Enterprise Mobile Computing
Cities Alive: 100 issues shaping future cities
Cities and Pandemics- Towards a More Just, Green, and Healthy Future
Cities of the future: Global competition, local leadership
Climate change and carbon markets: implications for developing countries
Climate change and global water resources
Climate change and global water resources: SRES emissions and socio-economic scenarios
Climate Change and Its Impacts on Tourism
Climate change and malaria: analysis of the SRES climate and socio-economic scenarios
Climate Change and Population Health: Possible Future Scenarios
Climate Change and Water: An overview from the World Water Development Report 3: Water in a Changing World
Climate futures - Responses to climate change in 2030
Clouds, big data, and smart assets: Ten tech-enabled business trends to watch
Coal mining–the future
Cognitive systems: applications and impact - report
Colonisation, Globalisation, and the Future of Languages in the Twenty-first Century
Combining stakeholder scenarios and modelling: future food security, environments, livelihoods in the global south
Competing Higher Education Futures in a Globalising World
Conclusion: ‘‘Foresight for smart globalization’’ synthesis statement and recommendations
Connecting the Dots: Information Visualization and Text Analysis of the Searchlight Project Newsletters
Construction IT in 2030: a scenario planning approach
Contestation: the new dynamic driving global politics
Contours of the Possible: Global Scenarios and Great Transitions
Contributions to the Development of a General Methodology for Innovation and Forecasting
Corporate Foresight: Its Three Roles in Enhancing the Innovation Capacity of a Firm
CORPUS Discussion Paper 3 on Scenario Development for Sustainable Food Consumption
Cosmopolitan Security: A Model for Future Global Security?
Costa Rica's ageing Future: turning points and policy options: a look towards 2040 and beyond
Cotton 2040 Impact Report
Could climate become the weak link in your supply chain?
Creating a Sustainable Food Future, Installment One: The Great Balancing Act
Creating a Sustainable Food Future, Installment Three: Achieving Replacement Level Fertility
Creating Public Awareness: State 2025 Diabetes Forecasts
Creating the Cities of the Future
Creative economy outlook 2024
Crime and the Future
Critical metals for future sustainable technologies and their recycling potential
Critical metals for future sustainable technologies and their recycling potential - Presentation
Critics of Generative AI Are Worrying About the Wrong IP Issues
Current and Future Scenarios for Arrest and Surrender to the ICC
Cyber trust and crime prevention: executive summary
Cybersecurity Economics for Emerging Markets
Data Innovation 101
Data Power Dynamics: Who Runs the World in 2027?
Decode: Imagining personal data futures
Defense 2045: Assessing the Future Security Environment and Implications for Defense Policymakers
Degrowth, the past, the future, and the human nature
Delphi Study: The Future of Hydrogen
Democracy and Futures
Design Book: 50 city stories explored
Detection of Potential Site for Future Human Habitability on the Moon using Chandrayaan-1 Data
Developing Capacity for Long-Term Energy Policy Planning: A Roadmap
Developing Industrial Minerals, Nuclear Minerals and Commodities of Interest via Off-world Exploration and Mining
Development without energy? Assessing future scenarios of energy consumption in developing countries
Diabetes towards 2030
Digital progress and trends report 2023
Digital Twin Cities: Framework and Global Practices
Dispatched From The Frontline: Using pro-poor foresight to influence decision-making
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 4.0: A toolkit for leaders to accelerate social progress in the future of work
Drivers of Change App
Driving Forces 2035 Cards
Driving Forces 2040 Cards
Driving precision oncology adoption now
Driving systems change in turbulent times
Drugs futures 2025: scenarios
Eating in 2030: trends and perspectives
Economic Development and the Demand for Energy: A Historical Perspective on the Next 20 Years
Economic Effects of Peak Oil
Economy Cluster Findings - The Future of Asia: Implications for Canada
Edge of Government: Public innovations from across the globe
Electrifying the Bottom of the Pyramid: Improving Access in Slums
ELMR: Lightweight Mobile Health Records
Emerging technologies: big data
Empowering Europe’s Future: Governance, Power and Options for the EU in a Changing World
Encryption Policy for the 21st Century a Future Without Government Prescribed Key Recovery
Encyclical Letter LAUDATO SI' Of The Holy Father Francis On Care For Our Common Home
Energy Descent Pathways - evaluating potential responses to Peak Oil
Energy Governance Outlook: Global Scenarios and Implications
Energy Shocks and Emerging Alternative Energy Technologies
Energy Technology
English as a global language: Its historical past and its future
Enlightment 2.0
Envisioning 2030: US Strategy for the Coming Technology Revolution
Envisioning the Future of Mining
Equitable Future Mobility
Establishing a Hydrogen Economy: The future of energy 2035
Europhonism, Universities, and the Magic Fountain: The Future of African Literature and Scholarship
Existential Risk Prevention as Global Priority
Existential Risks: Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios and Related Hazards
Exploring Food Price Scenarios Towards 2030 with a Global Multi-Region Model
Exploring the Future of Crime, Communities & Policing
Exploring the Future of Gaming
Facing the Challenges: Three Scenarios for Global Economic Governance in 2020
Feeding the Future’s Changing Diets - Implications for Agriculture Markets, Nutrition, and Policy
Fertilizer Requirements in 2015 and 2030
FIC & Sustainable Economic Development: Issues for Innovation and Growth
FIC and Africa
Field Notes from the frontlines of cell & gene therapy
Five Scenarios for 2050: Conditions for Agriculture and Land Use
Five ways we can feed the world in 2050
Food consumption trends and drivers
Food for 2050: how can sustainability stay on the menu?
Food security and global environmental change: emerging challenges
Food security and nutrition: current and likely future issues
Food Security by 2050: Insights from the Agrimonde Project
Food Security, Farming, and Climate Change to 2050: Scenarios, Results, Policy Options
FoodWeb 2020: Forces Shaping the Future of Food
For a just and regenerative future - Forum for the Future’s 2023-2025 strategy
Forecasting Long-term Global Fertilizer Demand
Forecasting the Diffusion of an Innovation Prior to Launch
Forecasting the Future of Predictive Crime Mapping
Forecasting the future through 'weak signals'
Foresight 2012
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the Continent in 2013
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the Continent in 2017
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the continent in 2019
Foresight and anticipatory governance
Foresight for Development
Foresight for Smart Globalization: Accelerating & Enhancing Pro-Poor Development Opportunities
Foresight in cultural evolution
Foresight in government - Practices and trends around the world
Foresight Manufacturing report
Foresight on COVID-19: Possible shifts and implications
Foresight Project on Global Food and Farming Futures
Foresighting for Development
Forward-looking Approaches and Innovative Strategies to Promote the Development of Africa in the Twenty-first Century
Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2019
Four Future Scenarios for Higher Education
Four Futures of Food: Alternative Scenarios Briefing
Four Plausible Futures: 2050 Scenarios
Framing the future as ‘just and regenerative’: why and how
From disruption to reinvention: The future of supply chains in europe
From Scarcity to Security: Managing Water for a Nutritious Food Future
Future Agriculture – Livestock, crops and land use
Future Challenges of Cybercrime Volume 5: Proceedings of the Futures Working Group
Future Climate Changes on Mars: Science Fiction or Possible Reality?
Future climate in world regions: an intercomparison of model-based projections for the new IPCC emissions scenarios
Future Dimensions of Public Security: Security 2025 – Four Scenarios
Future Evolution of the Human Brain
Future Innovation Strategies
Future Issues and Space
Future Knowledge Ecosystems: The Next Twenty Years of Technology-Led Economic Development
Future Libraries Workshops Summary and Emerging Insights
Future of Cultural Heritage Impact of external developments
Future of Food (Future agenda – initial perspective on Future of Food)
Future of Food : Maximizing Finance for Development in Agricultural Value Chains
Future of Health
Future of Healthcare
Future of Highways
Future of Libraries: Can they survive budget cuts and digitization?
Future of offices in a post-pandemic world
Future of Project Management + Timeline
Future of Rail 2050
Future of Schools
Future of Urban Logistics
Future of Work - Arup
Future paths of poverty: a scenario analysis with integrated assessment models
Future Peace: Breaking Cycles of Violence through Futures Thinking
Future Population Growth And Policy Options
Future Scenarios and Future Threats: What Happens if Piracy is not Controlled, and How Might Manifestations Change?
Future Scenarios and Implications for the Industry
Future Scenarios for Health Service Delivery
Future Security Environment 2025 (FSE)
Future shifts in PGM demand—the impact of technological and economic scenarios on future metal demand
Future Shocks and Shifts: Challenges for the Global Workforce and Skills Development
Future Space Trends Forecast 2025
Future State 2030: The global megatrends shaping governments
Future Studies
Future Thinking: A few things you want to know about tomorrow
Future Trends in Precision Agriculture: A look into the future of agricultural equipment
Future Warfare [Circa 2025]
Futures for Fragility: Applying Foresight, Advancing Development
Futures of Women, Women of the Future
Futures studies and the human sciences: the case for normative scenarios
Futures Thinking for Academic Librarians: Scenarios for the Future of the Book
Gamification and the Future of Education
Gender (in)equality and the future of work
Gender equality by 2045: reimagining a healthier future for women and girls
Generative AI and Jobs: A global analysis of potential effects on job quantity and quality
GEO For Cities- Towards Green and Just Cities
Global agriculture towards 2050
Global agriculture towards 2050
Global conflict - future trends and challenges: towards 2030
Global currencies for tomorrow: a global perspective
Global Demographic Trends and their Implications for Employment
Global Demographics Trends: Drivers and Impacts
Global Employment Trends for Youth 2012
Global Employment Trends for Youth 2024
Global Energy and Climate Model: Scenario analysis of future energy trends
Global energy crunch: how different parts of the world would react to a peak oil scenario
Global Environment Outlook 3 - Past, present and future perspectives
Global estimates of water withdrawals and availability under current and future “business-as-usual” conditions
Global food production and prices to 2050
Global Food Security Strategic Plan 2011-2016
Global Foresight 2022
Global Future Council on New Network Technologies 5G: Society’s Essential Innovation Technology
Global Future Survey 1/2017
Global Futures Forecast: The Top Tech and Innovation Trends
Global Gas Security Review 2024
Global Governance 2025
Global Hydrogen Review 2024
Global Material Resources Outlook to 2060 Economic Drivers and Environmental Consequences
Global Mobility Future Force Design 2040
Global prevalence and trends of overweight and obesity among preschool children
Global Scenarios and Implications for Constructing Future Livestock Scenarios
Global Scenarios to 2025
Global Strategic Trends: Out to 2055
Global Strategic Trends: The Future Starts Today (Sixth Edition)
Global Student Mobility 2025: Forecasts of the Global Demand for International Higher Education
Global System on the Brink: Pathways toward a New Normal
Global Trendometer - Essays on medium- and long-term global trends
Global Trends 2015: A Dialogue About the Future with Nongovernment Experts
Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World
Global Trends 2030: challenges and opportunities for Europe
Global Trends 2040: A More Contested World
Global trends in body-mass index
Global trends in higher education, adult and distance learning
Global trends in M-payment - Challenges and opportunities
Global Trends to 2035 - Economy and Society
Global Trends to 2035: Economy and Society
Global Trends: The Paradox of Progress
Global Water Outlook to 2025: Averting an Impending Crisis
Globalization and the future of African culture
Globalization's effects on world agricultural trade, 1960-2050
Gloom and doom? The future of marine capture fisheries
Google & the Future of Books
Google Book Search and the Future of Books in Cyberspace
Great Transition Values: Present Attitudes, Future Changes
Great Transition: The Promise and Lure of the Times Ahead
Green Jobs and the Future of Work for Women and Men
Growth-positive zero-emission pathways to 2050
Guidelines for City MobilitySteering towards collaboration
Habitat Debate: A Future for Urban Planning?
Half a Chance: Youth Bulges and Transitions to Liberal Democracy
Harnessing Europe’s Narrative Power to Shape the Digital Future
Health Systems for the Millennium Development Goals: Country Needs and Funding Gaps
Health Technology
Her City- A Guide for cities to sustainable and inclusive urban planning and design together with girls
History and Future of Tracking for Mobile Phone Augmented Reality
Holographic Projection Technologies of the Future
Horizon 2050: A Flight Plan for the Future of Sustainable Aviation
Horizon Scanning
Horizon Scanning-Metafore Towards a Shared Future-Base for the European Research Area
How can the changing status of women help improve the human condition?
How do climate change and bio-energy alter the long-term outlook for food, agriculture and resource availability? (Presentation)
How do climate change and bioenergy alter the long-term outlook for food, agriculture and resource availability?
How does the Finnish Innovation System respond to Global Challenges
How Regions Grow: Trends and Analysis
How Technology Will Shape Our Future: Three Views of the Twenty-First Century
How to Build a Better Internet: 10 Principles for World Leaders Shaping the Future of Web3
How to create a library page
How will our cities move?
Human Augmentation - The Dawn of a New Paradigm
Human Evolution: Retrodictions and Predictions
Human Intervention in the Earth's Climate: The Governance of Geoengineering in 2025+
Human Well-being across Scenarios
Human-Robot Teams in Entertainment and Other Everyday Scenarios
Humanity + AI: Better Together
IFAD Strategic Framework 2011-2015
Imagining the Smart Cities of 2050
Implications for US National Security of Anticipated Climate Change
Implications of the Foresight Obesity System Map for Solutions to Childhood Obesity
Impossible baby : how to stimulate discussions about possibilities of two-mum and two-dad children
Income distribution trends and future food demand
Index of Tags
Index of Tags
India and the World: Scenarios to 2025
India-China in 2030: a net assessment of the competition between two rising powers
Industrial strategies for tackling the challenges of the twenty-first century: trends in objectives, rationales and design in policy and academia
Infectious diseases: preparing for the future - executive summary
INFU scenario report
Innovating for a Brighter Future: The Role of Business in Achieving the MDGs
Innovation Futures Scripts
Innovation Futures: A Foresight Exercise on Emerging Patterns of Innovation
Insight on Urban Tomorrows - Expert Survey on Futures of Liveable Cities
Instant Messaging and the Future of Language
Institutionalisation of Futures Studies - case Finland
Insurance 2025 - Reducing risk in an uncertain future
Integrating Solar and Wind: Global experience and emerging challenges
Integration is Key: Role of Electric Mobility for Low Carbon and Sustainable Cities
Intellectual property in the year 2025
Intelligence After Next: Designing for Chaos Leads to Resiliency
Intelligence After Next: What Are We Waiting For? Today's Technologies can improve the businessof all-source intelligence analysis now
Intelligent Infrastructure Futures The Scenarios – Towards 2055
Intelligent infrastructure futures: scenarios - towards 2055
International Air Passenger Transport in the Future
Introduction to National Open Innovation System (NOIS) Paradigm
Introduction: World Tourism and the Tourist in 2030
iSee: Interactive Scenario Explorer for Online Tournament Games
It's Alive: a vision for tall buildings in 2050
It's YOUR future...Make it a good one!
ITB World Travel Trends Report 2010/2011
Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained: Workforce Transitions in a time of automation
Jobs of Tomorrow: Mapping Opportunity in the New Economy
Key statistics and trends in trade policy 2016 : G20 policies and least developed countries export performance
Key statistics and trends in trade policy 2017 : trade imbalances
Key statistics and trends in trade policy 2018: trade tensions, implications for developing countries
Key statistics and trends in trade policy 2019: retaliatory tariffs between the United States and China
Key statistics and trends in trade policy 2022: green goods trade and trade policies
Language Death versus Language Survival: A Global Perspective
Law and Policy for the Quantum Age
Law Scenarios to 2030
Life and Death in the Future: Healthier, and Better
Life in 2030
Linking Futures across Scales: a Dialog on Multiscale Scenarios
Livestock and the Livelihoods of the Urban Poor: A Background Document
Long-term macroeconomic forecast: Key trends to 2050
Long-term macroeconomic forecasts Key trends to 2050
Long-term scenarios for the future of the global financial system - Key driving forces compendium
Long-Term Trends in World Politics
Looking Ahead to 2050: Scenarios of Alternative Investment Approaches
Looking Ahead: Energy, Climate Change and Pro-poor Responses
Looking Beyond the Endless Frontier
Looking to 2060: Long-term Growth Prospects for the World
Make or Break: How Will Cities Shape Future Global Challenges?
Making Cities Suatainable through Rehabilitating Polluted Urban Rivers: Lessons from China and Other Developing Countries
Mapping Climate Change Vulnerability and Impact Scenarios
Mapping global urban and rural population distributions: Estimates of future global population distribution to 2015
Mapping Sub-Saharan Africa's Future
Mapping Sub-Saharan Africa's Future
Mapping the Future of China-Africa Relations: How the Continent can Benefit
Mapping the Way Forward: Urban Futures Project Final Report
Mapping Youth Futures - Global Youth Culture: A Transdisciplinary Perspective
Me, my data and I: The future of the personal data economy
Media 2015: The Future of Media
Medium Term Economic Effects of Peak Oil Today
Mega-trend Cards - Mega-Trends: Know Your Future
Mega-trend Cards - Travel to the Future
Mega-trends 2016: The Future Happens Now
Megacities on the move - your guide to the future of sustainable urban mobility in 2040
MetaSCAN 2011: Exploring four global forces shaping our future
Methods for Developing Multi-scale Participatory Scenarios
mHealth for Development: The Opportunity of Mobile Technology for Healthcare in the Developing World
Millenia2015 – Methodology of the foresight research process
Millennia2015 Foresight Exercise - Foresight analysis guide of the 37 variables of Millennia2015
Mind the AI Divide: Shaping a Global Perspective on the Future of Work
Mining Futures: Beyond the Headlines
MIRAGE-e: A General Equilibrium Long-term Path of the World Economy
MMOGs and the Future of Literature
Mobile Government: E-Government for Mobile Societies: Stocktaking of Current Trends and Initiatives
Mobile Learning Objects Deployment and Utilization in Developing Countries
Mobile Scenarios: Supporting Collaborative Learning among Nomads
Mobile traffic forecasts 2010-2020 report
Modeling megacity futures
Modelling Future Health: Predicting Health with changing obesity using Micro Simulation
Monetary regimes and labour institutions: an alternative interpretation of the downward trend in exchange-rate passthrough in peripheral countries
More unequal or less? A review of global, regional and national income inequality
Moving from a Petroleum Economy to the Bio Economy of the Future
Multimedia sEmantic Syndication for enHanced news services
Munich Security Report 2017: "Post-Truth, Post-West, Post-Order?"
Nanotechnology and Materials Science
NATO, Climate Change, and International Security: A Risk Governance Approach
Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector
Net-zero buildings: halving construction emissions today
New Lenses on Future Cities: A new lens scenarios supplement
New maritime transport scenarios. Part II: fluctuations in shipping and new scenarios
New Nature Economy Report II: The Future of Nature and business
New Spirituality
New Vision for Education: Fostering Social and Emotional Learning Through Technology
Newspaper Extinction Timeline: When newspapers in their current form will become insignificant
Next in energy and utilities: The industry's role in the future of cleaner energy:Tomorrow's bold ambitions meet today's obligations
No foresight, no food? Regional scenarios for Africa and South Asia
Obesity and Severe Obesity Forecasts Through 2030
Obesity and Trends in Life Expectancy
Obesity in 2020: Three Scenarios on Techno-socio-ethical Co-evolution
OECD Government Foresight Community Annual Meeting Report 2020
OECD Government Foresight Community Annual Meeting Report 2020 - Strategic foresight for future-ready public policy
OECD Regional Outlook 2019 - Leverageing Megatrends for Cities and Rural Areas
OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2022-2031
Oil & Gas 2030: Let There Be Change
Oil 2024: Analysis and forecast to 2030
Oil: The Next Revolution - The Unprecedented Upsurge of Oil Production Capacity and What It Means for the World
Open e-books: The changing paradigm
Open Education 2030: Vision Papers Part I: Lifelong Learning
Openness, Dynamic Specialization, and the Disaggregated Future of Higher Education
Operating in the future
Our Biopolitical Future: Four Scenarios
Our cities ourselves: Principles for Transport in Urban Life
Our Post-Peak Oil Future: A Comparison of Two Scenarios Following the Global Peak in Oil Production
Our Shared Digital Future Building an Inclusive, Trustworthy and Sustainable Digital Society
Pact for the Future, Global Digital Compact, and Declaration on Future Generations
Pandemonium: Risk Factors for Future Pandemics
Parks 2050: Growing food, curbing floods, cleaning air
Payments 2020: Scenarios for dynamic evolution
Peak Oil and Our Future: How Energy Depletion Will Change Our Lives
Peak Oil and the Fate of Humanity
Peak Oil Futures: Same Crisis, Different Responses
Peering into the Futures of Liberal Arts
People and Connections: Global Scenarios for 2020
Permanent Innovation:TheDefinitive Guide to the Principles, Strategies, and Methods of Successful Innovators
Personal Futures: Foresight & Futures Studies for Individuals
Planning for the future
Planning Sustainable Cities: Global Report on Human Settlements 2009
Planning the unplannable: Scenarios on the future of space
Police Decision-Making: a Futures Perspective
Policing 2020: Exploring the Future of Crime, Communities, and Policing
Policy paper on urban strategic planning: Local leaders preparing for the future of our cities
Policy Pathways for the New Economy Shaping Economic Policyin the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Policy Scenarios for Eliminating Plastic Pollution by 2040
Political Parties and Democracy: What sort of future?
Post-Vienna: Prospects for Iran's Oil Production and Exports
Potential of biomass energy out to 2100, for four IPCC SRES land-use scenarios
Poverty 2039: Exercises in Pro-Poor Foresight
Poverty, growth and inequality over the next 50 years
Poverty, growth and inequality over the next 50 years
Powering the Future: Risk Governance for a Sustainable, Resilient and Inclusive Energy System
PREDICT: Projections and Relevant Effects of Demographic Implications, Changes, and Trends
Preparing the us for security and governance in a geoengineering future
Preserving our Past with Toys of the Future
Private Military & Security Companies: Future Challenges in Security Governance
Progress for Children: A report card on adolescents
Progress for Children: A report card on adolescents
Projection of populations by level of educational attainment, age, and sex for 120 countries for 2005-2050
Prospective Slum Policies: Conceptualization and Implementation of a Proposed Informal Settlement Growth Model
Prospects of Mobile Search
Protected Areas in 2023: Scenarios for an Uncertain Future
Provincial Innovation Foresight Overview Report
Re-Imagining Forced Migration Governance for 2030
Reaching Net Zero by 2050
Ready, set,change Upcoming transformations
Real Estate Investment Management 2020 and Beyond
Reflections on the Future of Warfare and Implications for Personnel Policies of the U.S. Department of Defense
Regional Challenges in the perspective of 2020: Regional Disparities and future challenges
Regional Infrastructure Foresight
Reimagine the retail workforce
Reimagining the Future of Informality: Scenarios from the Global South
Renewables 2024: Analysis and forecasts to 2030
Resilience and capital flows in the Caribbean
Resilient Health Systems of the Future: the Case for Community Health
Resource nationalism
Review of how science and technology could contribute to better energy management in the future: futures studies
Russia’s Sovereign Globalization: Rise, Fall and Future
Scanning for Correctional Futures
Scanning for Justice
Scanning the 2020 horizon: An analysis of trends and scenarios in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector
Scenario Analysis of the Mobile Voice Market
Scenario Analysis of the Mobile Voice Services Market
Scenario art: A new futures method that uses art to support decision-making for sustainable development
Scenario Planning - A Tool for Strategic Thinking
Scenario planning on the future of intellectual property
Scenario Planning: a Tool for Conservation in an Uncertain World
Scenario Storylines for Qualitative Background Scenarios on the Future of Air Transport and its Emissions
Scenarios Analysis with International Futures (IFs)
Scenarios and challenges for feeding the world in 2050
Scenarios and system dynamics of mobile peer-to-peer content distribution
Scenarios for 2025
Scenarios for 2025
Scenarios for 2040
Scenarios for Branchless Banking in 2020
Scenarios for future scientific and technological developments in developing countries 2005-2015
Scenarios for Higher Education, 2020
Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development
Scenarios for the Poorest: The View from 2030
Scenarios for the Role of Libraries in Scholarly Publishing
Scenarios for the Russian Federation
Scenarios for Ukraine: Reforming institutions, strengthening the economy after the crisis
Scenarios of energy and agriculture in Africa
Scenarios of sustainable well-being
Scenarios On The Futures of Consumer Attitudes And Their Use Of Sustainable Products
Scenarios On The Futures of Consumer Attitudes And Their Use Of Sustainable Products
Scenarios Workshop Report 3-4th March 2010
Schooling for Tomorrow - The Starterpack: Futures Thinking in Action
Science 2.0: the deep unbundling
Science :The next Revolution
Science and Technology Foresight - Animal Health Foresight Project
Science, Technology and Security (January 2024)
Science, Technology and Security (June 2024)
Science, Technology and Security (September 2023)
Searchlight Convening: The Future of the Urban Poor
Searchlight Report: Building a Searchlight Function
Seasonal Climate Forecasting: Who Can Use It And How Should It Be Disseminated?
Second Continental Report on The Implementation of Agenda 2063
Securing 2020 vision for 2030: climate change and ensuring resilience in water and sanitation services
Securing the Net: Global Governance in the Digital Domain
Security & Society
Selecting Best Policies and Law for Future Generations
Serving the Water and Sanitation Sector: Resource centre experiences, developments and future trends
Seven Meta-trends and the Future of Learning
Shaping the Future of Geopolitics
Shaping the Future of Retail for Consumer Industries
Shaping the Future of Work: Technology's Role in Employment
Shaping the Future: A Long-Term Perspective of People and Job Mobility for the Middle East and North Africa
Shared Responsibility: Towards More Inclusive Internet Governance
Simulating the Evolution of Global Democracy Levels
Six Pillars: Futures Thinking For Transforming
Six Scenarios for Universities
Skill Shift: Automation an the Future of the Workforce
Smart Cities – A Move Towards Sustainability
Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future
Smart Defense and the Future of NATO: Can the Alliance Meet the Challenges of the Twenty-First Century?
Smart Defense and the Future of NATO: Can the Alliance Meet the Challenges of the Twenty-First Century?
Smart Partnerships amid Great Power Competition: AI, China, and the Global Quest for Digital Sovereignty
SmartBook – a vision for the future e-book
Social Dialogue and the Future of Work
Social Networking in 2030: How Could Crypto Change Things
Some views on emerging and future technologies for wireless mobile networks
Sophie and the Future of Reading and Writing
Southern African Scenarios 2015: Renaissance, Asymmetry or Decline and Decay?
Space 2030 - Research Trends as Input for Long-Term Planning
Space Exploration in a Changing International Environment
Space in 2030
Space Tourism Market Study: Orbital space travel & destinations with suborbital space travel
Sparknet Scenarios for the Future - Gender Issues
Speculation and price volatility in the coffee market
Speculation- Can there be ethical investment in asteroid mining?
Sport business in the global marketplace
Sports Forecasting: A Comparison of the Forecast Accuracy of Prediction Markets, Betting Odds and Tipsters
State and Trends of Carbon Pricing: International Carbon Markets 2024
State of Energy Policy 2024
State of the World’s Cities Report: Bridging the Urban Divide 2010/11
Store of Tomorrow
Strategic Foresight Analysis - 2013 Report
Strategic Foresight Report 2021
Strategic Foresight Report 2023
Strategic Trends Programme: future operating environment 2035
Strategy, scenarios, and the global shift in defense power
Structured and documented collection of current signals for arising changes in innovation patterns
Sugar and Future Trends in World Food Security
Supplement to Global Scenarios to 2025
Sustainability and change process
Sustainable Communities and the Great Transition
Sustainable Economy in 2040: A Roadmap for Capital Markets
Tackling Obesities: Future Choices One-Year Review
Tags and category pages
Targeting and Universalism in Poverty Reduction
Tech Panics, Generative AI, and the Need for Regulatory Caution
Tech Trends 2022
Technology and Innovation 2025
Technology and Innovation in Financial Services: Scenarios to 2020 - Preface and Executive Summary
Technology and Innovation in World Agriculture: Prospects for 2010-2019
Technology and the future of work in emerging economies
Technology Forecast: Unleashing enterprise mobility
Technology forecasting of new clean energy: The example of hydrogen energy and fuel cell
Technology foresight: types and methods
Technology Futures: Projecting the Possible, Navigating What's Next
Technology Radar: Global Views on Strategic Technologies
Technology Roadmapping as a foresight instrument
Technology: Governing the Ungovernable?
Telco 2015: five telling years, four future scenarios presentation
Telco 2015: five telling years, four future scenarios report
Ten opportunities for Europe post-coronavirus: Exploring potential for progress in EU policy-making
The 6th Science and Technology Foresight (2021-2045)
The Base Case of International Futures (IFs): Comparison with Other Forecasts
The Bioecological Model of Human Development
The Book Industry Strategy Group Scenarios
The Bookends Scenarios
The cars we'll be driving in the world of 2050
The case for negative emissions. A call for immediate action.
The Century Ahead: Searching for Sustainability
The Changing Nature of Work
The decarbonization of gas in the Southern Cone of South America
The demand for cash: stylized facts and substitution by electronic means of payment
The Digital Future of Brain Health
The digital hospital of the future
The E books Future - Technological Transformation of the Reading and Publishing Experience
The Effect of Language on Economic Behavior: Evidence from Savings Rates, Health Behaviors, and Retirement Assets
The Evolution and Future of Mobile Communication Systems
The Evolution of US and European Monetary Policy after Bretton Woods - A Historical Overview and Lessons for the Future
The extreme future of megacities
The Future and Crime: Challenges for Law Enforcement
The Future Availability of Natural Resources
The Future Can't Wait: Over-the-Horizon Views on Development
The Future Climate for Development: Scenarios for Low Income Countries
The Future is Not Good Enough: Business As Usual After 2015
The Future Is Now: Putting Scenarios for Peace Operations in 2025 in Today’s Operational Context
The Future of AI
The Future of Airports and Real Estate Opportunities
The future of asset management
The future of banking: Time to rethink business models
The future of buildings will be healthy - Arup
The Future of Capital Markets Trading
The Future of Cities, Information, and Inclusion
The future of citizen data systems
The Future of Conflict in an Age of Climate Extremes
The future of consumer markets
The Future of Democracy in the Face of Climate Change
The future of digital currency is here
The Future of Digital Spaces and Their Role in Democracy
The Future of eBooks? Will Print disappear? An end user perspective
The Future of Electricity in Fast-Growing Economies
The Future of Electricity: New Technologies Transforming the Grid Edge
The Future of Financial Markets and Regulation: What Strategy for Europe?
The Future of FinTech: A Paradigm Shift in Small Business Finance
The Future of Food and Farming: Challenges and choices for global sustainability
The Future of Food: are businesses on track to deliver a sustainable protein system by 2040?
The Future of Foresight in Innovation and Competitiveness
The Future of Global Poverty in a Multi-Speed World: New Estimates of Scale and Location, 2010–2030
The Future of Global Trade IN FOCUS: Between Multilateralism and Regionalism
The future of global value chains
The Future of Higher Education: Beyond the Campus
The future of higher education: how technology will shape learning
The Future of HR: Five Technology Imperatives
The Future of Humanitarian Response 2017
The Future of Humanity
The Future of Hydrogen - Seizing today's opportunities
The Future of Innovation Management: The Next 10 Years
The Future of International Trade and Investment (ESPAS Ideas Paper)
The Future of Jobs
The Future of Jobs: Employment, Skills and Workforce Strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Future of Learning & Development: Trends, Topics & Tools to Stay Ahead of the Curve
The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age
The Future of Learning Objects
The Future of Learning: Preparing for Change
The Future of Manufacturing: Driving Capabilities, Enabling Investments
The Future of Media: A New Framework for Valuing Content
The future of mobility and Maas
The Future of Money - Presentation
The future of money: Smartphone swiping in the mobile age
The Future of NanoEnergy: Meeting the 21st Century Challenge
The Future of Nature and business Policy Companion
The Future of News Report
The Future of Philanthropy - Towards a global society realising the love for humanity
The future of philosophy
The future of procurement
The Future of Professional Services Firms: A View from 2025
The Future of Protein-The Protein Challenge 2040: Shaping the future of food
The Future of Publishing: A Report on Innovation and the Future of the Book
The Future of Research and the Research Library
The Future of Risk: New Game, New Rules
The Future of Science and Technology and Pro-poor applications
The future of shopping and social commerce
The Future of Smart Payments
The Future of Space Exploration and Human Habitation
The Future of the Global Financial System A Near-Term Outlook and Long-Term Scenarios
The future of the global food system
The future of the global minerals and metals sector: issues and challenges out to 2050
The Future of the Travel Industry – Scenarios for 2020
The Future of the University: A Perspective from the Oort Cloud
The Future of the WTO
The Future of Trade: The Challenges of Convergence
The Future of Universities: New Dynamics for Development
The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World
The Future of Urban Water
The Future of Warfare (ESPAS Ideas Paper)
The Future of Weaponized Unmanned Systems: Challenges and Opportunities
The Future of Well-Being in a Tech-Saturated World
The Future of Work 2050
The future of work: A hybrid work model
The Future of Work: Robots Cooking Free Lunches?
The Future of Work: What It Means for Individuals, Businesses, Markets and Governments
The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050
The Future Security Environment, 2001–2025: Toward a Consensus View
The future tourism mobility of the world population: Emission growth versus climate policy
The Future-Ready University
The GCC in 2020: Resources for the future
The Geneva Scenarios on Global Economic Governance 2020
The Global Atmospheric Environment for the Next Generation
The Global eBook Market: Current Conditions & Future Projections
The Global Economy in 2030: Trends and Strategies for Europe
The Global Legal Environment and its Future Four Scenarios
The global obesity pandemic: shaped by global drivers and local environments
The Global Security Environment: Emerging Trends and Potential Challenges
The Global Technology Revolution 2020, Executive Summary: Bio/Nano/Information Trends, Drivers, Barriers, and Social Implications
The Global Technology Revolution 2020, In-Depth Analyses
The Global Technology Revolution 2020, In-Depth Analyses: Bio/Nano/Materials/Information Trends, Drivers, Barriers, and Social Implications
The Global Technology Revolution China, Executive Summary
The Global Technology Revolution China, In-depth Analysis
The Google Book Search Settlement: Ends, Means, and the Future of Books
The Great Transition Today: A Report from the Future
The Human Core of the SSPs: Population Scenarios by Age, Sex and Level of Education for all Countries to 2100
The impact of foresight on innovation policy-making: recent experiences and future perspectives
The Impact of New and Emerging Technologies on the Cyber Threat Landscape and Their Implications for NATO
The Inventions of African Identities and Languages: The Discursive and Developmental Implications
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the World: Scenarios to 2025
The Lights in the Tunnel - Automation, Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future
The Long View: Scenarios for the World Economy to 2060
The Mobile Scenario Presenter: Integrating Contextual Inquiry and Structured Walkthroughs
The Mont Fleur Scenarios
The Net-Zero Transition: What it would cost, what it could bring
The New (Dis)Orders: Envisioning the Complex Futures of Geopolitics
The New Plastics Economy: Rethinking the future of plastics
The New Urban Agenda- Illustrated
The Next Generation of Emerging Global Challenges
The next normal in construction: How disruption is reshaping the world's larget ecosystem
The nutrition transition: worldwide obesity dynamics and their determinants
The Obesity Epidemic: Analysis of Past and Projected Future Trends in Selected OECD Countries
The OECD Scenarios for the Future of Schooling
The Oil Market to 2030 - Implications for Investment and Policy
The pact for the future
The Past, Present, and Future of the Antiquarian Book Trade
The Personal Futures Workbook
The Police and the Military: Future Challenges and Opportunities in Public Safety
The Predictive Content of Commodity Futures
The Protein Challenge 2040: A Roadmap to the Future of Protein
The resource outlook to 2050: By how much do land, water use and crop yields need to increase by 2050?
The restaurant of the future: A vision evolves
The SADC 2015 Scenarios
The season of revolution: the Arab Spring and European mobilizations
The social contract in the 21st century: Outcomes so far for workers, consumers, and savers in advanced economies
The Sustainable Goals Development Report 2022
The time-value of carbon
The University of the Future: Perspectives for Tanzania
The Urban Bio-loop
The Wider Context of Space Exploration: A Futurist's Perspective
The Wisdom of Nature: An Evolutionary Heuristic for Human Enhancement
The World Economy in 2050: a Tentative Picture
The world in 2025
The World in 2040: The future of healthcare, mobility, travel and the home
The World in 2050: Implications of Global Growth for Carbon Emissionsand climate change policy
The world of 2030: risks and opportunities for Latin America
Thinking About The Future: The Value Of Scenario Planning
Thinking MENA Futures: The Next Five Years and Beyond
Thoughts on the future of human evolution
Three Global Water Scenarios
Timing and future consequences of the peak of oil production
Tipping Point: Near-Term Systemic Implications of a Peak in Global Oil Production - An Outline Review
Tipping Point: Near-Term Systemic Implications of a Peak in Global Oil Production - An Outline Review
Tomorrow's Tourist: Fluid and Simple Identities
Tomorrow’s Healthy Society: Research Priorities for Foods and Diets
Top 10 Emerging Technologies 2019
Tourism 2023
Tourism Education Futures - 2010-2030
Tourism in the Mediterranean: Scenarios up to 2030
Towards Integration of Innovation Systems and Foresight Research in Firms and Corporations
Towards new learning networks
Towards Reference Modelling of Mobile Scenarios in the Wireless World
Trade and development report 2024 overview : rethinking development in the age of discontent
Transformative Rail: The issues shaping the future of the industry
Transforming cities: Visions of a better future
Transforming the future: anticipation in the 21st century
Transitional Justice and Human Rights in the 21st Century
Transportation & Logistics 2030: Volume 2 Transport infrastructure — Engine or hand brake for global supply chains?
Transprudentiality: Complementary Ecosociopsychonomies - Why Capitalism Needs Them
Travel and tourism in 2020 - Prepared by the Future Foundation: The Key Drivers
Trend compendium 2030
Trends and Global Forces: Selected articles from the Strategy and Corporate Finance Practice
Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
Trends in diversification of post-secondary education
Trends in Global Higher Education: Tracking an Academic Revolution
Trends in the mining and metals industry
Trends in water and agricultural development
Triple Threats for the Human Future: Will Civilization Arrive?
Troubled waters: a snapshot of security challenges in the Mediterranean region
Trust / 2030
Turning the Page: The Future of eBooks
Two futures and how to reconcile them
Unbridled liberalism and a pandemic: at a crossroads between techno authoritarianism and a new social order
Uncertainities in Predicting Tourist Flows Under Scenarios of climate Change
Uncertainty, Risk and Possible Futures of Global Water Systems
Understanding the Cycle: Childhood Maltreatment and Future Crime
Unlocking Green Jobs in South Africa
Upside-Down Urbanism
Urban Future with a Purpose 12 Trends Shaping the Future of Cities
Urban Futures 2030: Urban Development and Urban Lifestyles of the Future
Urban growth, climate change, and freshwater availability
Urban Population, Development and Environment Dynamics
Urban Regeneration as a tool for inclusive and sustainable recovery- report on the Expert Group Meeting
Urban world: Mapping the economic power of cities
Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for sustainability
using foresight methods to adapt development co-operation for the future
V-Gathering Futures Festival
Vision 2021: United in Ambition and Determination
Vision 2050 - The new agenda for business
Vision 2050:An Integrated National Transportation System
Visions of the Internet in 2035
Visión Guatemala1998-2000: Building Bridges of Trust
Was Buenos Aires the Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning? The Future of the World Trade Organization
Water Facts and Trends
We Don't Need to Double Food Production by 2050, Says New Study
Weak Signals in Organizational Futures
Weathering the Perfect Storm: lessons learnt on the ASEAN’s response to the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan
Western Options in a Multipolar World
What is the EU’s role in implementation of the Global Compact for Migration?
What is the future of e-books?
What Scenarios for farming and food systems in the world in 2050?
What We Will Eat in the Future
What will the internet look like in 2040?
What Will the Tourist Be Doing in 2030?
When Everything is Programmable Forecast and Technology Cards
When the Global Crisis and Youth Bulge Collide: Double the Jobs Trouble for Youth
WHO global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco use : 2000–2030
Why no peace has come, yet: The impact of gender issues on Western education and schooling
WiMAX Forum WiMAX™ Technology Forecast (2007-2012)
Window on the Future: 2025 Projections of Education Attainment and its Impact
Women and Alternative Futures
Work for a brighter future
Work/Technology 2050: Scenarios and Actions
Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030
World agriculture towards 2030/2050. The 2012 revision
World cities report 2022 : envisaging the future of cities
World Cities Report 2022- Envisageing Future Cities
World development report 2012: gender equality and development outline
World employment and social outlook 2016 : trends for youth
World employment and social outlook : trends 2015
World employment and social outlook : trends 2017
World employment and social outlook : trends 2018
World employment and social outlook : trends 2019
World employment and social outlook : trends for women 2017
World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2024
World Energy Scenarios:Composing energy futures to 2050
World Energy Technology Outlook – WETO H2
World energy, technology and climate policy outlook - WETO 2030
World food trends and prospects to 2025
World Lines: Pathways, Pivots and the Global Future
World social protection report 2020-22 : social protection at the crossroads – in pursuit of a better future
World Social Protection Report 2024-26: Universal social protection for climate action and a just transition
World social report 2023 : leaving no one behind in an ageing World
World Tourism in 2030
World trade report 2013 : factors shaping the future of world trade
World trade report 2018 : the future of world trade : how digital technologies are transforming global commerce
World trade report 2019 : the future of services trade
World trade: possible futures
World Urbanization Prospects
World Water and Food to 2025: Dealing with Scarcity
World Water in 2025
World Water Resources and Regional Vulnerability: Impact of Future Changes
World Youth Report 2011
Worldwide trends in childhood overweight and obesity
Worldwide trends in childhood overweight and obesity
WWScenarios: Driving Forces and Five Stylized Scenarios
Youth 21: Building an Architecture for Youth Engagement in the UN System
“Just Imagine!”: RICS Strategic Foresight 2030
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