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Library Index
“Just Imagine!”: RICS Strategic Foresight 2030
2 degrees Futures
3D Printing: Shaping Africa’s Future
3D Printing: Shaping Africa’s Future
9 Megatrends Shaping the Metaverse
10 Emerging Technologies 2020: In the hyper-connected and super-intelligent era
10 Emerging Technologies in the Untact Era 2021
10 grand challenges we'll face by 2050
10 thoughts for next generation mobility pricing
10 thoughts for the future of low-emission mobility
10 thoughts for the future of shared, connected and autonomous mobility
12 New Immigration Ideas for the 21st Century
30-Second Situation
100 Urban Trends: A Glossary of Ideas from the BMW Guggenheim Lab Berlin
2005 BT Technology Timeline
2020 and beyond: Future scenarios for education in the age of new technologies
2020 development futures
2020 Forecast: Creating the Future of Learning
2020 Global Food Outlook: Trends, Alternatives, and Choices
2020's redistricting nightmare, and how to avoid it in 2030
2021 STRATEGIC FORESIGHT REPORT: The EU’s capacity and freedom to act
2022 Strategic Foresight Report
2030 Conversations
2030 Purpose: Good business and a better future
2030: The Perfect Storm Scenario
2035: Paths towards a sustainable EU economy
2050 Scenarios: four plausible futures
A Circular Water Future: White Paper on Water Reuse
A comparative analysis of productivity in Brazilian and Mexican manufacturing industries
A Costly Commitment: Options for the Future of the U.S.-Taiwan Defense Relationship
A Distilled View of Life to 2030
A Future that Works: Automation, Employment and Productivity - Executive Summary
A Future that Works: Automation, Employment and Productivity - Full Report
A Global Declaration on Free and Open AI
A Humanitarian Call: the ASEAN response to cyclone nargis
A new era of digitalisation for ocean sustainability?
A Perspective on Net Zero Asia
A Rational Response to the Privacy “Crisis”
A Realistic Risk Assessment of the Presidential Election of 2024
A regional approach to the study of industrial diversity in Argentina (1996–2012)
A relationship between job quality and economic growth over the long run and the role of labour institutions: the case of Uruguay, 1991–2018
A Research Vision for an American Transportation Future
A review of global scenario exercises for food security analysis
A Review of M-Learning Models
A Roadmap for Europe to Succeed in the Digital Economy
A Russia without Russians? Putin’s disastrous demographics
A Scenario-Based Holistic Approach To Environmental Flow Assessments
A Special ASEAN Investment Report 2023
A Study of Personal Service Robot Future Marketing Trend
A study on deriving countermeasures for domestic R&D long-term investment through trend analysis of emerging technologies in the space field
A summary of potential cross-cutting missions to address future societal challenges in Norway
A Vision for a Sustainable Battery Value Chain in 2030
A Vision for Mining and Minerals: Applying Causal Layered Analysis and Art
A vision of smarter cities: How cities can lead the way into a prosperous and sustainable future
A World Divided? Envisioning the Future of Global Inequality
A World Reaching Inflection Point
a16z Podcast: Old Food, New Tech - Clean Meat
Academic Libraries of the Future: Scenarios beyond 2020
ACCELERATE MANIFESTO for an Accelerationist Politics
Achieving Net-Zero Emissions Through Nuclear: The “New Clear” Energy of the Future
Achieving Urban Food and Nutrition Security in the Developing World
Acting now for a positive 2018, preparing for radical change the next decade of business and sustainability
Addressing societal challenges in Norway: Key trends, future scenarios, missions and structural measures: Methodology
Addressing societal challenges in Norway: Key trends, future scenarios, missions and structural measures: Summary
Addressing Urban and Human Settlement Issues in National Adaptation Plans
Advanced science and the future of government
Advances in the classification of inland waterways in South America
Advancing a Strategic Approach to Global Space Traffic Coordination
Advancing Global Food Security in the Face of a Changing Climate
Africa 2025
Africa 2050: Emerging Results from IFs Modelling Tool
Africa 2060: Good News from Africa
Africa 2063: How Cities Will Shape the Future of a Continent
Africa and Foresight: Better Futures in Development
Africa Environment Outlook for Youth: Our Region – Our Life
Africa in 2020: Discussion Paper
Africa in 2020: Three Scenarios For The Future
Africa-Indian Ocean Regional Traffic Forecasts 2004–2020
Africa's current and future stability
Africa's current and future stability
Africa's Demographic Trends
Africa’s Future and the World Bank’s Role in it
Africa's Future is Female
Africa’s path to growth: Sector by sector
Africa's Technology Futures: Three Scenarios
African Agriculture in 50 years: Smallholders in a Rapidly Changing World?
African climate change: 1900–2100
African Development Bank PPP Strategic Framework 2021-2031
African Digital Compact
African Digital Futures
African Economic Outlook 2012: Promoting Youth Employment
African Futures 2030: Free trade, peace, prosperity
African Futures 2035: Key Trends
African Futures 2050: The Next Forty Years
African futures: Horizon 2025
African futures: Horizon 2025
African Union Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (ABSAP) 2023 - 2030
African urban fantasies
African Voices - African Visions
Afrocentrism vs Sinocentrism Scenarios for 2020
Aftermath of the Arab Spring in North Africa
Aftermath of the Arab Spring in North Africa
Against the rising tide: an overview of the growing criminalisation of the Mediterranean region
Ageing in the Caribbean and the human rights of older persons: Twin imperatives for action
Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want (popular version)
Agricultural and Natural Manufacturing Technology
Agricultural production in Greater Sekhukhune: the future for food security in a poverty node of South Africa?
Agriculture Sector Strategy 2010 - 2014
Agriculture: Facts & Trends South Africa
Agrimonde: Scenarios and challenges for feeding the world in 2050
Agrimonde: Scenarios and challenges for feeding the world in 2050 (Presentation)
Agroecology, Southeast Asia's Protein Transition, and the Role of Finance
AIDS in Africa: Scenarios for the Future
AIDS in Africa: Three scenarios for the education sector
AIDS in Africa: Three scenarios to 2025
Air power in the 21st century: enduring trends and uncertain futures
Air power in the 21st century: enduring trends and uncertain futures
Air Taxis Are Coming: The Planning Starts Notw
All Animals are equal
Alternate Cybersecurity Futures
Alternate Cybersecurity Futures
Alternative Investments 2020: The Future of Alternative Investments
Alternative Investments 2020: The Future of Alternative Investments
Alternative Investments 2020: The Future of Alternative Investments
Alternative Investments 2020: The Future of Capital for Entrepreneurs and SMEs
Alternative projections of mortality and disability by cause 1990–2020: Global Burden of Disease Study
Alternative Scenarios of Urban Water Infrastructure Systems
America's electoral future: The coming generational transformation
America's Future in Space: Aligning the Civil Space Program with National Needs
Americans Largely Favor U.S. Taking Steps To Become Carbon Neutral by 2050
An analysis of the art and craft sector and its potential for sustainable tourism development in the Caribbean
An Arctic Redesign: Recommendations to Rejuvenate the Arctic Council
An assessment of the challenges to Caribbean offshore financial centres: Saint Kitts and Nevis and Antigua and Barbuda
An inclusive future? Technological change and public policy
An inclusive future? Technology, new dynamics, and policy challenges
An initial assessment of territorial forward planning/foresight projects in the European Union
An inter regional water resources planning model
An Overview of the EU’s Cyber Resilience Act
Analysing Megatrends to Better Shape the Future of Tourism
Analyzing Urban Poverty: A Summary of Methods and Approaches
Another lost decade? Building a skills system for the economy of the 2030s
Anticipating the Future: A Political Agenda for Global Economic Governance
Anticipatory Democracy and Aspirational Futures
APEC Connectivity Blueprint
APEC Regional Trends Analysis, August 2024
APEC STI Strategic Foresight: Net Zero Emissions/ Carbon Neutrality Report
Application of Virtual Reality Methods to Obesity Prevention and Management Research
Applying the ecological footprint to ecotourism scenarios
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Sustainable Youth Development in Africa: A Policy Brief
Artificial Intelligence and Labor
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humans
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humans
Artificial intelligence: a game changer for the world of work
Artificial Intelligence: Disrupting The Future Of Work
Artificial intelligence: opportunities and implications for the future of decision making
ASEAN 2030: Dire Disruptions and Anticipated Possibilities
ASEAN and Russia: a future oriented multidimensional strategic partnership : report of the ASEAN-Russia Eminent Persons Group
ASEAN Annual Report 2020-2021
ASEAN Common Technical Dossier
ASEAN Cooperation on Environment – At A Glance
ASEAN Declaration on Promoting Competitiveness, Resilience and Agility of Workers for the Future of Work and its Guidance Document
ASEAN Development Outlook: inclusive and sustainable development
ASEAN Disaster Law and Public Health Emergencies
ASEAN Disaster Resilience Outlook – Preparing for a Future Beyond 2025
ASEAN Economic Community Chartbook 2009
ASEAN Framework on Anticipatory Action in Disaster Management
ASEAN Guiding Principles for Quality Assurance and Recognition of Competency Certification Systems
ASEAN Integration Report 2019
ASEAN Policy Brief on Safe School Reopening, Learning Recovery and Continuity
ASEAN Reporting Mechanism (RM) to Monitor the Adoption of Sustainability Assessment Frameworks and Tools for the Mineral Sector
ASEAN Tourism Strategic Plan 2016-2025
ASEAN Work Plan on Youth 2021-2025
ASEAN Youth Technology, Skills and the Future of Work
ASGISA: is the Bar Set High Enough?
Assessing long-term state fragility in Africa: Prospects for 26 'more fragile' countries
Assessing Regional Integration in Africa
Assessing Strategies for Reducing Global Poverty
Assessing Study on the Impact of Information Technology Agreement (ITA) and Future of ICT Trade
Assessing the role of migration in European labour force growth by 2030
Assessment of Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability to Climate Change in North Africa: Food Production and Water Resources
Assessment of the effects and impacts of Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas
Assessment of the Impact of the Economic Partnership Agreement between the COMESA countries and the European Union
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) integration monitoring report : a joint report by the ASEAN Secretariat and the World Bank (English)
Auckland 2050
Back to the Future of Education: Four OECD Scenarios for Schooling
Back to the Future: Revisiting Mixed Crop-Livestock Systems
Balancing Tradition and Modernity: The Future of Retirement in East Asia
Balkan futures – Three scenarios for 2025
Banking and capital markets: Operating in the future
Being Young in the GHEA: Perceptions, Expectations and Reality
Beyond 2020: Crisis Drivers in West Africa’s Future
Beyond a Global Deal: A UN+ Approach to Climate Governance
Beyond Minority Report: Pre-crime, Pre-punishment and Pre-desert
Beyond the copper sector: Chile’s engagement in international production networks
Beyond the Numbers: Strategies for Global Nuclear Governance
Big Issues in Mobile Learning
Bike Sharing: Cornerstone of future urban mobility
BiodiverCities by 2030: Transforming cities' relationship with nature
Biofuels and Food Security: Implications of an accelerated biofuels production
Biometric Systems in Future Crime Prevention Scenarios – How to Reduce Identifiability of Personal Data
Biotechnical Foresight: 3rd Western Cape Workshop
Biotechnologies to 2025? -
Biotechnology trends analysis
Blood Stream
Boosting productivity and preparing for the future of work in Germany
Brain Drain to Brain Gain: Reverse Migration to Asia
Brazil, 1981-2013: the effects of economic growth and income inequality on poverty
Breakthrough Agenda Report 2024: Accelerating Sector transitions through stronger international collaboration
Breakthrough: Harnessing technology for a better future
Building a 2nd Generation of World Water Scenarios
Building a Better Future
Building a Modern Military
Building a New Future: Transformative Recovery with Equality and Sustainability
Building a New Future: Transformative Recovery with Equality and Sustainability. Summary
Building a Sustainable Biopreparedness Industrial base
Building a sustainable future for Africa’s extractive industry: From vision to action
Building a Transatlantic Digital Marketplace: Twenty Steps Toward 2020
Building Back Better: An Action Plan for the Media, Entertainment and Culture Industry
Building Britain's Future? The construction workforce after Brexit
Building Futures Intelligence Capacity through Education
Building Inroads into the Future of Space: Experimentation, Learning and Leadership for a Better World
Building the future: infrastructure in Nigeria until 2040
Building the workforce of the future: Learning from Grow with Google
Building Urban Futures: City Carbon Actions Anchored in Building Codes and Standards
Business cycles, expectations and inflation in Brazil: a New-Keynesian Phillips curve analysis
Business Guide to Advancing Climate Justice
Campus of the Future: 2018
Can Democracy Survive the Disruptive Power of AI?
Canada 2030: Scan of Emerging Issues - Governance
Canada 2030: Scan of Emerging Issues - Infrastructure
Canada 2030: Scan of Emerging Issues - Sustainability
Canada and the Changing Nature of Work
Canada in a Changing Global Energy Landscape
Capacity to Decolonise: Building Futures Literacy in Africa
Cape Town 2025: Urban Form and Infrastructure
Capital Flows to Latin America and the Caribbean: 2014 Overview
Capital Markets in 2030: The future of equity capital markets
Capital requirements of developing countries’ agriculture to 2050
Capitalism and the future of democracy
Carbon Risk and Resilience How Energy Transition is Changing the Prospects for Developing Countries with Fossil Fuels
Caribbean synthesis report on the implementation of the Lisbon Declaration on Youth Policies and Programmes
Caribbean: 2030 Trends
Cars and Second order consequence
Case Study: Bulelwa Ntsendwana- Harnessing Chemistry for Sustainable Development and Women Empowerment
Case Study: Mogale Maleka and Tumelo Pule- using Hydroponics to Enhance Food Security
Case Study: Rori Mpete- Thinking Outside the Box, Retrofitting Water-saving in conventional waterborne sanitation systems
Case Study: Tshego Mpete- Embracing Green Opportunities in the water sector
Case Study: Wolfgang von Loeper-Sustainable Farming, ensuring food security while preserving the planet
Casualties of War: Transatlantic Relations and the Future of NATO in the Wake of the Second Gulf War
Category Index
Causal layered analysis enriching the innovation process
Causal Layered Analysis: An Integrative and Transformative Theory and Method
CBO Forecasts an Economic Nightmare for All Americans
CCAFS West Africa Regional Scenarios for Food Security, Environments and Livelihoods
Central America: 2030 Trends
Central Asia 2050: Unleashing the Region's Potential
CEPAL Review no. 128
Chain and silk: alternative futures of blockchain governance in Kyrgyzstan
Challenge Network scenarios since 1996
Challenges at the Horizon 2025
Challenges for optimizing social protection programmes and reducing vulnerability in Latin America and the Caribbean
Challenges for the Future of Learning Until 2030: Foresight on Learning, Innovation and Creativity
Challenges to the Future of Gas: unburnable or unaffordable?
Changes in Nature's Balance Sheet
Changing the future of obesity: science, policy, and action
Chaos or Connection? The Global Media and Information Landscape in 2035
Charting a New Course: ASEAN-UN post-nargis partnership
Charting a preferred future for healthcare in South Africa
Charting the Future Now: European Economic Growth and its Importance to American Prosperity
Checking Out the Future: Perspectives from the Library Community on Information Technology and 21st-Century Libraries
Child, early and forced marriage and unions: Harmful practices that deepen gender inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean
Childhood Obesity around the Globe - Prevalence, Trends, and Causal Pathways
Chile’s Private Pension System at 18: Its Current State and Future Challenges
China and India, 2025 - A comparative assessment
China and the West: The gap is set to grow
China and the World: Scenarios to 2025
China's Stragetic Vision: Tools and Axes of Competition
China's Strategic Vision: Envisioning a Sinocentric World
China's Strategic Vision: The Communist Party's Strategic Framing
CIO Strategies for Consumerization: The Future of Enterprise Mobile Computing
Cities Alive: 100 issues shaping future cities
Cities and Pandemics- Towards a More Just, Green, and Healthy Future
Cities in a globalised world: Exploring trends and the effect on urban resilience
Cities in Africa Part 2: Climate Change
Cities in Africa Part 3
Cities of the future: Global competition, local leadership
City Futures
City Futures for City Leaders - Penang Malaysia
City Of Nairobi Environment Outlook
Civil Service Modernisation in ASEAN: Towards A Future-Ready Civil Service
Climate and Green Growth Strategic Framework- Projecting Africa's Voice- Strategy- 2021-2030
Climate change and carbon markets: implications for developing countries
Climate change and global water resources
Climate change and global water resources: SRES emissions and socio-economic scenarios
Climate Change and Its Impacts on Tourism
Climate change and malaria: analysis of the SRES climate and socio-economic scenarios
Climate Change and Population Health: Possible Future Scenarios
Climate Change and the Risk of Displacement in Asia
Climate Change and Water in Africa: Analysis of Knowledge Gaps and Needs
Climate Change and Water: An overview from the World Water Development Report 3: Water in a Changing World
Climate futures - Responses to climate change in 2030
Closing the cloud strategy, technology, and innovation gap: Deloitte us Future of Cloud Survey Report
Clouds, big data, and smart assets: Ten tech-enabled business trends to watch
Coal mining on the Highveld and its implications for future water quality in the Vaal river system
Coal mining–the future
COFISA Biotechnology Foresight: 1st Eastern Cape Workshop Report
COFISA Biotechnology Foresight: 1st Gauteng Workshop Report
COFISA Biotechnology Foresight: 1st Western Cape Workshop Report
COFISA Biotechnology Foresight: 2nd Eastern Cape Workshop Report
COFISA Biotechnology Foresight: 2nd Gauteng Workshop Final Report
COFISA Biotechnology Foresight: 2nd Gauteng Workshop Report
COFISA Biotechnology Foresight: 2nd Western Cape Workshop Report
COFISA Biotechnology Foresight: 3rd Gauteng Workshop Report
COFISA Provincial Biotechnology Foresight
Cognitive systems: applications and impact - report
Cohesion and globalisation: An analysis of trends, future directions and potential missions to address societal challenges in Norway
Colonisation, Globalisation, and the Future of Languages in the Twenty-first Century
Combining stakeholder scenarios and modelling: future food security, environments, livelihoods in the global south
Commercial Snapshot Spectral Imageing: The Art of the Possible
Compassion in Action: the story of the ASEAN-LED coordination in Myanmar
Competing Higher Education Futures in a Globalising World
Compression or Expansion of Disability? Forecasting Future Disability Levels under Changing Patterns of Diseases
Concern Worldwide's Food and Cash Transfer (FACT) Programme
Conclusion: ‘‘Foresight for smart globalization’’ synthesis statement and recommendations
Concurrent Design Foresight
Confronting South Africa’s water challenge
Connecting the Dots: Information Visualization and Text Analysis of the Searchlight Project Newsletters
Consolidating Africa's Regional Integration Efforts
Constant real expenditure policy: the macroeconomic impacts of budget composition and a primary surplus
Construction IT in 2030: a scenario planning approach
Contemporary Security and Development Trends in the Great Lakes Region
Contestation: the new dynamic driving global politics
Continental Artificial Intelligence Strategy: Harnessing AI for Africa’s Development and Prosperity
Contours of the Possible: Global Scenarios and Great Transitions
Contributions to the Development of a General Methodology for Innovation and Forecasting
Controlling Unconstitutional Class Actions: A Blueprint for Future Lawsuit Reform
CoR’s Future Role and Institutional Positioning
Corporate Foresight: Its Three Roles in Enhancing the Innovation Capacity of a Firm
CORPUS Discussion Paper 3 on Scenario Development for Sustainable Food Consumption
Cosmopolitan Security: A Model for Future Global Security?
Cost-efficient emission reduction pathway to 2030 for Finland - Opportunities in electrification and beyond
Costa Rica's ageing Future: turning points and policy options: a look towards 2040 and beyond
Costs and Benefits to EU Members States of 2030 Climate and Energy Targets
Cotton 2040 Impact Report
Could climate become the weak link in your supply chain?
Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses (CTTA) – Volume 17 Issue 01
Countering Threats to Correctional Institution Security, Identifying Innovation Needs to Address Current and Emerging Concerns
COVID-19, elites and the future political economy of inequality reduction in Latin America
Creating a Sustainable Food Future, Installment One: The Great Balancing Act
Creating a Sustainable Food Future, Installment Three: Achieving Replacement Level Fertility
Creating an Equitable Future for Health and Well-Being
Creating Public Awareness: State 2025 Diabetes Forecasts
Creating the Cities of the Future
Creating the Future: Gender, Race and SET Sector Policies for Capacity Building and Innovation
Creative Disruption: Technology, Strategy, and the Future of the Global Defense Industry
Creative Disruption: Technology, Strategy, and the Future of the Global Defense Industry
Creative economy outlook 2024
Crime and the Future
Critical metals for future sustainable technologies and their recycling potential
Critical metals for future sustainable technologies and their recycling potential - Presentation
Critics of Generative AI Are Worrying About the Wrong IP Issues
Cross Border Air Pollution in Asia
Cross-Cutting Challenges and their Implications for the Mediterranean Region
Cuba and Pearl Harbor: Hindsight and Foresight
Cultivating the Future: Exploring the Potential and Impact of a Green Revolution in Africa
Cultural Identity and the Future of Africa
Current and Future Scenarios for Arrest and Surrender to the ICC
Current Trends and Responses to Crime in South Africa
Cyber trust and crime prevention: executive summary
Cyber trust and crime prevention: gaining insight from 3 different futures
Cyberbiosecurity: Adapting to Emerging Threats in the Biosecurity Landscape
Cybersecurity Economics for Emerging Markets
Data Innovation 101
Data Power Dynamics: Who Runs the World in 2027?
Data-Biased Innovation: Directed Technological Change and the Future of Artificial Intelligence
Decentralised Futures: How digital technologies will change the shape of organisations to come
Decode: Imagining personal data futures
Defense 2045: Assessing the Future Security Environment and Implications for Defense Policymakers
Degrowth, the past, the future, and the human nature
Delivering Tomorrow: Logistics 2050
Delphi Study: The Future of Hydrogen
Demand-Based Capacity Planning of Mobile Cellular Networks in Africa
Democracy and Futures
Democratic Governance and New Democracy in Africa: Agenda for the Future
Demographic Change, the IMPACT Model, and Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa
Demographic Observatory of Latin America and the Caribbean 2020. COVID-19 mortality: Evidence and scenarios
Design Book: 50 city stories explored
Designing a New Narrative to Build an AI-Ready Workforce
Detection of Potential Site for Future Human Habitability on the Moon using Chandrayaan-1 Data
Deter, Assure, Strike: Building Nuclear Deterrence for the 21st Century
Determinants of unfair inequality in Brazil, 1995 and 2009
Developing Capacity for Long-Term Energy Policy Planning: A Roadmap
Developing future scenarios for the sustainable use of pesticides
Developing Industrial Minerals, Nuclear Minerals and Commodities of Interest via Off-world Exploration and Mining
Developing New Future Scenarios for the U.S. Coast Guards's Evergree Strategic Foresight Program
Development and Inequality in South Africa
Development Dialogue: Climate Justice and Gender
Development of future scenarios for sustainable pesticide use in the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies by 2030
Development of Maritime High Schools in the Eastern Cape
Development without energy? Assessing future scenarios of energy consumption in developing countries
Diabetes & Obesity 2025: Four Future Scenarios For the Twin Health Epidemics
Diabetes towards 2030
Digital and Communication Technologies
Digital automation and the future of work
Digital Equity 2.0: How to Close the Data Divide
Digital infrastructure for the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Republic of Korea
Digital progress and trends report 2023
Digital Publishing in West Africa: Technology and the Future of the Book
Digital technologies for a new future
Digital Twin Cities: Framework and Global Practices
Digital-in-Health: Unlocking the Value for Everyone
Digitalization and Inclusive Growth: A Review of the Evidence
Digitally-enabled automation and artificial intelligence: Shaping the future of work in Europe’s digital front-runners
Digitally-enabled automation and artificial intelligence: Shaping the future of work in Europe’s digital front-runners
Dispatched From The Frontline: Using pro-poor foresight to influence decision-making
Diversification of the structure of secondary education and educational segmentation in Latin America
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 4.0: A toolkit for leaders to accelerate social progress in the future of work
Does Education Matter? Tests from Extensions of Compulsory Schooling in England and Wales
Drivers of Change App
Driving Forces 2035 Cards
Driving Forces 2040 Cards
Driving precision oncology adoption now
Driving systems change in turbulent times
Drugs futures 2025: modelling drug use
Drugs futures 2025: scenarios
E-commerce in Asia: Growth of the Online Marketplace
East Africa Strategic Futures: Food Security, the Environment and Livelihoods
Eating in 2030: trends and perspectives
Economic Development and the Demand for Energy: A Historical Perspective on the Next 20 Years
Economic development patterns in the six nations of Central America (1950–2018): Executive summary
Economic Effects of Peak Oil
Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean 2021: Labour dynamics and employment policies for sustainable and inclusive recovery beyond the COVID-19 crisis
Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean 2022: Trends and challenges of investing for a sustainable and inclusive recovery
Economy Cluster Findings - The Future of Asia: Implications for Canada
Edge of Government: Public innovations from across the globe
Education and Youth in the European Union: Current Challenges and Future Prospects
Education meets the metaverse: The promise and the worry A Brookings-Yidan Prize event on the future of education in the 21st century
Education Scenarios for 2019
EESC opinion on the 2022 Strategic Foresight Report
Ekurhuleni Growth & Development Strategy 2025
El Gran Giro de América Latina
Electric Vehicles for Smarter Cities: The Future of Energy and Mobility
Electricity Supply Options, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Priorities - Case Studies for South Africa
Electrifying the Bottom of the Pyramid: Improving Access in Slums
ELMR: Lightweight Mobile Health Records
Emerging economies: demographic change
Emerging technologies: big data
Employment Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Employment trends in an unprecedented crisis: policy challenges
Employment Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean. The future of work in Latin America and the Caribbean: old and new forms of employment and challenges for labour regulation
Empowering Europe’s Future: Governance, Power and Options for the EU in a Changing World
Encryption Policy for the 21st Century a Future Without Government Prescribed Key Recovery
Encyclical Letter LAUDATO SI' Of The Holy Father Francis On Care For Our Common Home
End of the line: The cost of faltering reforms
Ending hunger in Africa: The elimination of hunger and food insecurity on the African by 2025: Conditions for success
Energiewende: From Germany’s Past to Europe’s Future?
Energy consumption and container terminal efficiency
Energy Descent Pathways - evaluating potential responses to Peak Oil
Energy efficiency policies in the Caribbean: a manual to guide the discussion
Energy Futures - The role of research and technological development
Energy Governance Outlook: Global Scenarios and Implications
Energy Shocks and Emerging Alternative Energy Technologies
Energy Technology
English as a global language: Its historical past and its future
Enlightment 2.0
Envisageing the Future of Cities
Envisioning 2030: US Strategy for the Coming Technology Revolution
Envisioning 2050: Climate Change, Aquaculture and Fisheries in West Africa
Envisioning New Partnerships For Africa's Future: Making Global Governance Work in a Post-2015 World
Envisioning the Future of Mining
Equitable Future Mobility
Escaping the City? How COVID-19 might affect the UK's economic geography
ESI Project 2.0 - Future of Singapore Society
ESPAS Report 2019 : Global Trends to 2030
Establishing a Hydrogen Economy: The future of energy 2035
eThekwini (Durban) City Development Strategy
Ethiopia - Regional Cities
EU energy, transport and GHG emissions trends to 2050. Reference scenario 2013
Europe in 2022: Alternative Futures
Europe Should Embrace the Data Revolution
Europe Should Promote Data for Social Good
Europe: What to watch out for in 2016-2017
Europe’s Growing Muslim Population
European Forward Looking Activities - EU Research in Foresight and Forecast
European Union in the World 2025: Scenarios for EU relations with its neighbours and strategic partners
Europhonism, Universities, and the Magic Fountain: The Future of African Literature and Scholarship
Evaluation of the economic and social impact of possible trade negotiations between Jamaica and Central America, Mexico and the countries of the Northern Caribbean
Existential Risk Prevention as Global Priority
Existential Risks: Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios and Related Hazards
Expect the Unexpected: Ten Situations to Keep an Eye On
Exploiting the electromagnetic spectrum: findings and analysis
Exploiting the electromagnetic spectrum: tales from the future
Exploring europe's capability requirements for 2035 and beyond
Exploring Food Price Scenarios Towards 2030 with a Global Multi-Region Model
Exploring Social Futures
Exploring the Future of Crime, Communities & Policing
Exploring the Future of Gaming
Exploring tomorrow’s organised crime
EYE report 2018: Speak up Europe! 100 ideas for a better future
Facilitation of transport: experience with binational dialogue between the Republic of Haiti and the Dominican Republic
Facing Alternative Futures Prospects for and Paths to Food Security in Africa
Facing the Challenges: Three Scenarios for Global Economic Governance in 2020
Fact Sheet on ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC)
Families and children in the next system
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Future of Federal Housing Finance Policy: A Study of Regulatory Privilege
Farmers of the future
Feed Compass: acting on animal feed
Feeding the Future’s Changing Diets - Implications for Agriculture Markets, Nutrition, and Policy
Feeding the Greater Horn of Eastern Africa
Fertilizer Requirements in 2015 and 2030
FIC & Sustainable Economic Development: Issues for Innovation and Growth
FIC and Africa
Field Notes from the Cell & Gene Meeting on the Mesa
Field Notes from the frontlines of cell & gene therapy
Final Draft National Heritage and Cultural Tourism Strategy (ZA)
Finance Forward: Forces shaping the future of inclusive financial services
Financial Architecture
Financing a Water Secure Future
Financing Africa: Through the Crisis and Beyond
Financing Africa’s Future Growth and Development: Some Innovations
Financing for climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2014
Financing the future of supercomputing
Firm-level innovation, government policies and the middle-income trap: insights from five Latin American economies
Fiscal Panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean 2017: Mobilizing resources to finance sustainable development
Fiscal sustainability and the cyclically adjusted balance policy: methodology and analysis for Chile
Five AI Fails and How We Can Learn From Them
Five Scenarios for 2050: Conditions for Agriculture and Land Use
Five ways we can feed the world in 2050
Fixing Africa: Once And For All
Flying by numbers: Global Market Forecast for 2015-2034
Food and Water Security in South Africa: Present and Future
Food Animal Agriculture in 2020
Food consumption trends and drivers
Food for 2050: how can sustainability stay on the menu?
Food security and global environmental change: emerging challenges
Food security and nutrition: current and likely future issues
Food Security by 2050: Insights from the Agrimonde Project
Food Security, Farming, and Climate Change to 2050: Scenarios, Results, Policy Options
Food systems and COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean N° 6: Contingency plan for an eventual food supply crisis
Food systems and COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean N° 15: Towards inclusive, responsible and sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
FoodWeb 2020: Forces Shaping the Future of Food
For a just and regenerative future - Forum for the Future’s 2023-2025 strategy
Forecasting Long-term Global Fertilizer Demand
Forecasting the Diffusion of an Innovation Prior to Launch
Forecasting the Future of Predictive Crime Mapping
Forecasting the future through 'weak signals'
Foreign direct investment flows: an analysis for Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico based on the Grubel-Lloyd index
Forensic algorithms: The future of technology in the us legal system
Foresight - Trends and drivers of obesity: A literature review for the Foresight project on obesity
Foresight 2012
Foresight 2014
Foresight 2015
Foresight 2017
Foresight 2024: Fifteenth Anniversary Issue
Foresight Africa 2015: Democracy and Elections Across the Continent
Foresight Africa 2017
Foresight Africa-Continent's Greatest Challenges & Opportunities 2011
Foresight Africa: Top priorities for Africa in 2018
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the continent 202-2030
Foresight Africa: Top priorities for the continent 2020-2030
Foresight Africa: Top priorities for the continent in 2012
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the Continent in 2013
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the Continent in 2014
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the Continent in 2016
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the Continent in 2016
Foresight Africa: Top priorities for the continent in 2017
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the Continent in 2017
Foresight Africa: Top priorities for the continent in 2019
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the continent in 2019
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the Continent in 2021
Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the continent in 2022
Foresight and African agriculture: innovations and policy opportunities This review
Foresight and anticipatory governance
Foresight and the Future of Governance
Foresight Conference 2019 Report : Society 4.0
Foresight for Africa Report 2012
Foresight for Development
Foresight for Smart Globalization: Accelerating & Enhancing Pro-Poor Development Opportunities
Foresight Future of the Sea
Foresight in cultural evolution
Foresight in government - Practices and trends around the world
Foresight Manufacturing report
Foresight Mining and Metallurgy report
Foresight on COVID-19: Possible shifts and implications
Foresight Project on Global Food and Farming Futures
Foresight Report: Obesity: Strategies for prevention and treatment: Whole-system approach
Foresight Services to support strategic programming within Horizon 2020
Foresight synthesis report: Dawn of the African century
Foresight Youth Report
Foresight: South Africans Thinking about Tomorrow Today
Foresight’s potential – today & tomorrow
Foresighting for Development
Forward-looking Approaches and Innovative Strategies to Promote the Development of Africa in the Twenty-first Century
Forward-looking reflection on the future of eu environmental policy and the 2050 sustainability transition
Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2019
Four Future Scenarios for Higher Education
Four Futures of Food: Alternative Scenarios Briefing
Four perspectives establish a vision for Perth in 2050
Four Plausible Futures: 2050 Scenarios
Four Scenarios for the Future of Workplace AI
Four Syrian Scenarios
Fragmentation and Resurgence of Islamic Terrorist Groups in Asia
Framing the future as ‘just and regenerative’: why and how
From Building Information Modeling to Society 5.0: Digital Transformation and Sustainability in Japan and Abroad
From disruption to reinvention: The future of supply chains in europe
From Foesight to Power: Challenging and Reimagining Futures Pathways of Land use and Water Governance
From rhetoric to reality: Nearshoring in the Americas
From Scarcity to Security: Managing Water for a Nutritious Food Future
From subsistence to disruptive innovation Africa, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the future of jobs
Fulfilling the promise of sub-Saharan Africa
Functional Seclusion and the Future of Indigenous Languages in Africa: The Case of Cameroon
Future (im)perfect? Mapping conflict, violence and extremism in Africa
Future Agriculture – Livestock, crops and land use
Future Challenges of Cybercrime Volume 5: Proceedings of the Futures Working Group
Future Climate Changes on Mars: Science Fiction or Possible Reality?
Future climate in world regions: an intercomparison of model-based projections for the new IPCC emissions scenarios
Future Dimensions of Public Security: Security 2025 – Four Scenarios
Future Ecosystem Services in a Southern African River Basin: a Scenario Planning Approach to Uncertainty
Future Energy Systems in europe
Future Evolution of the Human Brain
Future Female - A 21st Century Gender Perspective
Future flooding scientific summary: volume 1 - future risks and their drivers
Future flooding scientific summary: volume 2 - managing future risks
Future flooding: China - Taihu Basin
Future flooding: executive summary
Future flooding: Scotland
Future identities: changing identities in the UK: the next 10 years - full report
Future Innovation Strategies
Future Issues and Space
Future Knowledge Ecosystems: The Next Twenty Years of Technology-Led Economic Development
Future Libraries Workshops Summary and Emerging Insights
Future lifestyles in Europe and in the United States in 2020
Future mobility hubs: Supporting the transition towards sustainable journeys
Future North
Future of Air Travel
Future of Air Travel: The Future Ready Airport
Future of an ageing population
Future of an ageing population
Future of ASEAN 50 Success Stories of Digitalisation of ASEAN MSMEs
Future of Cities: An Overview of the Evidence
Future of cities: foresight for cities
Future of cities: graduate mobility and productivity
Future of cities: overview of evidence
Future of cities: science of cities
Future of Communities in North Carolina 2040
Future of computer trading in financial markets: an international perspective
Future of Consumption in Fast-Growth Consumer Markets: ASEAN
Future of Consumption in Fast-Growth Consumer Markets: ASEAN
Future of Consumption in Fast-Growth Consumer Markets: China
Future of Consumption in Fast-Growth Consumer Markets: India
Future of Consumption in Fast-Growth Consumer Markets: India
Future of Cultural Heritage Impact of external developments
Future of Energy - Energy Systems in the us: A View from 2035
Future of Energy Storage: What will a future us energy storage look like?
Future of Europe
Future of Food : Maximizing Finance for Development in Agricultural Value Chains
Future of Food (Future agenda – initial perspective on Future of Food)
Future of food and farming: final project report
Future of Government in 2030
Future of Health
Future of Healthcare
Future of Healthcare Ecosystems
Future of Highways
Future of Immigration: Briefing Book - Data Foundations for Future Scenarios
Future of Labs
Future of Libraries: Can they survive budget cuts and digitization?
Future of manufacturing: a new era of opportunity and challenge for the UK - project report
Future of Mobility: A time of unprecedented change in the transport system
Future of offices in a post-pandemic world
Future of Project Management + Timeline
Future of Rail 2050
Future of Schools
Future of skills and lifelong learning
Future of Stations
Future of the Credit Information Market
Future of the Internet Initiative White Paper - Internet Fragmentation: An Overview
Future of the Sea
Future of Urban Logistics
Future of Work - Arup
Future of Workplace
Future paths of poverty: a scenario analysis with integrated assessment models
Future Peace: Breaking Cycles of Violence through Futures Thinking
Future Peace: Breaking Cycles of Violence through Futures Thinking
Future Population and Education Trends in the Countries of North Africa
Future Population Growth And Policy Options
Future Possibilities Report 2020
Future Prisons: A radical plan to reform the prison estate
Future Scenarios and Future Threats: What Happens if Piracy is not Controlled, and How Might Manifestations Change?
Future Scenarios and Implications for the Industry
Future Scenarios and Implications for the Industry
Future Scenarios for a Sustainable City
Future Scenarios for Agriculture in Malawi: Challenges and Dilemmas
Future Scenarios for Health Service Delivery
Future Scenarios for the Eurozone: 15 Perspectives on the Euro Crisis
Future Security Environment 2025 (FSE)
Future shifts in PGM demand—the impact of technological and economic scenarios on future metal demand
Future Shocks 2023
Future Shocks and Shifts: Challenges for the Global Workforce and Skills Development
Future Space Trends Forecast 2025
Future State 2030: The global megatrends shaping governments
Future Studies
Future Thinking: A few things you want to know about tomorrow
Future trends for Israel and the Middle East
Future Trends in Precision Agriculture: A look into the future of agricultural equipment
Future Trends in the Gulf
Future uses of Space out to 2050
Future visions for water and cities
Future Warfare [Circa 2025]
Futures for Fragility: Applying Foresight, Advancing Development
Futures of Women, Women of the Future
Futures studies and the human sciences: the case for normative scenarios
Futures Thinking for Academic Librarians: Scenarios for the Future of the Book
Gamification and the Future of Education
GAO 2018-2023 Strategic Plan: Trends Affecting Government and Society
Gas in the European Energy Transition: Challenges and Opportunities
Gender (in)equality and the future of work
Gender and climate change-induced conflict in pastoral communities: Case study of Turkana in northwestern Kenya
Gender equality by 2045: reimagining a healthier future for women and girls
General equilibrium modelling in South Africa: What the future holds
Generative AI and Jobs: A global analysis of potential effects on job quantity and quality
Generative AI for customer growth
GEO For Cities- Towards Green and Just Cities
Geostrategic Cluster Findings - The Future of Asia: Implications for Canada
Germany 2030: Future Perspectives for Value Creation
Germany 2030: Germany's Prosperity Rests on Innovation
Ghana - Metropolitan Cities
GHEA Outlook 18: Are Satellite Cities the (official) future of GHEA’s urbanisation?
Global Ageing 2010: South Africa
Global agriculture towards 2050
Global agriculture towards 2050
Global conflict - future trends and challenges: towards 2030
Global currencies for tomorrow: a global perspective
Global Demographic Trends and their Implications for Employment
Global Demographics Trends: Drivers and Impacts
Global Economic Outlook 2016-2020: Prospects for Achieving Escape Velocity
Global Employment Trends for Youth 2012
Global Employment Trends for Youth 2020: Technology and the future of jobs
Global Employment Trends for Youth 2024
Global Energy and Climate Model: Scenario analysis of future energy trends
Global energy crunch: how different parts of the world would react to a peak oil scenario
Global Environment Outlook 3 - Past, present and future perspectives
Global environmental change and food systems in Southern Africa: The dynamic challenges facing regional policy
Global estimates of water withdrawals and availability under current and future “business-as-usual” conditions
Global Europe 2050
Global food production and prices to 2050
Global Food Security Strategic Plan 2011-2016
Global Foresight 2022
Global Future Cities Programme Turkiye
Global Future Cities Project: Ankara Bicycle Projects
Global Future Council on New Network Technologies 5G: Society’s Essential Innovation Technology
Global Future Survey 1/2017
Global Futures Forecast: The Top Tech and Innovation Trends
Global Gas Security Review 2024
Global Governance 2025
Global Hydrogen Review 2022
Global Hydrogen Review 2024
Global Material Resources Outlook to 2060 Economic Drivers and Environmental Consequences
Global Megatrends : Implications for the ASEAN Economic Community
Global Mobility Future Force Design 2040
Global prevalence and trends of overweight and obesity among preschool children
Global Risks 2035: The Search for a New Normal
Global Scenarios and Implications for Constructing Future Livestock Scenarios
Global Scenarios to 2025
Global Strategic Trends - Out to 2045
Global Strategic Trends: Out to 2055
Global Strategic Trends: The Future Starts Today (Sixth Edition)
Global Student Mobility 2025: Forecasts of the Global Demand for International Higher Education
Global System on the Brink: Pathways toward a New Normal
Global Tendencies and the Future of Latin America
Global Terrorism Threat Forecast 2025
Global Transitions and Asia 2060: Climate, Political-Economy, and Identity
Global Trendometer - Essays on medium- and long-term global trends
Global Trendometer - Essays on medium- and long-term global trends
Global Trends 2015: A Dialogue About the Future with Nongovernment Experts
Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World
Global trends 2030: alternative worlds
Global Trends 2030: challenges and opportunities for Europe
Global Trends 2040: A More Contested World
Global trends and the future of Latin America. Why and how Latin America should think about the future
Global trends and the future of Latin America. Why and how Latin America should think about the future
Global trends in body-mass index
Global trends in higher education, adult and distance learning
Global trends in M-payment - Challenges and opportunities
Global Trends to 2030: New Ways out of Poverty and Exclusion
Global Trends to 2030: Shaping the future in a fast-changing world
Global Trends to 2030: The Future of Migration and Integration
Global Trends to 2030: The Future of Work and Workplaces
Global Trends to 2035 - Economy and Society
Global Trends to 2035: Economy and Society
Global Trends to 2040: Choosing Europe’s Future
Global Trends: The Paradox of Progress
Global Water Outlook to 2025: Averting an Impending Crisis
Globalization and the future of African culture
Globalization's effects on world agricultural trade, 1960-2050
Gloom and doom? The future of marine capture fisheries
Golf in 2020 and the uncomfortable transformation to a Golf Playing Facility
Google & the Future of Books
Google Book Search and the Future of Books in Cyberspace
Graduate Employability in ASEAN: The Contribution of Student Mobility
Great Transition Values: Present Attitudes, Future Changes
Great Transition: The Promise and Lure of the Times Ahead
Greater Horn of East Africa (GHEA) Outlook: Struggling to Stay in Orbit
Greater Horn of East Africa: Drivers of Regional Food Security
Green Hills, Blue Cities - an Ecosystems Approach to Water Resources Management for African Cities
Green Hydrogen: A Potential Export Commodity in a New Global Marketplace
Green Jobs and the Future of Work for Women and Men
Green transition: An analysis of trends, future directions and potential missions to address societal challenges in Norway
Groundswell 2: Acting on Internal Climate Migration
Groundswell: Preparing for Internal Climate Migration
Growing Our Future: What's next for regenerative agriculture in the US?
Growth-positive zero-emission pathways to 2050
Growth, Inequality and the Knowledge Economy - 2007 Futures Conference
Guidelines for City MobilitySteering towards collaboration
Guidelines to Vocational Disciplines: Aligning The Regional TVET Teacher Standard for ASEAN with Relevant Economic Sectors and Occupational Fields
Habitat Debate: A Future for Urban Planning?
Half a Chance: Youth Bulges and Transitions to Liberal Democracy
Harnessing Europe’s Narrative Power to Shape the Digital Future
Hawaii 2060: Visioning Hawaii's Adaptation to Climate Change
Health and Health Care in 2032
Health and Healthcare in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Global Future Council on the Future of Health and Healthcare 2016-2018
Health and Long-Term Care Needs in a Context of Rapid Population Aging
Health and welfare: An analysis of trends, duture directions and potential missions to address societal challenges in Norway
Health Systems for the Millennium Development Goals: Country Needs and Funding Gaps
Health Technology
Helping Shape the 2030 Air Forece
Her City- A Guide for cities to sustainable and inclusive urban planning and design together with girls
Higher Education to 2030
History and Future of Tracking for Mobile Phone Augmented Reality
HIV and AIDS Scenarios for South Africa: 2005-2025 – Demographic Projections
Holographic Projection Technologies of the Future
Homeschooling: Back to the Future?
Horizon 2050: A Flight Plan for the Future of Sustainable Aviation
Horizon Scanning
Horizon scanning- tips and tricks: A practical guide
Horizon Scanning-Metafore Towards a Shared Future-Base for the European Research Area
Housing 2030- Effective Policies for affordable housing in the UNECE region
How can the changing status of women help improve the human condition?
How do climate change and bio-energy alter the long-term outlook for food, agriculture and resource availability? (Presentation)
How do climate change and bioenergy alter the long-term outlook for food, agriculture and resource availability?
How does the Finnish Innovation System respond to Global Challenges
How might Agriculture develop in Southern Africa? Making Sense of Complexity
How Policymakers Can Prevent Gift Card Scams
How Regions Grow: Trends and Analysis
How Technology Will Shape Our Future: Three Views of the Twenty-First Century
How to Build a Better Internet: 10 Principles for World Leaders Shaping the Future of Web3
How to Create National Foresight Culture and Capacity: Case Study South Africa
How to Shape the Future Equitably: Phase 1 Evaluation Report
How will our cities move?
Human Augmentation - The Dawn of a New Paradigm
Human Development in Africa: A Long-Run Perspective
Human Evolution: Retrodictions and Predictions
Human Intervention in the Earth's Climate: The Governance of Geoengineering in 2025+
Human Progress and Human Services 2035: A Scenario Exploration
Human Resources Development Readiness in ASEAN – Brunei Darussalam Country Report
Human Resources Development Readiness in ASEAN – Indonesia Country Report
Human Resources Development Readiness in ASEAN – Regional Report
Human Resources for Health South Africa 2030
Human Well-being across Scenarios
Human-Robot Teams in Entertainment and Other Everyday Scenarios
Humanity + AI: Better Together
Hydrogen in Aviation
Ideas for Liverpool
IDEV- Evaluation of Mainstreaming Green Growth and Climate Change into the AfDB's Interventions
IFAD Strategic Framework 2011-2015
Imagining the future of pandemics and epidemics: a 2022 perspective
Imagining the Smart Cities of 2050
Implementing The Future ASEAN Agenda for TVET
Implications for US National Security of Anticipated Climate Change
Implications of the Foresight Obesity System Map for Solutions to Childhood Obesity
Impossible baby : how to stimulate discussions about possibilities of two-mum and two-dad children
In Pursuit of Extraterrestrial Life
In the Shadow of Ukraine
Income distribution trends and future food demand
Incorporating Scenario Analysis into the Federal Reserve’s Policy Strategy & Communications
Incorporating Scenario Analysis into the Federal Reserve's Policy Strategy and Communications
India and the World: Scenarios to 2025
India-China in 2030: a net assessment of the competition between two rising powers
Industrial strategies for tackling the challenges of the twenty-first century: trends in objectives, rationales and design in policy and academia
Industrial Transformation 2050 - Pathways to Net-Zero Emissions from eu Heavy Industry
Industry 4.0 and the emergence of Logistics 4.0
Infectious disease, development, and climate change: a scenario analysis
Infectious Diseases: preparing for the future
Infectious diseases: preparing for the future - executive summary
Infectious diseases: preparing for the future - future threats
Infrastructure and Economic Growth in Egypt
Infrastructure-led Policy Scenarios for South Africa
INFU scenario report
Inland navigation and a more sustainable use of natural resources: networks, challenges and opportunities for South America
Innovating for a Brighter Future: The Role of Business in Achieving the MDGs
Innovation and internationalization of Latin American services
Innovation Futures Scripts
Innovation Futures: A Foresight Exercise on Emerging Patterns of Innovation
Innovation-Led Economic Growth: Transforming Tomorrow’s Developing Economies through Technology and Innovation
Innovative technologies shaping the 2040 battlefield
Insight on Urban Tomorrows - Expert Survey on Futures of Liveable Cities
Insights into global food system risks and opportunities and their implications for the FSA
Inspiring Future Cities & Urban Services: Shaping the Future of Urban Development & Services Initiative
Instant Messaging and the Future of Language
Institutional frameworks for social policy in Latin America and the Caribbean
Institutionalisation of Futures Studies - case Finland
Insurance 2025 - Reducing risk in an uncertain future
Insuring Emerging Risks from AI
Integrated Spatial Plan for Environmental and Socio-economic Resilience: Khorog, Tajikistan
Integrating Solar and Wind: Global experience and emerging challenges
Integration is Key: Role of Electric Mobility for Low Carbon and Sustainable Cities
Intellectual property in the year 2025
Intelligence After Next: Breaking Past AI's Confirmation Bias
Intelligence After Next: Building a Counter Intelligence Analytic Cadre
Intelligence After Next: Designing for Chaos Leads to Resiliency
Intelligence After Next: Diversity and Inclusion - A Mission Imperative for the Intelligence Community
Intelligence After Next: Ensuring Decision Advantage on the Future Battlefield - Intelligence at the Speed of Hypersonic Warfare
Intelligence After Next: Making Current Intelligence Current
Intelligence After Next: Mission-Based Challenges for the Intelligence Community
Intelligence After Next: Radical Transparency in Intelligence Operations
Intelligence After Next: The Future of the IC Workforce
Intelligence After Next: What Are We Waiting For? Today's Technologies can improve the businessof all-source intelligence analysis now
Intelligent Infrastructure Futures The Scenarios – Towards 2055
Intelligent infrastructure futures: scenarios - towards 2055
Intelligent infrastructure futures: technology forward look
International Air Passenger Transport in the Future
International dimensions of climate change: final project report
International Trade Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean 2020: Regional integration is key to recovery after the crisis
Introduction to National Open Innovation System (NOIS) Paradigm
Introduction: World Tourism and the Tourist in 2030
Intuitive Control of Robotic Systems Could Revolutionize Combat
Investing in an Inclusive Digital Future for the Caribbean
Investing in Europe’s future: the role of education and skills
Investing in the Caribbean Future
Irrigation Projection for 2030-2050
Irrigation Projection For 2030-2050
iSee: Interactive Scenario Explorer for Online Tournament Games
Israel in the Middle East: The next two decades
It's Alive: a vision for tall buildings in 2050
It's YOUR future...Make it a good one!
ITB World Travel Trends Report 2010/2011
Japan Low Carbon Societies (LCS) Scenarios Study toward 2050
Japan’s Foreign Policy Outlook in 2025
Japan's Super-ageing Society: SDGs and International Contributions from the Perspective of the 16th Waseda University International Digital Government Rankings 2021
Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained: Workforce Transitions in a time of automation
Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained: Workforce Transitions in a Time of Automation
Jobs of Tomorrow: Mapping Opportunity in the New Economy
Journey to 2050
Judging the 1991 Reform Effort: Do U.S. Banks Have a Future?
Kenya at the Crossroads: Scenarios for our Future
Kenya environmental futures - Pathways to realizing Vision 2030 and beyond
Kenya Feed the Future 2011–2015 Multi-Year Strategy
Kenya's Technological and Political Future
Key statistics and trends in trade policy 2016 : G20 policies and least developed countries export performance
Key statistics and trends in trade policy 2017 : trade imbalances
Key statistics and trends in trade policy 2018: trade tensions, implications for developing countries
Key statistics and trends in trade policy 2019: retaliatory tariffs between the United States and China
Key statistics and trends in trade policy 2020 : the regional comprehensive economic partnership
Key statistics and trends in trade policy 2021 : the regional comprehensive economic partnership tariff concessions
Key statistics and trends in trade policy 2022: green goods trade and trade policies
Keynote Speech: Technology and the Future of the Book
Keys: Kenya Youth Scenarios
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2016
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2017
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2018
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2019
Knowledge Management Strategy 2022-2031
Korean FDI in Latin America and the Caribbean: A partner for sustainable development
Kuala Lumpur Transport Strategic Plan (ASEAN Transport Strategic Plan) 2016-2025
La Bicicleta Como Medio de Transporte- Estratgia 2019-2030 para Bucaramanga y su Area Metroplitana
Labour market and skills demand horizon scanning and future scenarios
Land Reform Futures: Four scenarios for land reform in South Africa
Land use futures: making the most of land in the 21st century - project report
Language Death versus Language Survival: A Global Perspective
Latin America and China: mutual benefit or dependency?
Latin America and the Caribbean 2030: Future Scenarios
Latin America in a Changing World
Latin American and Caribbean youth and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: An examination from within the United Nations system
Latin American Economic Outlook 2020: Digital transformation for building back better
Law and Policy for the Quantum Age
Law Scenarios to 2030
Leadership for the long term: Whitehall’s capacity to address future challenges
Leading oil and gas into a net-zero world
Lessons and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic for household surveys in Latin America
Liberalization of Air Transport in Africa:: 2019’s Status and Way Forward
Library Index
Library Index
Life after Oil: Economic Alternatives for the Arab Gulf States
Life and Death in the Future: Healthier, and Better
Life in 2030
Linking Futures across Scales: a Dialog on Multiscale Scenarios
Livestock and the Livelihoods of the Urban Poor: A Background Document
Locating Gender and Women’s Studies in Nigeria: What Trajectories for the Future?
Long-term macroeconomic forecast: Key trends to 2050
Long-term macroeconomic forecasts Key trends to 2050
Long-term scenarios for the future of the global financial system - Key driving forces compendium
Long-Term Trends in World Politics
Looking Ahead to 2050: Scenarios of Alternative Investment Approaches
Looking Ahead: Energy, Climate Change and Pro-poor Responses
Looking Beyond Coronabonds: What Covid-19 Means for the Future of the Eurozone
Looking Beyond the Endless Frontier
Looking to 2060: Long-term Growth Prospects for the World
Looking to the Future, Public Sees an America in Decline on Many Fronts
Macroeconomic trade-offs and external vulnerabilities of human development in Nicaragua
Mainstreaming Gender Into Trade And Development Strategies in Africa
Make or Break: How Will Cities Shape Future Global Challenges?
Making America First in the Digital Economy: The Case for Engaging Europe
Making Cities Suatainable through Rehabilitating Polluted Urban Rivers: Lessons from China and Other Developing Countries
Making the AfCFTA Work for Women and Youth
Manageing Economic Risks Linked to Climate Change: Securing market Acccess for South Africa n Wines
Mapping Climate Change Vulnerability and Impact Scenarios
Mapping global urban and rural population distributions: Estimates of future global population distribution to 2015
Mapping Sub-Saharan Africa's Future
Mapping Sub-Saharan Africa's Future
Mapping the Future of China-Africa Relations: How the Continent can Benefit
Mapping the Way Forward: Urban Futures Project Final Report
Mapping Youth Futures - Global Youth Culture: A Transdisciplinary Perspective
Marshall Plan for Haiti Initial Project of the Global Partnership for Development
Mauritius National Research Foresight Exercise: Synthesis Report
McKinsey on Africa: A continent on the move
Me, my data and I: The future of the personal data economy
Media 2015: The Future of Media
Medical cost trend: Behind the numbers 2025
Medium Term Economic Effects of Peak Oil Today
Mega-trend Cards - Mega-Trends: Know Your Future
Mega-trend Cards - Travel to the Future
Mega-trends 2016: The Future Happens Now
Megacities on the move - your guide to the future of sustainable urban mobility in 2040
Memories of the Future: South African Scenarios to 2014
Mental capital and wellbeing: making the most of ourselves in the 21st century - final project
MetaSCAN 2: Building resilience in the transition to a digital economy and a networked society
MetaSCAN 3: Emerging Technologies
MetaSCAN 4 - The Future of Asia: Implications for Canada
MetaSCAN 2011: Exploring four global forces shaping our future
Methods for Developing Multi-scale Participatory Scenarios
mHealth for Development: The Opportunity of Mobile Technology for Healthcare in the Developing World
Mid-Term Review of the ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for SME Development 2016–2025
Middle East 2020: Shaped By or Shaper of Global
Migration and global environmental change: future challenges and opportunities - final project report
Millenia2015 – Methodology of the foresight research process
Millennia2015 Foresight Exercise - Foresight analysis guide of the 37 variables of Millennia2015
Mind the AI Divide: Shaping a Global Perspective on the Future of Work
Mining change - from the future of mines to the future of communities, Australia How can we amplify social and economic benefits when coal mines close?
Mining Codes in Africa: Emergence of a “Fourth” Generation?
Mining Futures: Beyond the Headlines
Mining in the Future: Autonomous Robotics for Safer Mines
MIRAGE-e: A General Equilibrium Long-term Path of the World Economy
Misdemeanor Prosecution and Recidivism
MMOGs and the Future of Literature
MNC Trend Report 2018 - The Future of Work
Mobile Africa Report 2011: Regional Hubs of Excellence and Innovation
Mobile Government: E-Government for Mobile Societies: Stocktaking of Current Trends and Initiatives
Mobile Learning Objects Deployment and Utilization in Developing Countries
Mobile Scenarios: Supporting Collaborative Learning among Nomads
Mobile traffic forecasts 2010-2020 report
Modeling megacity futures
Modelling Future Health: Predicting Health with changing obesity using Micro Simulation
Modelling scenarios for water resources management in the Sand River Catchment, South Africa
Modelling unemployment in the presence of excess labour supply: An application to Egypt
Monetary regimes and labour institutions: an alternative interpretation of the downward trend in exchange-rate passthrough in peripheral countries
Moonshot MENA: Making the Middle East the New Cradle Of Innovation
More unequal or less? A review of global, regional and national income inequality
Moving from a Petroleum Economy to the Bio Economy of the Future
Moving Toward the Future of Policing
Mozambique - Growth Corridors
Mtwapa Integrated Strategic Urban Development Plan (2008-2030)
Multilateral development banks in Latin America: Recent trends, the response to the pandemic, and the forthcoming role
Multimedia sEmantic Syndication for enHanced news services
Munich Security Report 2017: "Post-Truth, Post-West, Post-Order?"
Mutahi Ngunyi's 7 point minimum scenarios for the 2013 elections – Presentation
Mutahi Ngunyi's chart of possible outcomes of Kenya Elections 2013
name of library entry
Nanotechnology and Materials Science
National Employment Ulnerability Assessment: Analysis of potential climate change related impacts and vulnerable groups
National energy efficiency monitoring report of Barbados
National energy efficiency monitoring report of Trinidad and Tobago
NATO, Climate Change, and International Security: A Risk Governance Approach
NEDLAC Future of Work in South Africa
Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector
Net Zero Carbon Village Planning Guidelines- Yangtze River Delta Region, China
Net-zero buildings: halving construction emissions today
New Lenses on Future Cities: A new lens scenarios supplement
New maritime transport scenarios. Part II: fluctuations in shipping and new scenarios
New Nature Economy Report II: The Future of Nature and business
New pathways to a just and regenerative food system in Southeast Asia
New Spirituality
New technologies and 21st century children - Recent trends and outcomes
New Vision for Education: Fostering Social and Emotional Learning Through Technology
Newspaper Extinction Timeline: When newspapers in their current form will become insignificant
Next in energy and utilities: The industry's role in the future of cleaner energy:Tomorrow's bold ambitions meet today's obligations
No foresight, no food? Regional scenarios for Africa and South Asia
Non-ferrous Metals Manufacturing: Vision for 2050 and Actions Needed
Nordic Health 2030 Magazine
North America
North American Environmental Outlook to 2030
Northeast Asian Futures
Now for the Long Term: The Report of the Oxford Martin Commission for Future Generations
Nuestros Futuros: Chile AL 2050
Obesity and Severe Obesity Forecasts Through 2030
Obesity and Trends in Life Expectancy
Obesity in 2020: Three Scenarios on Techno-socio-ethical Co-evolution
Oceans: An analysis of trends, future directions and potential missions to address societal challenges in Norway
OECD Digital Economy Outlook 2017
OECD Government Foresight Community Annual Meeting Report 2020
OECD Government Foresight Community Annual Meeting Report 2020 - Strategic foresight for future-ready public policy
OECD Regional Outlook 2019 - Leverageing Megatrends for Cities and Rural Areas
OECD Societies in Transition: The future of work and leisure
OECD Societies in Transition: The future of work and leisure
OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2022-2031
OECD-FAO Outlook 2023-2032
Oil & Gas 2030: Let There Be Change
Oil 2024: Analysis and forecast to 2030
Oil: The Next Revolution - The Unprecedented Upsurge of Oil Production Capacity and What It Means for the World
On the Forecast Accuracy of Sports Prediction Markets
Open e-books: The changing paradigm
Open Education 2030: Vision Papers Part I: Lifelong Learning
Open Education 2030: Vision Papers Part II: School Education
Open Problems in Technical AI Governance
Opening New Horizons With 5G - Equitably, Safely, Sustainably
Openness, Dynamic Specialization, and the Disaggregated Future of Higher Education
Operating in the future
Opportunity, policy, and the future of automation
Optimum Market-Positioning Models for South Africa Arts Festivals Scenarios
Our Biopolitical Future: Four Scenarios
Our cities ourselves: Principles for Transport in Urban Life
Our Future is Where the Heart is: How Futures Literacy can enhance youth voice and the Case of Youth Policy Development in Laos
Our Future World
Our Post-Peak Oil Future: A Comparison of Two Scenarios Following the Global Peak in Oil Production
Our Shared Digital Future Building an Inclusive, Trustworthy and Sustainable Digital Society
Our Shared Digital Future Building an Inclusive, Trustworthy and Sustainable Digital Society
Our voice counts: adolescents’ view on their future
Our World Transformed: Geopolitical Shocks and Risks
Overcoming the Barriers to Long-term Thinking in Financial Markets
Pact for the Future, Global Digital Compact, and Declaration on Future Generations
Pagtanaw 2050: The Philippine Foresight, Executive Summary
Painting South Africa's energy landscape for 2025
Pakistan and the Future of U.S. Policy
Pandemonium: Risk Factors for Future Pandemics
Parched prospects II: A revised long-term water supply and demand forecast for South Africa
Parched prospects: the emerging water crisis in South Africa
Parks 2050: Growing food, curbing floods, cleaning air
Participatory scenarios as a tool to link science and policy on food security under climate change in East Africa
Path to Climate Resiliency: Case Studies of Cities in the Philippines
Payments 2020: Scenarios for dynamic evolution
Peak Oil – Security policy implications of scarce resources
Peak Oil and Our Future: How Energy Depletion Will Change Our Lives
Peak Oil and the Fate of Humanity
Peak Oil Futures: Same Crisis, Different Responses
Peering into the Futures of Liberal Arts
People and Connections: Global Scenarios for 2020
Permanent Innovation:TheDefinitive Guide to the Principles, Strategies, and Methods of Successful Innovators
Personal Futures: Foresight & Futures Studies for Individuals
Personal income tax and income inequality in Ecuador between 2007 and 2011
Peru, 2002-2012: growth, structural change and formalization
Planning for sustainable territorial development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Planning for the future
Planning for the Real Future: Self-Driving Cars
Planning Sustainable Cities: Global Report on Human Settlements 2009
Planning the unplannable: Scenarios on the future of space
Plugged in: Accelerating the electrification of road transport
Police Decision-Making: a Futures Perspective
Policing 2020: Exploring the Future of Crime, Communities, and Policing
Policy Brief: Developing Shock Responsive Social Protection System to Mitigate the Impact of COVID-19, Enable Speedy Recovery and Strengthen the Resilience of Vulnerable People in ASEAN
Policy Coherence Roadmap in ICT and Infrastructure Pillar towards Knowledge Society Development in South Africa
Policy Coherence Roadmap in ICT and Infrastructure Pillar towards Knowledge Society Development in Zambia
Policy paper on urban strategic planning: Local leaders preparing for the future of our cities
Policy Pathways for the New Economy Shaping Economic Policyin the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Policy Scenarios for Eliminating Plastic Pollution by 2040
Political Parties and Democracy: What sort of future?
Positing Scenarios for Post 2008 Elections in Zimbabwe: What Would Power Alternation Mean for Zimbabwe?
Positioning technology development in the South African construction industry: a technology foresight study
Possible Scenarios on the Futures of the Panatag Shoal Controversy using Jim Dator's Four Archetypes of Alternative Futures
Post-Vienna: Prospects for Iran's Oil Production and Exports
Potential effect of climate change on malaria transmission in Africa
Potential of biomass energy out to 2100, for four IPCC SRES land-use scenarios
Poverty 2039: Exercises in Pro-Poor Foresight
Poverty, growth and inequality over the next 50 years
Poverty, growth and inequality over the next 50 years
Poverty, Prosperity, and Planet Report 2024: Pathways Out of the Polycrisis
Powering the Future: Risk Governance for a Sustainable, Resilient and Inclusive Energy System
Practising strategic foresight in government. The cases of Finland, Singapore and the European Union
Precision Agriculture and the Future of Farming in Europe
PREDICT: Projections and Relevant Effects of Demographic Implications, Changes, and Trends
Predicting the unpredictable: How will technology change the future of work?
Preparing for the Future: A Vision of West Africa in the Year 2020
Preparing the us for security and governance in a geoengineering future
Preserving our Past with Toys of the Future
Primary Care 2025: A Scenario Exploration
Prinsip-prinsip Panduan ASEAN untuk Penjaminan Mutu dan Pengakuan Sistem Sertifikasi Kompetensi
Private Military & Security Companies: Future Challenges in Security Governance
Private police: the future of policing and the broader regulatory framework
Private Policing: Some recent myths, developments and trends
Productive investment in Chile’s economic development: trend and challenges
Progress for Children: A report card on adolescents
Progress for Children: A report card on adolescents
Project 2020 Scenarios for the Future of Cybercrime
Projection of Future Economic and Sociopolitical Trends In South Africa Up To 2025
Projection of populations by level of educational attainment, age, and sex for 120 countries for 2005-2050
Promoting and Safeguarding Traditional Sports and Games in ASEAN: Challenges, Opportunities, and Strategies
Promoting debt sustainability to facilitate financing sustainable development in selected Caribbean countries: A scenario analysis of the ECLAC debt for climate adaptation swap initiative
Proposition 13 and State Budget Limitations: Past Successes and Future Options
Prospective Slum Policies: Conceptualization and Implementation of a Proposed Informal Settlement Growth Model
Prospects and Challenges: Mozambique’s Growth and Human Development Outlook to 2040
Prospects for Africa's 26 fragile countries
Prospects for Africa's 26 Fragile Countries
Prospects for blockchain-based settlement frameworks as a resolution to the threat of de-risking to Caribbean financial systems
Prospects for the African Power Sector: Scenarios and Strategies for Africa Project
Prospects of Mobile Search
Protected Areas in 2023: Scenarios for an Uncertain Future
Protectionism or National Security? The Use and Abuse of Section 232
Provincial Innovation Foresight Overview Report
Public Health 2030: A Scenario Exploration
Putin’s fourth term - The twilight begins?
Radical Visions of Future Government
Re-Imagining Forced Migration Governance for 2030
Reaching Net Zero by 2050
Ready, set,change Upcoming transformations
Real Estate Forecasts 2021-2025: Performance and Polarisation
Real Estate Investment Management 2020 and Beyond
Realising the Potential of Africa’s Youth · Report of the Africa Commission
Realizing 2030: A Divided Vision of the Future
Rebalancing the Euro Area: A proposal for Future Reform
Rebuilding America's Military: Thinking About the Future
Rebuilding an economy: Modelling Zimbabwe’s Mining Sector with Scenario Planning
Recommendations to avoid a strategic downgrading of Europe in the field of Combat Aviation
Recovery measures for the tourism sector in Latin America and the Caribbean present an opportunity to promote sustainability and resilience
Reducing poverty in Africa Realistic targets for the post-2015 MDGs and Agenda 2063
Reducing risk of future disasters: priorities for decision makers - project report
Reduction of the wage share of income and increasingly precarious employment
Reflecting on the future of the European Union - The view from local and regional authorities
Reflection paper on the future of EU finances
Reflections on the future of container ports in view of the new containerization trends
Reflections on the future of ports: from current strains to the changes and innovation of the future
Reflections on the Future of Warfare and Implications for Personnel Policies of the U.S. Department of Defense
Reframing an Unfolding Canvas: Policy Approaches to Facilitate APEC’s Creative Economy amid Evolving Digital Technologies
Refreshing Africa's future: prospects for achieving universal WASH access by 2030
Regional Assessment on Urban Vulnerability and Resilience in Southern Africa n Development Community Member States
Regional challenges in the perspective of 2020 - Regional disparities and future challenges - Synthesis
Regional Challenges in the perspective of 2020: Regional Disparities and future challenges
Regional challenges in the perspective of 2020. Regional disparities and future challenges - Energy
Regional challenges in the perspective of 2020. Regional disparities and future challenges - Globalisation
Regional challenges in the perspective of 2020. Regional disparities and future challenges - New Social Risks
Regional climate model simulations of present-day and future climates of Southern Africa
Regional foreign policy dynamics and their implication for the Mediterranean region
Regional Infrastructure Foresight
Regional survey: Africa out to 2045
Regions 2020 - Demographic Challenges for European Regions
Regions 2020 - Demographic Challenges for European Regions
Reimagine the retail workforce
Reimagining the Future of Informality: Scenarios from the Global South
Reimagining the future of transport across Asia and the pacific
Renewables 2024: Analysis and forecasts to 2030
Renewables Global features Report 2013
Reopen, Recover and Resilience in Education: Guidelines for ASEAN Countries
REPORT 1+1=3 - Visionary report on Estonia-Finland future cooperation
Report of the ASEAN-Republic of Korea Eminent Persons Group: vision for a strategic partnership
Report on CCAFS Regional Scenarios Development for East Africa
Report on Integration of different measures to reach Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) In Sub-Sahara Africa
Report title
Report title
Report title
Report title
Report title
Republic Of South Africa Results-Based Country Strategy Paper, 2008 - 2012
Research and Innovation on Sustainable Urban Dynamics
Resilience and capital flows in the Caribbean
Resilient Health Systems of the Future: the Case for Community Health
Resource nationalism
Restrictions on the export of medical products hamper efforts to contain coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Latin America and the Caribbean
Rethinking Energy 2020-2030
Rethinking Food and Agriculture 2020-2030
Rethinking Transportation 2020-2030
Retrench or Rebalance? America’s Evolving Defence Strategy
Review of how science and technology could contribute to better energy management in the future: futures studies
Review of how science and technology could contribute to better energy management in the future: overview report
Review of the Regional Coordinating Mechanism for the implementation of the sustainable development agenda in the small island developing States of the Caribbean: A proposal for consideration by the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee
Rising concentration in Asia-Latin American value chains: Can small firms turn the tide?
Risk is everywhere: Hyper-disruption demands constant reinvention
Robots as a Social Solution or a Social Disruption in Asia
Rural regions of the future: Seizing technological change
Russia 2050: Utopias and Forecasts
Russia’s Sovereign Globalization: Rise, Fall and Future
Russian Military Thought: Concepts and Elements
Rwanda Vision 2020
SA 2020:Creating the Future
SA2020 Consolidated Document
Sanctioning China in a Taiwan crisis: Scenarios and risks
Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030
Scaling regenerative agriculture in the UK: Accelerating change through collaboration
Scaling the Just Transition for Community-Based and Community Placed Projects
Scanning for Correctional Futures
Scanning for Justice
Scanning the 2020 horizon: An analysis of trends and scenarios in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector
Scanning the Health and Well-Being Horizon: Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges
Scenario Analysis
Scenario Analysis of the Mobile Voice Market
Scenario Analysis of the Mobile Voice Services Market
Scenario art: A new futures method that uses art to support decision-making for sustainable development
Scenario Planning - A Tool for Strategic Thinking
Scenario planning on the future of intellectual property
Scenario Planning: a Tool for Conservation in an Uncertain World
Scenario Storylines for Qualitative Background Scenarios on the Future of Air Transport and its Emissions
Scenarios Analysis with International Futures (IFs)
Scenarios and challenges for feeding the world in 2050
Scenarios and system dynamics of mobile peer-to-peer content distribution
Scenarios for 2025
Scenarios for 2025
Scenarios for 2040
Scenarios for Branchless Banking in 2020
Scenarios for future scientific and technological developments in developing countries 2005-2015
Scenarios for Higher Education, 2020
Scenarios for Mongolia
Scenarios for Sudan's Future Revisited
Scenarios for the Future of Andean Crops 2030
Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development
Scenarios for the Poorest: The View from 2030
Scenarios for the Role of Libraries in Scholarly Publishing
Scenarios for the Russian Federation
Scenarios for the South Caucasus and Central Asia
Scenarios for Ukraine: Reforming institutions, strengthening the economy after the crisis
Scenarios of energy and agriculture in Africa
Scenarios of Good Anthropocenes in southern Africa
Scenarios of sustainable well-being
Scenarios On The Futures of Consumer Attitudes And Their Use Of Sustainable Products
Scenarios On The Futures of Consumer Attitudes And Their Use Of Sustainable Products
Scenarios Workshop Report 3-4th March 2010
School's Over: Learning Spaces in Europe in 2020: An Imagining Exercise on the Future of Learning
Schooling for Tomorrow - The Starterpack: Futures Thinking in Action
Schooling in the Future: A South African Scenario
Science :The next Revolution
Science 2.0: the deep unbundling
Science and Technology Foresight - Animal Health Foresight Project
Science, Technology and Security (January 2024)
Science, Technology and Security (June 2024)
Science, Technology and Security (September 2023)
Scotland, the UK and Brexit: A guide to the future
Searchlight Convening: The Future of the Urban Poor
Searchlight Report: Building a Searchlight Function
Seasonal Climate Forecasting: Who Can Use It And How Should It Be Disseminated?
Second Continental Report on The Implementation of Agenda 2063
Second United Nations survey on Latin American and Caribbean youth within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Report of results
Securing 2020 vision for 2030: climate change and ensuring resilience in water and sanitation services
Securing the Net: Global Governance in the Digital Domain
Security & Society
Security and Defence Days – Conference Proceedings
Selecting Best Policies and Law for Future Generations
Serving the Water and Sanitation Sector: Resource centre experiences, developments and future trends
Seven Meta-trends and the Future of Learning
Shaping Alternative Futures for West Africa: Exploring the Role of Civil Society in the Region's 'Public Square'
Shaping Coast Guard Culture to Enhance the Future Workforce
Shaping the Future of Construction Inspiring innovators redefine the industry
Shaping the Future of Construction: A Breakthrough in Mindset and Technology
Shaping the Future of Construction: Inspiring innovators redefine the industry
Shaping the Future of Geopolitics
Shaping the Future of Retail for Consumer Industries
Shaping the Future of Small and Medium-Sized Cities: A Framework for Digital Transformation
Shaping the Future of the Asia and the Pacific-Latin America and the Caribbean Relationship
Shaping the Future of Work: Technology's Role in Employment
Shaping the Future: A Long-Term Perspective of People and Job Mobility for the Middle East and North Africa
Shared Responsibility: Towards More Inclusive Internet Governance
Shared Vision for a sustainable Scotland
Shifting Composition of the Asia Pacific Security Architecture
Should U.S. Fiscal Policy Address Slow Growth or the Debt? A Nondilemma
Simulating the Evolution of Global Democracy Levels
Singapore’s Immigration System: Past, Present, and Future
Six Drivers of the Future of Corporate Learning
Six Pillars: Futures Thinking For Transforming
Six Scenarios for Universities
Skill Shift: Automation an the Future of the Workforce
Skills for 2030
Small business Development in the Climate Adaptation Space in South Africa
Smart Cities – A Move Towards Sustainability
Smart cities: Digital solutions for a more livable future
Smart Defense and the Future of NATO: Can the Alliance Meet the Challenges of the Twenty-First Century?
Smart Partnerships amid Great Power Competition: AI, China, and the Global Quest for Digital Sovereignty
SmartBook – a vision for the future e-book
Social attitudes of young people
Social Cluster Findings - The Future of Asia: Implications for Canada
Social Dialogue and the Future of Work
Social Networking in 2030: How Could Crypto Change Things
Social Panorama of Latin America 2019
Social Panorama of Latin America 2020
Social protection tools for coping with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic: The Latin American experience
Socioeconomic school segregation in Chile: parental choice and a theoretical counterfactual analysis
Some critical research issues for future sub-Saharan African agriculture
Some views on emerging and future technologies for wireless mobile networks
Sophie and the Future of Reading and Writing
SOUTH AFRICA Scenarios 2025: The future we chose?
South Africa Strategic Plan 2010 - 2015
South Africa. A work in progress SA SOFI
South Africa's Approach To Foresighting - A Developing Country's Perpective
South African Futures 2030: How Bafana Bafana Made Madiba Magic
South African Futures 2030: How Bafana Bafana made Mandela Magic
South African Futures 2035: can Bafana Bafana still score?
South African scenarios 2024: Politics, violence and growth in the rainbow nation
South America: 2030 Trends
Southern Africa Beyond The Millenium: Environmental Trends And Scenarios To 2015
Southern African Scenarios 2015: Renaissance, Asymmetry or Decline and Decay?
Southern African Vision For Water, Life and Environment In the 21st Century
Space 2030 - Research Trends as Input for Long-Term Planning
Space Exploration in a Changing International Environment
Space Exploration Technology Roadmap
Space in 2030
Space Tourism Market Study: Orbital space travel & destinations with suborbital space travel
Spain 2050
Sparknet Scenarios for the Future - Gender Issues
Speculation and price volatility in the coffee market
Speculation- Can there be ethical investment in asteroid mining?
Speed and Security: Promises, Perils, and Paradoxes of Accelerating Everything
Spending Beyond Our Means: How We Are Bankrupting Future Generations
Sport business in the global marketplace
Sports Forecasting: A Comparison of the Forecast Accuracy of Prediction Markets, Betting Odds and Tipsters
State and Trends of Carbon Pricing: International Carbon Markets 2024
State of Energy Policy 2024
State of the World’s Cities Report: Bridging the Urban Divide 2010/11
States of Change: The Demographic Evolution of the American Electorate, 1974–2060
Store of Tomorrow
Stories from 2050: Radical, inspiring and thought-provoking narratives around challenges and opportunities of our futures
Strategic Foresight Analysis - 2013 Report
Strategic Foresight Primer
Strategic Foresight Report 2021
Strategic Foresight Report 2022
Strategic Foresight Report 2023
Strategic Foresight: How to Enhance the Implementation of 2030 Sustainable Development Goals in Developing Countries
Strategic Trends Programme: future operating environment 2035
Strategy for Conservation and Sustainable Management of IBAs in Africa
Strategy for Quality Helath Infrastructure in Africa 2021-2030
Strategy, scenarios, and the global shift in defense power
Strengthening Evidence-based MSME Policymaking in ASEAN Building up more robust, timely, comparable and accessible business statistics
Strengthening Health System and Access to Care: best practices in ASEAN
Strengthening the EU’s Cyber Defence Capabilities
Structural measures to develop a resilient research and innovation environment in Norway
Structural Transformation in the OECD - Digitalisation, Deindustrialisation and the Future of Work
Structured and documented collection of current signals for arising changes in innovation patterns
Student Needs 2035 and Beyond
Study on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in ASEAN across forest, bare land and coastal ecosystems
Study on trends in energy efficiency in selected Caribbean countries
Sub-Saharan Africa’s Youth Bulge: A Demographic Dividend or Disaster?
Sugar and Future Trends in World Food Security
Summary of the first regional dialogue in Latin America and the Caribbean “On the road to equality”: 30 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Supplement to Global Scenarios to 2025
Supply Chain Synergies
Sustainability and change process
Sustainable and equal cities in Latin America and the Caribbean: Six key messages
Sustainable Communities and the Great Transition
Sustainable Densification- Buraidah: Integrated Neighbourhood
Sustainable development 20 years on from the earth summit: progress, gaps and strategic guidelines for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Sustainable Economy in 2040: A Roadmap for Capital Markets
Sustainable energy management and the built environment: final project report
Sustainable Health Systems - Visions, Strategies, Critical Uncertainties and Scenarios
Sustainable Intensification: A New Paradigm for African Agriculture
Sustainable Land Transport Indicators on Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in ASEAN
Sustaining Good Governance in Water and Sanitation in Uganda
Tackling Obesities: Future Choices - Food Chain Industries' Perspectives on the Future
Tackling Obesities: Future Choices - Future Trends in Technology and their Impact on Obesity
Tackling Obesities: Future Choices - Modelling Future Trends in Obesity and the Impact on Health
Tackling obesities: future choices - project report (2nd edition)
Tackling obesities: Future choices – Obesogenic environments
Tackling Obesities: Future Choices – Visualising the Future: Scenarios to 2050
Tackling Obesities: Future Choices One-Year Review
Tackling Obesities: The Foresight Report and Implications for Local Government
Taiwan's Security Future: How Domestic Politics Impact Taipei’s Defense
Targeting and Universalism in Poverty Reduction
Teacher networks. Today's and tomorrow's challenges and opportunities for the teaching profession
Tech Panics, Generative AI, and the Need for Regulatory Caution
Tech Trends 2022
Technological change and labour market trends in Latin America and the Caribbean: a task content approach
Technology and digitalisation: An analysis of trends, future directions and potential missions to addresss societal challenges in Norway
Technology and Innovation 2025
Technology and innovation futures 2017
Technology and innovation futures: UK growth opportunities for the 2020s (2010)
Technology and innovation futures: UK growth opportunities for the 2020s (2012 refresh)
Technology and Innovation in Financial Services: Scenarios to 2020 - Preface and Executive Summary
Technology and Innovation in World Agriculture: Prospects for 2010-2019
Technology and the future of work in emerging economies
Technology and U.S. Competetive Success
Technology Forecast: Unleashing enterprise mobility
Technology forecasting of new clean energy: The example of hydrogen energy and fuel cell
Technology foresight: types and methods
Technology Futures: Projecting the Possible, Navigating What's Next
Technology Radar: Global Views on Strategic Technologies
Technology Roadmapping as a foresight instrument
Technology, globalisation and the future of work in Europe: Essays on employment in a digitised economy
Technology: Governing the Ungovernable?
Telco 2015: five telling years, four future scenarios presentation
Telco 2015: five telling years, four future scenarios report
Ten more technologies which could change our lives
Ten opportunities for Europe post-coronavirus: Exploring potential for progress in EU policy-making
Ten technologies which could change our lives: potential impacts and policy implications
TEN Telecom Guidelines Status Review
The 5th Science and Technology Foresight (2016-2040)
The 6th Science and Technology Foresight (2021-2045)
The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals: An opportunity for Latin America and the Caribbean. Goals, Targets and Global Indicators
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the new global and regional context: Scenarios and projections in the current crisis
The Africa Water Vision for 2025: Equitable and Sustainable Use of Water for Socioeconomic Development
The ASEAN – ASEAN Youth : Powering the Future with Innovation
The ASEAN Protocol of Cross-Border Contact Tracing and Rapid Outbreak Investigation
The ASEAN Toolkit on Sustainable Consumption
The Authentic Tourist: A Journey Through Africa in 2030
The Base Case of International Futures (IFs): Comparison with Other Forecasts
The Bioecological Model of Human Development
The Book Industry Strategy Group Scenarios
The Bookends Scenarios
The cars we'll be driving in the world of 2050
The Case Against a U.S. Carbon Tax
The case for negative emissions. A call for immediate action.
The Century Ahead: Searching for Sustainability
The Changing Nature of Work
The Cost of Non-Europe, Revisited
The COVID-19 crisis and the structural problems of Latin America and the Caribbean: responding to the emergency with a long-term perspective
The decarbonization of gas in the Southern Cone of South America
The Decent Work Agenda in Africa: 2007–2015
The demand for cash: stylized facts and substitution by electronic means of payment
The development of population projections for the Turks and Caicos Islands 2012-2027
The Digital Future of Brain Health
The digital hospital of the future
The Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020-2030)
The dynamics and trends of employment in Kenya
The E books Future - Technological Transformation of the Reading and Publishing Experience
The economic state of Latinos in America: The American dream deferred
The economics of climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean: Paradoxes and challenges of sustainable development
The Effect of Language on Economic Behavior: Evidence from Savings Rates, Health Behaviors, and Retirement Assets
The Effects Of Climate Change On Marine Biodiversity In South Africa
The Engagement of Member States in Forward Looking Activities at EU-level
The EU and North Africa
The EU Needs to Reform the GDPR To Remain Competitive in the Algorithmic Economy
The Euro’s Difficult Future
The European Economic and Social Committee in 2040
The Evolution and Future of Mobile Communication Systems
The Evolution of US and European Monetary Policy after Bretton Woods - A Historical Overview and Lessons for the Future
The Extractive Resource Industry in Tanzania
The extreme future of megacities
The festschrift tradition in African literature: Its implications for the future of African literary criticism
The Five Capitals
The Future and Crime: Challenges for Law Enforcement
The Future Availability of Natural Resources
The Future Can't Wait: Over-the-Horizon Views on Development
The Future Climate for Development: Scenarios for Low Income Countries
The Future Customer Experience: 5 Essential Trends
The future evolution of civil society in the European Union by 2030
The Future is Not Good Enough: Business As Usual After 2015
The Future Is Now: Putting Scenarios for Peace Operations in 2025 in Today’s Operational Context
The future of additive manufacturing - 3D printing
The future of African oil and gas: positioning for the energy transition
The Future of Agriculture in Africa
The Future of AI
The future of air travel - Arup
The Future of Airports and Real Estate Opportunities
The Future of Anti-Terrorism Technologies
The Future of Arctic Cooperation in a Changing Strategic Environment
The Future of Asia - India's Asia Policy
The Future of Asia: Forces of Change and Potential Surprises
The Future of Asia: Forces of Change and Potential Surprises - Supplementary Report
The future of asset management
The Future of Australian Logistics and our Cities
The future of banking: Time to rethink business models
The future of Big Data
The future of buildings will be healthy - Arup
The Future of Capital Markets Trading
The Future of Cities, Information, and Inclusion
The future of citizen data systems
The Future of Cocoa and Chocolate in Peru 2030
The Future of Cohesion Policy
The Future of Cohesion Policy: Report II
The Future of Conflict in an Age of Climate Extremes
The future of consumer markets
The Future of Content: Southeast Asia
The Future of Cooling in China: Delivering on action plans for sustainable air conditioning
The future of crop protection in europe
The Future of Customs in the eu 2040
The Future of Cybercrime in Light of Technology Developments
The Future of Democracy in the Face of Climate Change
The future of digital currency is here
The Future of Digital Spaces and Their Role in Democracy
The Future of eBooks? Will Print disappear? An end user perspective
The Future of Education. Trend Report 2015
The Future of Electricity in Fast-Growing Economies
The Future of Electricity: New Technologies Transforming the Grid Edge
The Future of Energy: 2035 - What will a future energy market look like?
The Future of Energy: green hydrogen transport
The future of energy: regulatory models for the energy system shift
The Future of Europe's Economy: Disaster or Deliverance?
The future of european companies in data economy
The future of European competitiveness – In-depth analysis and recommendations
The Future of european Long-Distance Transport - Scenario Report
The Future of Financial Markets and Regulation: What Strategy for Europe?
The Future of FinTech: A Paradigm Shift in Small business Finance
The Future of FinTech: A Paradigm Shift in Small Business Finance
The Future of Food and Farming: Challenges and choices for global sustainability
The Future of Food Security: An African Case Study
The Future of Food: are businesses on track to deliver a sustainable protein system by 2040?
The Future of Foresight in Innovation and Competitiveness
The Future of Global Poverty in a Multi-Speed World: New Estimates of Scale and Location, 2010–2030
The Future of Global Trade IN FOCUS: Between Multilateralism and Regionalism
The future of global value chains
The Future of Government 2030+ - A Citizen Centric Perspective on New Government Models
The Future of Government 2030+: A Citizen-Centric Perspective on New Government Models
The future of higher education - Arup
The Future of Higher Education: Beyond the Campus
The future of higher education: how technology will shape learning
The Future of Housing: Policy Scenarios
The Future of HR: Five Technology Imperatives
The Future of Humanitarian Response 2017
The Future of Humanity
The Future of Hydrogen - Seizing today's opportunities
The Future of Immigration: Four Paths
The Future of Indigenous Publishing in Africa
The Future of Innovation Management: The Next 10 Years
The Future of International Trade and Investment (ESPAS Ideas Paper)
The future of intrastate conflict in Africa More violence or greater peace?
The Future of Japan: Reigniting productivity and growth
The Future of Jobs
The Future of Jobs and Skills in Africa Preparing the Region for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Future of Jobs and Skills in Africa: Preparing the Region for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Future of Jobs and Skills in the Middle East and North Africa: Preparing the Region for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Future of Jobs Report 2018
The Future of Jobs Report 2018
The Future of Jobs: Employment, Skills and Workforce Strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Future of Knowledge Creation: Visioning a Capacity Revolution - a Futures Literacy Workshop
The Future of Languages of Kenya: Adopting the Principles of Environmental Conservation
The Future of Latin America and the Caribbean in the Context of the Rise of China
The Future of Learning & Development: Trends, Topics & Tools to Stay Ahead of the Curve
The Future of Learning and Training: Environmental Scan
The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age
The Future of Learning Objects
The Future of Learning: Preparing for Change
The Future of Learning: Preparing for Change
The Future of Manufacturing: Driving Capabilities, Enabling Investments
The Future of Media: A New Framework for Valuing Content
The Future of Mining in Latin America: Critical Minerals and the Global Energy Transition
The future of mobility and Maas
The Future of Mobility and Migration Within and From Sub- Saharan Africa
The Future of Mobility Scenarios for China in 2030
The future of mobility: Urban air - Arup
The Future of Money - Presentation
The future of money: Smartphone swiping in the mobile age
The Future of NanoEnergy: Meeting the 21st Century Challenge
The Future of Nature and business Policy Companion
The Future of News Report
The Future of Nuclear Power in China
The Future of Pensions and Healthcare in a Rapidly Ageing World: Scenarios to 2030
The Future of Philanthropy - Towards a global society realising the love for humanity
The future of philosophy
The Future of Power
The future of procurement
The Future of Productivity
The Future of Professional Services Firms: A View from 2025
The Future of Protein-The Protein Challenge 2040: Shaping the future of food
The Future of Publishing: A Report on Innovation and the Future of the Book
The Future of Rail: Opportunities for energy and the environment
The Future of Research and the Research Library
The future of retail banking: Platforms will increasingly occupy the customer interface
The Future of Risk: New Game, New Rules
The Future of Science and Technology and Pro-poor applications
The Future of Sense-making
The Future of Shale
The future of shopping and social commerce
The Future of Skills: Employment in 2030
The Future of Smart Payments
The Future Of South African Coal: Market, Investment, And Policy Challenges
The Future of Space Exploration and Human Habitation
The Future of Sustainability: Looking Back to Go Forward
The Future of the European Budget - What does the Commission's White Paper mean for EU Finances?
The Future of The Future and Emerging Technologies (FET), a possible nucleus for the European Innovation Council
The Future of the Global Financial System A Near-Term Outlook and Long-Term Scenarios
The future of the global food system
The future of the global minerals and metals sector: issues and challenges out to 2050
The Future of the Public's Health
The Future of the Travel Industry – Scenarios for 2020
The Future of the University: A Perspective from the Oort Cloud
The future of the urban campus - Arup
The Future of the WTO
The Future of Trade: The Challenges of Convergence
The Future of Truth and Misinformation Online
The Future of Universities: New Dynamics for Development
The future of urban agriculture in Singapore
The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World
The Future of Urban Development Initiative: Dalian and Zhangjiakou Champion City Strategy
The Future of Urban Development Initiative: Tianjin Champion City Strategy
The Future of Urban Water
The Future of US Extended Deterrence in Asia to 2025
The Future of Warfare (ESPAS Ideas Paper)
The future of water security in South Africa and SADC
The Future of Weaponized Unmanned Systems: Challenges and Opportunities
The Future of Well-Being in a Tech-Saturated World
The Future of Women’s Work in Africa
The Future of Work - A Guide for Transatlantic Policymakers
The Future of Work 2050
The future of work and the Afro-descendant population in Latin America in the framework of COVID-19 and the transformative recovery with equality
The future of work in America: People and places, today and tomorrow
The Future of Work, Artificial Intelligence, and Digital Government: Policy Perspectives for Asia
The future of work: A hybrid work model
The Future of Work: Robots Cooking Free Lunches?
The Future of Work: Switzerland's Digital Opportunity
The Future of Work: What It Means for Individuals, Businesses, Markets and Governments
The future of work? Work of the future!
The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050
The Future Security Environment, 2001–2025: Toward a Consensus View
The future tourism mobility of the world population: Emission growth versus climate policy
The Future-Ready University
The Futures of Low-Carbon Society: Climate Change and Strategy for Economies in APEC Beyond 2050
The GCC in 2020: Resources for the future
The Geneva Scenarios on Global Economic Governance 2020
The Global Atmospheric Environment for the Next Generation
The Global Climate Change Regime and Its Impacts on South Africa 's Trade and Competitiveness: A Data Note on South Africa 's Exports
The Global eBook Market: Current Conditions & Future Projections
The Global Economy in 2030: Trends and Strategies for Europe
The global future of nuclear energy
The Global Legal Environment and its Future Four Scenarios
The global obesity pandemic: shaped by global drivers and local environments
The Global Risks Report 2016
The Global Security Environment: Emerging Trends and Potential Challenges
The Global Technology Revolution 2020, Executive Summary: Bio/Nano/Information Trends, Drivers, Barriers, and Social Implications
The Global Technology Revolution 2020, In-Depth Analyses
The Global Technology Revolution 2020, In-Depth Analyses: Bio/Nano/Materials/Information Trends, Drivers, Barriers, and Social Implications
The Global Technology Revolution China, Executive Summary
The Global Technology Revolution China, In-depth Analysis
The Google Book Search Settlement: Ends, Means, and the Future of Books
The Great Transition Today: A Report from the Future
The Green Party of Kenya Manifesto 2030
The Health Tourist - Searching for the Fountain of Youth in Incredible India
The Human Core of the SSPs: Population Scenarios by Age, Sex and Level of Education for all Countries to 2100
The Impact of Climate Change of the Water Sector in the Caribbean
The impact of foresight on innovation policy-making: recent experiences and future perspectives
The Impact of New and Emerging Technologies on the Cyber Threat Landscape and Their Implications for NATO
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism sector in Latin America and the Caribbean, and options for a sustainable and resilient recovery
The Inefficiency of Inequality
The Innovation Landscape and Government's Future Role
The Innovative Use of Mobile Applications in East Africa
The Inventions of African Identities and Languages: The Discursive and Developmental Implications
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the World: Scenarios to 2025
The Lights in the Tunnel - Automation, Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future
The Long View: Scenarios for the World Economy to 2060
The Meta Trending Trends: 2022 - Top 14 Overlapping Cultural Trends From 40+ Reports
The Metaverse in 2040
The Mining Sector Innovation Strategies Implementation Plan 2012/13–2016/17
The Miscellaneous Tariff Bill: A Blueprint for Future Trade Expansion
The Mobile Scenario Presenter: Integrating Contextual Inquiry and Structured Walkthroughs
The Mont Fleur Scenarios
The Nature of Problem Solving: Using Research to Inspire 21st Century Learning
The Net-Zero Transition: What it would cost, what it could bring
The New (Dis)Orders: Envisioning the Complex Futures of Geopolitics
The New Plastics Economy: Rethinking the future of plastics
The New Urban Agenda- Illustrated
The Next Generation of Emerging Global Challenges
The next normal in construction: How disruption is reshaping the world's larget ecosystem
The Next Production Revolution - Implications for Governments and Business
The nutrition transition: worldwide obesity dynamics and their determinants
The Obesity Epidemic: Analysis of Past and Projected Future Trends in Selected OECD Countries
The OECD Scenarios for the Future of Schooling
The Oil Market to 2030 - Implications for Investment and Policy
The Operators and Their Future: The State of Play and Their Emerging Business Models
The pact for the future
The Passionates: Values and Emotions Will Shape the Future of Business
The Past, Present, and Future of the Antiquarian Book Trade
The People’s Republic of China and Latin America: the impact of Chinese economic growth on Latin American exports
The Personal Futures Workbook
The Police and the Military: Future Challenges and Opportunities in Public Safety
The Political Economy of Food Security in North Africa
The Political Economy of Regional Integration in Southern Africa
The political economy of the fiscal deficit in nineteenthcentury Chile
The Predictive Content of Commodity Futures
The Present and Future Growth of Scholarly Publishing in Africa
The price of success, the benefit of setbacks: Alternative futures of EU-Ukraine relations
The prolongation of the health crisis and its impact on health, the economy and social development
The Protein Challenge 2040: A Roadmap to the Future of Protein
The resource outlook to 2050: By how much do land, water use and crop yields need to increase by 2050?
The restaurant of the future: A vision evolves
The rights of children of African descent in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Rise of 3D-Printed Firearms
The Road from 2018 to 2035: business Models
The SADC 2015 Scenarios
The season of revolution: the Arab Spring and European mobilizations
The Significance of Futures Intelligence Capacity in realising the African Dream
The Silver Lining: Opportunities in ageing Asia
The social contract in the 21st century: Outcomes so far for workers, consumers, and savers in advanced economies
The State of Data Innovation in the EU
The Sustainable Goals Development Report 2022
The time-value of carbon
The United Arab Emirates and the World: Scenarios to 2025
The United States and Future Bosnias
The University of the Future: Perspectives for Tanzania
The Urban Bio-loop
The Urban Future: Enclosed Neighbourhoods?
The use of high-frequency indicators in short-term forecasting models: The case of Latin American and Caribbean countries
The use of technology and innovative approaches in disaster and risk management: a characterization of Caribbean countries’ experiences
The Wider Context of Space Exploration: A Futurist's Perspective
The Wisdom of Nature: An Evolutionary Heuristic for Human Enhancement
The World Economy in 2050: a Tentative Picture
The world in 2025
The World in 2025 - Contributions from an expert group
The World in 2040: The future of healthcare, mobility, travel and the home
The World in 2050: Implications of Global Growth for Carbon Emissionsand climate change policy
The world of 2030: risks and opportunities for Latin America
The Youth Research Compendium
The Zimbabwe Economic: How has it survived and how will it recover?
Their Future is Our Future: Youth as Actors of Change
Thinking About The Future: The Value Of Scenario Planning
Thinking about Tomorrow Today: An Introduction to Using Foresight in SA
Thinking MENA Futures: The Next Five Years and Beyond
Thoughts on the future of human evolution
Three Biotechnology-Related Scenarios for Gauteng
Three Biotechnology-Related Scenarios for the Eastern Cape
Three Educational Scenarios for the Future: lessons from the sociology of knowledge
Three Global Water Scenarios
Three HR Strategies for Managing AI Disruption
Timing and future consequences of the peak of oil production
Tipping Point: Near-Term Systemic Implications of a Peak in Global Oil Production - An Outline Review
Tipping Point: Near-Term Systemic Implications of a Peak in Global Oil Production - An Outline Review
Tomorrow’s Healthy Society: Research Priorities for Foods and Diets
Tomorrow's Tourist: Fluid and Simple Identities
Top 10 Emerging Technologies 2019
Tourism 2023
Tourism and recreation - AEO2 Chapter3
Tourism Education Futures - 2010-2030
Tourism in the Mediterranean: Scenarios up to 2030
Towards a fair and sustainable Europe 2050
Towards a more resilient Europe post-coronavirus: An initial mapping of structural risks facing the EU
Towards a more sustainable growth model? An introduction to the national debate "Quelle France dans 10 ans?"
Towards a new pact for Europe
Towards a Post-Carbon Society
Towards a Vision for the Urban Land Sector in South Africa by 2020
Towards a Vision of the Urban Land Sector in South Africa by 2020: Interventions and Future Scenario
Towards Integration of Innovation Systems and Foresight Research in Firms and Corporations
Towards new learning networks
Towards Reference Modelling of Mobile Scenarios in the Wireless World
Towards Vision 2050
Trade and development report 2024 overview : rethinking development in the age of discontent
Trade Integration in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons for Malawian Trade Policy
Transboundary Disaster Risk Assessment and Scenario Planning for Tropical Cyclones and Droughts in the ASEAN Region
Transformative Rail: The issues shaping the future of the industry
Transforming cities: Visions of a better future
Transforming healthcare with AI
Transforming Infrastructure: Frameworks for Bringing the Fourth Industrial Revolution to Infrastructure
Transforming the future: anticipation in the 21st century
Transitional Justice and Human Rights in the 21st Century
Transportation & Logistics 2030: Volume 2 Transport infrastructure — Engine or hand brake for global supply chains?
Transportek Foresight Study
Transprudentiality: Complementary Ecosociopsychonomies - Why Capitalism Needs Them
Travel and tourism in 2020 - Prepared by the Future Foundation: The Key Drivers
Travel in Britain in 2035: Future scenarios and their implications for technology
Travel in Britain in 2035: Future scenarios and their implications for technology innovation
Tree of Humanity awarded to African Game Changers once again
Trend compendium 2030
Trends and Global Forces: Selected articles from the Strategy and Corporate Finance Practice
Trends in adolescent motherhood and fertility and related inequalities in the Caribbean 1990-2010
Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
Trends in diversification of post-secondary education
Trends in Global Higher Education: Tracking an Academic Revolution
Trends in the mining and metals industry
Trends in water and agricultural development
Trends Shaping Education 2019
Tribes of Future Past
Triple Threats for the Human Future: Will Civilization Arrive?
Troubled waters: a snapshot of security challenges in the Mediterranean region
Trust / 2030
Trust at Risk: Implications for EU Policies and Institutions
Turning the Page: The Future of eBooks
Two futures and how to reconcile them
U.S. Economic Outlook: First Half 2020
U.S. Economic Outlook: Quarterly developments
U.S. Economic Outlook: Quarterly developments
U.S. Economic Outlook: Third Quarter 2019
U.S. Nuclear Modernization Urgently Needed to Advance Capabilities
U.S. Views of Technology and the Future
U.S.-China Relations for the 2030s: Toward a Realistic Scenario for Coexistence
UAE's Fourth Industrial Revolution strategy
Uganda - Secondary Cities
UK Real Estate View - BTR Rent Projections 2020-24
UK Strategy for the High North
Unbridled liberalism and a pandemic: at a crossroads between techno authoritarianism and a new social order
Uncertainities in Predicting Tourist Flows Under Scenarios of climate Change
Uncertainty, Risk and Possible Futures of Global Water Systems
Understanding the Cycle: Childhood Maltreatment and Future Crime
Understanding the drivers of the youth labour market in Kenya
UNDP RBAP Foresight Playbook
Unexpected Developments in International Politics. Foresight Contributions 2018
Unexpected, Unforeseen, Unplanned Scenarios of International Foreign and Security Policy
Unfair Trade or Unfair Protection? The Evolution and Abuse of Section 301
United Nations survey on Latin American and Caribbean youth within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
United States economic outlook: Inflation trends post COVID-19
Unlocking and retaining green jobs in the alien vegetation added value supply chain through industrial symbiosis: Case Study on wood pellets
Unlocking Green Jobs in South Africa
Unplug Africa
Update of Analysis of Prospects in the Scenar 2020 study. Preparing for change
Upside-Down Urbanism
Urban Africa — Challenges and Opportunities for Planning at a Time of Climate Change
Urban Air Mobility Landscape Report: Initial Examination of a New Air Transportation System
Urban Air Mobility: Simulating the sounds of future cities
Urban Future with a Purpose 12 Trends Shaping the Future of Cities
Urban Futures 2030: Urban Development and Urban Lifestyles of the Future
Urban growth, climate change, and freshwater availability
Urban Population, Development and Environment Dynamics
Urban Regeneration as a tool for inclusive and sustainable recovery- report on the Expert Group Meeting
Urban sustainability in developing countries’ megacities: modelling and predicting future urban growth in Lagos
Urban world: Mapping the economic power of cities
Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for sustainability
Urbanization, Unemployment, and Migration in Africa: Theory and Policy
Urbanizing Asia and Green Urban Growth
using foresight methods to adapt development co-operation for the future
Using foresight to support the next strategic programming period of Horizon 2020 (2016-2018)
Utilization of Scenarios in European Electricity Policy: The Ten-Year Network Development Plan
V-Gathering Futures Festival
Video might kill the radio star: Digitalisation and the future of banking
Vision 2021: United in Ambition and Determination
Vision 2050 - The new agenda for business
Vision 2050:An Integrated National Transportation System
Visión Guatemala1998-2000: Building Bridges of Trust
Vision: the future of AI and Tech
Visions of the Internet in 2035
Voices from the Future Creating the Scene in 2018
Volatile Years: Transnational Terrorism in 2027
Walking and Cycling in Africa- Evidence and Good Practice to Inspire Action
War and Peace Scenarios in Northern Uganda
Was Buenos Aires the Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning? The Future of the World Trade Organization
Water Facts and Trends
Water Resources Planning and Management in the Olifants Basin of South Africa: Past, Present and Future
Water Scenarios for the Zambezi River Basin, 2000 – 2050
Water, Environment and Sustainable Development in North Africa
We Don't Need to Double Food Production by 2050, Says New Study
Weak Signals in Organizational Futures
Weathering the Perfect Storm: lessons learnt on the ASEAN’s response to the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan
Western Options in a Multipolar World
What are the implications of the global crisis and its aftermath for developing countries, 2010 - 2020?
What Does the Future Hold for SACU? From Own Goal to Laduma! Scenarios
What If Governments and Companies Are Challenged in Courts over Alleged Inaction on Climate Change?
What If - Consumers Took More Extreme Measures to Help Drive Sustainable Behaviour?
What If - Self-Driving Vehicles Were the New Mass Transit Solution for Cities?
What If - the Internet of Things Facilitated the Development of a Circular Economy?
What If - the Public Infrastructure Became Smart?
What if ... Conceivable crises: unpredictable in 2017, unmanageable in 2020?
What if....? Scanning the horizon: 12 scenarios for 2021
What is the EU’s role in implementation of the Global Compact for Migration?
What is the future of e-books?
What is the future of work in agri-food?
What Private Capital Cannot Do Alone: The Future of Global Infrastructure Development
What Scenarios for farming and food systems in the world in 2050?
What Should Policymakers Do about Climate Change
What Tyranny of Numbers: Inside Mutahi Ngunyi's Numerology
What We Will Eat in the Future
What will the internet look like in 2040?
What Will the Tourist Be Doing in 2030?
What’s driving Africa’s growth
When Everything is Programmable Forecast and Technology Cards
When the Global Crisis and Youth Bulge Collide: Double the Jobs Trouble for Youth
When will hydrogen become a cost-competitive industry?
White Paper on the future of Europe
WHO global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco use : 2000–2030
Who Is Winning the AI Race: China, the EU or the United States?
Who Is Winning the AI Race: China, the EU, or the United States? — 2021 Update
Why no peace has come, yet: The impact of gender issues on Western education and schooling
Why strategic foresight matters for Africa
Why Subsidize the Soapbox? The McCain Free Airtime Proposal and the Future of Broadcasting
Why the rich always stay rich (no matter what, no matter the cost)
WIDER Working Paper: Black Cat, White Cat- Lessons to be Learned from ASEAN
Will India get too hot to work?
Will Major Cities Continue to Shape Global Economic Governance?
WiMAX Forum WiMAX™ Technology Forecast (2007-2012)
Window on the Future: 2025 Projections of Education Attainment and its Impact
Wold Energy Issues Monitor 2018
Women and Alternative Futures
Women’s autonomy in changing economic scenarios
Work for a brighter future
Work/Technology 2050: Scenarios and Actions
Workforce of the future: The competing forces shaping 2030
World agriculture towards 2030/2050. The 2012 revision
World and European Energy and Environment Transition Outlook
World cities report 2022 : envisaging the future of cities
World Cities Report 2022- Envisageing Future Cities
World development report 2012: gender equality and development outline
World employment and social outlook : trends 2015
World employment and social outlook : trends 2017
World employment and social outlook : trends 2018
World employment and social outlook : trends 2019
World employment and social outlook : trends for women 2017
World employment and social outlook 2016 : trends for youth
World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2024
World Energy Investment Outlook
World Energy Scenarios 2017 | Regional Perspective for Sub-Saharan Africa
World Energy Scenarios: Composing Energy Futures to 2050
World Energy Scenarios:Composing energy futures to 2050
World Energy Technology Outlook – WETO H2
World energy, technology and climate policy outlook - WETO 2030
World food trends and prospects to 2025
World Lines: Pathways, Pivots and the Global Future
World social protection report 2020-22 : social protection at the crossroads – in pursuit of a better future
World Social Protection Report 2024-26: Universal social protection for climate action and a just transition
World social report 2023 : leaving no one behind in an ageing World
World Tourism in 2030
World trade report 2013 : factors shaping the future of world trade
World trade report 2014 : trade and development : recent trends and the role of the WTO
World trade report 2018 : the future of world trade : how digital technologies are transforming global commerce
World trade report 2019 : the future of services trade
World trade report 2023 : re-globalization for a secure, inclusive and sustainable future
World trade: possible futures
World Urbanization Prospects
World Water and Food to 2025: Dealing with Scarcity
World Water in 2025
World Water Resources and Regional Vulnerability: Impact of Future Changes
World Youth Report 2011
Worldwide trends in childhood overweight and obesity
Worldwide trends in childhood overweight and obesity
Would a Financial Transaction Tax Affect Financial Market Activity? Insights from Futures Markets
WWScenarios: Driving Forces and Five Stylized Scenarios
Youth 21: Building an Architecture for Youth Engagement in the UN System
Youth Employment Interventions in Africa
Youth in the Middle East and North Africa: Demographic Opportunity or Challenge?
Zimbabwe in 2010: A Short Guide to the Future
Zimbabwe in 2011-12: Political Scenario Mapping
Zimbabwe: A Pre-election Overview and Recovery Scenarios 2005
Zimbabwe: Election Scenarios
Last modified: 2023/07/26 18:15 by
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